332 research outputs found
Mdgs as an Instrument of Hegemony: a New Type of Hegemonic Transformative for Vanishing Plurality of Resistence Movements in Indonesia
Since 1990s, development discourse has been focused into the fulfillment of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). With the help from western countries, International development agencies and International financial institutions, MDGs have raised its popularity in developing country and steering the development agenda of developing country. The increase in the use of MDGs as a development goal in developing country, however, can not be seen solely as a triumph of liberal development approach on how developing country solve their own development problems. It can also be seen as (ones again) a winning of liberal hegemonic system in the battle for hegemony over its opponents. Hence, the story so far is still the same: developing country is in the hand of developed country
Meningkatkan Produksi Kacang Tanah Lahan Alfisol dengan Menanam Varietas Toleran
Di Indonesia sebagian besar kacang tanah ditanam di tanah Alfisol, dan sering dihadapkan pada masalah ketersediaan dan ketidak-seimbangan hara. Karakteristik alkalis tanah Alfisol sering menjadi kendala peningkatan produksi kacang tanah karena terjadinya kahat Fe. Tidak semua varietas yang sudah dilepas beradaptasi baik di lingkungan Alfisol alkalis, varietas rentan terhadap kadar Fe rendah akan menderita klorosis dan kehilangan hasil bisa mencapai lebih dari 40%. Sampaidengan tahun 2004, di Indonesia telah dilepas sedikitnya 29 varietas unggul kacang tanah dengan berbagai tipe dan karakter, tetapi belum dapat menjawab permasalahan untuk tanah Alfisol. Penggunaan varietas yang diketahui toleran Alfisol alkalis merupakan salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan hasil. Balitkabi telah menghasilkan beberapa varietas kacang tanah baru seperti Kancil, Bison, Domba, dan Turangga yang diketahui mampu beradaptasi dengan baik. Di samping itu, beberapa galur harapan seperti K/PI 405132-90-B1-2-57, K/PI390595//K-90-B-54, ICGV 88252/LM-92-B-4, K/PI298115-90-B-16 dan ICGV 87055 ditengarai prospektif untuk lahan Alfisol. Kajian di beberapa lokasi menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan varietas/galur toleran meningkatkan hasil 25β52%, nyata lebih tinggi dibanding lokal setempat
Nationalism in Danger: a Risk of Implementing Governance in Unequal Power Relation
The idea of governance has successfully gained its popularity in Indonesia. The government, private enterprises and society welcome and embrace the idea of governance as a final solution to maintain development. In this paper, it is argued that the implementation of governance can not guarantee the fulfillment of society's interest due to the existence of unequal power relation embedded in country's political environment. The concept of Governance, moreover, can be claimed as an imperialist instrument since this concept has strong interconnection with neo liberal agenda. Indeed, Governance as new imperialism will reduce nationalism
The Competence Readiness of the Electrical Engineering Vocational High School Teachers in Manado Towards the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint in 2025
This paper presents the competence readiness of the electrical engineering vocational high school teachers in Manado towards ASEAN Economic Community blueprint in 2025. The objective of this study is to get the competencies readiness description of the electrical engineering vocational high school teachers in Manado towards ASEAN Economic Community blueprint in 2025. Method used quantitative and qualitative approach which the statistical analysis in quantitative and the inductive analysis used in qualitative. There were 46 teachers of the electrical engineering vocational high school in Manado observed. The results have shown that the competencies readiness of the electrical engineering vocational high school teachers in Manado such as: pedagogical, professional, personality, and social were 13.04%, 19.56%, 19.56%, and 19.56% respectively. The results were still far from the focus of the ASEAN economic community blueprint in 2025, so they need to be improved through in-house training, internship programs, school partnerships, distance learning, tiered training and special training, short courses in educational institutions, internal coaching by schools, discussion of educational issues, workshops, research and community service, textbook writing, learning media making, and the creation of technology and art
Effectiveness Wound Care Using Modern Dressing Method to Diabetic Wound Healing Process of Patient with Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes mellitus causes a lot of various complaints and complications. One of the most serious and most common complications is diabetic ulcers. Prevention of diabetic ulcer complications can be done with comprehensive wound care. The Appropriate wound care management can prevent amputation. One of a method of wound care that can accelerate the wound healing process is modern dressing wounds. This researched aim to analyze the effectiveness of wound care using modern dressing method to the diabetes mellitus patients. The research design was pre-experimental one group pre-test post-test with 15 samples.Γβ The data analyzed using Paired T-test. The result of data analysis using Paired T-test with significance level of 5% obtained ΓΓ = 0,000 and the average value of wound development before and after wound treatment using modern dressing method has decrease from 39,67toΓβ 29,93 because wound care with modern dressing method make environment of wound is moist so that capitalization and granulation process growth up be faster. So it can be concluded that there is an effect of wound care using modern dressing method to the wound healing process with diabetes mellitus
Assessment of Groundnut Varietal Tolerant to Aflatoxin Contamination in Indonesia
AbstractAflatoxin is secondary metabolite produced by Aspergillus flavus and A. paraciticus that grow on the seed coat (testa) of groundnut. This toxin is a serious food safety issue throughout the world. The availability of resistant genotype to A. flavus infection and/or aflatoxin contamination urgently needed. The experiment found one genotype had aflatoxin contamination under the safe level (β€ 10 ppb), with <15% of seed number infected by A. flavus. Recently, the biggest peanut industry, where the main production is roasted-peanut (in shell) produced from fresh pods, grows and develops that variety
The Effect of Organic Fertilizer and Liquid Complementary Fertilizer on The Seed Growing Medium from Topsoil
In coal mine reclamation activities, topsoil is generally used as the top layer on the reclamation land surface and the primary material in the growing medium for reclamation plant seeds due to its abundant availability. Topsoil generally has a low fertility rate because the soil layers between horizons have been mixed. Improvement of topsoil quality can be performed by adding organic fertilizers. This study aimed to identify the effect of organic fertilizers, liquid complementary fertilizers (LCF), and their interactions on selected soil's chemical properties from the topsoil used as a seed growing medium. This study used a factorial completely randomized design (CRD) with two factors, consisting of organic fertilizer factors (guano phosphate, Subur Ijo, vermicompost) and LCF factors (IMO, liquid smoke, Vermiwash). The results showed that the independent treatment of organic fertilizers and LCF had a very significant effect on pH. The independent treatment of organic fertilizers had a very significant effect on organic C and Total K. Meanwhile, the interaction between the two treatments had a very significant effect on the Total N and Total P of the growing media. The addition of organic fertilizers and LCF can improve topsoil quality to be used as a medium for growing media
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