5 research outputs found

    Issues in developing programmes to support teachers of philology in using ICT in Greek schools : a case study

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    This paper reports on a case study of an in-service teacher-training programme for Greek philology teachers, from 2002 to 2003, which was designed to develop the use of information and communications technologies in their teaching. It draws on questionnaires and interviews with 34 teachers who took part in the training. In addition, the three trainers who led the sessions, 10 head teachers from the schools in which the teachers worked and three programme designers were also interviewed. A holistic picture of the programme was formed by comparing and contrasting the views of different "stakeholders" in the programme. It was found that the programme had some impact on developing teachers' information technology skills and knowledge of information and communications technologies as a curricular tool, but the programme had very limited impact on classroom practice. The reasons for this lack of impact included curriculum constraints, lack of time, lack of support and inadequate access to technology. The programme is discussed in the context of the structural difficulties in promoting change in highly centralised educational systems. (Contains 2 figures and 1 table.

    Kvalita služeb zákazníkům na B2B trhu z pohledu odběratele

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    The importance of services for companies is significant and still increasing. Customers expect fulfilment of their requirements concerning not only the product, but also the quality of services relating to this product. The core of competitiveness is thus moving from the product itself to the supplier abilities created by the entire supply system with a dynamic structure. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the specific needs of each single customer concerning services within the entire supply system. On the basis of a comparison of the outcomes of a targeted literature review and an analysis of evaluation of the service quality by the customers purchasing products of a selected company, the paper identifies the deciding parameters and methods of customer service quality assessment in the B2B market from the buyer’s perspective.Zákazníci očekávají splnění svých požadavků nejen na výrobek, ale také na služby s ním spojené a na jejich kvalitu. Těžiště konkurenceschopnosti se tak přesouvá z výrobků samotných na dodavatelské schopnosti, vytvářené celým dodavatelským systémem s dynamickou strukturou. Je tedy nutné pochopit specifické potřeby každého zákazníka/odběratele na služby v celém dodavatelském systému. V článku jsou, na základě komparace výsledků cílené literární rešerše a analýzy hodnocení kvality služeb odběrateli produktů vybraného podniku, identifikovány rozhodující parametry a způsoby hodnocení kvality služeb zákazníkům na B2B trhu z pohledu odběratele

    Government Expenditures and Economic Growth in Europe: The Contribution of Public Expenditures to the Lisbon Strategy (Staatsausgaben Und Wirtschaftswachstum in Europa: Der Beitrag Der Öffentlichen Ausgaben Zur Lissabon-Strategie)

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