66 research outputs found

    The studies of scale surface produced on outer diffusion layers

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    In this study at attempt was made to examine the scale formed on ferritic-austenitic duplex type steel subjected to previous thermochemical treatment. The treatment consisted in diffusion aluminising in a metallising mixture composed of Fe-Al powder. As an activator, ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) added in an amount of 2 wt.% was used. Then, both the base material and samples with the diffusiondeposited surface layers were oxidised at 1000°C in the air. Thus formed scales were identified by light microscopy, SEM and X-ray phase analysis. The aim of the oxidation tests carried out under isothermal conditions was to compare the scale morphology when obtained on untreated substrate material and on the surface layers rich in aluminium

    A Note on The Structure of Morphactin-Induced Wood in Two Coniferous Species

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    Anatomical features of vertically growing apical shoots of Pinus sylvestris L. and Picea excelsa Link, trees treated with 0.3% morphactin IT 3456 in lanolin paste were analyzed with light and scanning electron microscopes. These studies indicated that the wood formed above and at the area of treatment was morphologically similar to compression wood. Reasons for production of compression wood after treatment with morphactin in vertically growing shoots are discussed

    Epidemiology and Treatment Guidelines of Negative Symptoms in Schizo-phrenia in Central and Eastern Europe: A Literature Review

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    AIM: To gather and review data describing the epidemiology of schizophrenia and clinical guidelines for schizophrenia therapy in seven Central and Eastern European countries, with a focus on negative symptoms. Methods : A literature search was conducted which included publications from 1995 to 2012 that were indexed in key databases. Results : Reports of mean annual incidence of schizophrenia varied greatly, from 0.04 to 0.58 per 1,000 population. Lifetime prevalence varied from 0.4% to 1.4%. One study reported that at least one negative symptom was present in 57.6% of patients with schizophrenia and in 50-90% of individuals experiencing their first episode of schizophrenia. Primary negative symptoms were observed in 10-30% of patients. Mortality in patients with schizophrenia was greater than in the general population, with a standardized mortality ratio of 2.58-4.30. Reasons for higher risk of mortality in the schizophrenia population included increased suicide risk, effect of schizophrenia on lifestyle and environment, and presence of comorbidities. Clinical guidelines overall supported the use of second-generation antipsychotics in managing negative symptoms of schizophrenia, although improved therapeutic approaches are needed. Conclusion : Schizophrenia is one of the most common mental illnesses and poses a considerable burden on patients and healthcare resources alike. Negative symptoms are present in many patients and there is an unmet need to improve treatment offerings for negative symptoms beyond the use of second-generation antipsychotics and overall patient outcomes

    Metabolic control of embryonic dormancy in apple seed: seven decades of research

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    Software in a microcomputer system for measurements of characteristics

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    Pomiar charakterystyk badanego obiektu wymaga przeprowadzenia czynnego eksperymentu pomiarowego. Automatyzacja pomiarów wiąże się z koniecznością implementacji algorytmu realizującego proces sterowania eksperymentem. W artykule zostały przedstawione przykładowe aplikacje obrazujące różne zagadnienia występujące przy sterowaniu procesem pomiarowym.A measurement of the investigated object characteristics requires the realisation of an active measuring experiment. The automation of measurements is connected with the necessity of implementing the algorithm controlling activation signals, measurements, computations and presentation of the results. Two exemplary applications illustrating the most important problems connected with the control of such experiments are presented in the paper