963 research outputs found

    Proposal for teleportation of the wave function of a massive particle

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    We propose a scheme for teleporting an atomic center-of-mass wave function between distant locations. The scheme uses interactions in cavity quantum electrodynamics to facilitate a coupling between the motion of an atom trapped inside a cavity and external propagating light fields. This enables the distribution of quantum entanglement and the realization of the required motional Bell-state analysis.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Supervisors\u27 Perceptions of Specified Competencies in Selected Southeastern States

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    The problem of this study was to determine if differences existed in the supervisors\u27 perceptions of the importance of specified supervisory competencies. A list of thirty-six competencies which had been developed and validated by Ben M. Harris was adopted. Competencies were defined as any combination of knowledge and skill that is adequate for accomplishing some specified outcome. Included in the study were supervisors at the state department level in nine Southeastern states which were as follows: Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Forty supervisors at the state department level were randomly selected from each state. Thirty-six null hypotheses were formulated to be tested at the .05 level of significance. Each hypothesis concerned a specific competency. Competencies were grouped according to task area. The analysis of variance was used as the first step in data analysis. This yielded an F ratio which indicated whether or not a significant difference existed. If a significant difference was revealed a follow-up test was conducted to determine where specific differences lay. The Newman-Keuls procedure was used for this purpose. Significant differences were revealed in only eight of the thirty-six hypotheses tested which were concerned with the following competencies: (A-3) Developing and adapting curricula; (C-2) Recruiting and selecting personnel; (C-3) Assigning personnel; (F-3) Designing in-service training sessions; (F-4) Conducting in-service training sessions; (G-1) Informing the public; (H-1) Developing educational specifications; (I-4) Analyzing and interpreting data. Thus, the null hypothesis was rejected for hypotheses 3, 8, 9, 19, 20, 27, 30, and 36. Major conclusions indicated that generally supervisors from the nine states did not differ significantly. This was not consistent with the diversity of roles and perceptions of supervisors as proclaimed by the literature. Even when significant differences existed specific differences between states were minimal. The F probability in seventeen competencies exceeded the 0.2500 level which indicated little difference and possibly some correlation existed. Recommendations included future research in supervision, clarification of supervisory roles and job descriptions, and implications for universities with graduate programs in supervision

    Proposed realization of the Dicke-model quantum phase transition in an optical cavity QED system

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    The Dicke model describing an ensemble of two-state atoms interacting with a single quantized mode of the electromagnetic field (with omission of the Â^2 term) exhibits a zero-temperature phase transition at a critical value of the dipole coupling strength. We propose a scheme based on multilevel atoms and cavity-mediated Raman transitions to realize an effective Dicke model operating in the phase transition regime. Optical light from the cavity carries signatures of the critical behavior, which is analyzed for the thermodynamic limit where the number of atoms is very large

    Deviations from early--time quasilinear behaviour for the quantum kicked rotor near the classical limit

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    We present experimental measurements of the mean energy for the atom optics kicked rotor after just two kicks. The energy is found to deviate from the quasi--linear value for small kicking periods. The observed deviation is explained by recent theoretical results which include the effect of a non--uniform initial momentum distribution, previously applied only to systems using much colder atoms than ours

    Mimicking a Squeezed Bath Interaction: Quantum Reservoir Engineering with Atoms

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    The interaction of an atomic two-level system and a squeezed vacuum leads to interesting novel effects in atomic dynamics, including line narrowing in resonance fluorescence and absorption spectra, and a suppressed (enhanced) decay of the in-phase and out-of phase component of the atomic polarization. On the experimental side these predictions have so far eluded observation, essentially due to the difficulty of embedding atoms in a 4 pi squeezed vacuum. In this paper we show how to ``engineer'' a squeezed-bath-type interaction for an effective two-level system. In the simplest example, our two-level atom is represented by the two ground levels of an atom with angular momentum J=1/2 -> J=1/2 transition (a four level system) which is driven by (weak) laser fields and coupled to the vacuum reservoir of radiation modes. Interference between the spontaneous emission channels in optical pumping leads to a squeezed bath type coupling, and thus to symmetry breaking of decay on the Bloch sphere. With this system it should be possible to observe the effects predicted in the context of squeezed bath - atom interactions. The laser parameters allow one to choose properties of the squeezed bath interaction, such as the (effective) photon number expectation number N and the squeezing phase phi. We present results of a detailed analytical and numerical study.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Coupling of effective one-dimensional two-level atoms to squeezed light

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    A cavity QED system is analyzed which duplicates the dynamics of a two-level atom in free space interacting exclusively with broadband squeezed light. We consider atoms in a three or four-level Lambda-configuration coupled to a high-finesse optical cavity which is driven by a squeezed light field. Raman transitions are induced between a pair of stable atomic ground states via the squeezed cavity mode and coherent driving fields. An analysis of the reduced master equation for the atomic ground states shows that a three-level atomic system has insufficient parameter flexibility to act as an effective two-level atom interacting exclusively with a squeezed reservoir. However, the inclusion of a fourth atomic level, coupled dispersively to one of the two ground states by an auxiliary laser field, introduces an extra degree of freedom and enables the desired interaction to be realised. As a means of detecting the reduced quadrature decay rate of the effective two-level system, we examine the transmission spectrum of a weak coherent probe field incident upon the cavity