32 research outputs found

    Effect of soil physical state in plough and sub-soil layers on vegetation and yielding of plants

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    W pracy wykorzystano wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w Zakładzie Uprawy Gleby IUNG w Jelczu-laskowicach oraz zagraniczne dane literaturowe. Podjęto próbę wyjaśnienia związków występujących między niektórymi właściwościami gleby w warstwy ornej i podornej oraz ich wpływ na plonowanie roślin. Zależności te powiązano z przebiegiem opadów. Scharakteryzowano reakcje różnych roślin w zależności od stopnia zwięzłości warstwy podornej. Stwierdzono występowanie zależności między krytycznymi wartościami gęstości objętościowej oraz zwięzłości gleby a wilgotnością gleby, zawartością części pylastych oraz iłu koloidalnego w warstwie podornej.The work was described on the ground of results which were given in Institute of Soil Scienceand Cultivation of Plants, Department of Soil Tillage in Jelcz-Laskowice and bibliography datafrom other country and abroad centers.It was the trial of whole explanation of the conection occured between some soil properties of plugging and subsoil layers, as well as them effect on plant yields. The relation were joined with a run of rainfalls and there were qualified conditions of different kind plant responses on loosening subsoil layer. There was also proved that the critical soil bulk densities and strengths depend on soil moisture and the silt plus clay content in the subsoil layer

    Post-9/11 Counterterrorism Thriller Ideology: Framing Retributive Justice through Special Ops Superheroes

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    After 9/11, a set of fact-based, historically situated entertainment texts emerged in response to the real and perceived security threat of radical Islamic terrorism. These mass-produced media formations include Hollywood action movies, television shows like 24, and print fiction. This study is an interpretive textual analysis of serial novels, or counterterrorism thrillers, written between 2002 and 2008. It applies frame analysis techniques and is founded on critical cultural scholarship establishing how popular media constructs dominant ideological positions about sociocultural enterprises through discourse about ideals, morals, and principles. Five frames were revealed: An imminent doom frame contrives a constant and insidious terror threat. Two, a homeland frame constructs a “traditional” vision of a vulnerable post-9/11 patriarchal “America.” Three, the Islamic extremist frame reduces an Other to a foreign invader constantly identified as– and motivated by– Islam. Four, the failures frame foils and delegitimizes standard, legal justice responses. The framing leaves one commonsense threat response: A hero frame signifies an emerging typology replicating while modifying the celebrated U.S. hero mythos. Here, a hyper-masculine, special operations style man achieves superhero status through his extra-human qualities and journey to redeem and save the homeland. The mythic struggle between the demonized Other and single-action hero represents a prime location for ideological messaging. This messaging is also compared with the Bush Global War on Terror and with narratives from the last U.S. martial period (the Cold War), like those in Tom Clancy’s “techno-thriller” novels. Ultimately, the framework promotes retributive justice and authoritative national security. Established theories and ideas show how counterterrorism thriller readers are expected to subjugate themselves to this ideological framing, accepting and condoning the justice model and practices. Through ritualizing patriotism, relieving 9/11 anxieties, and contriving plots as “realistic,” the framework is normalized. Executive actions in the stories, including torture, rights violations, and unilateral international attacks, compromise democratic justice principles like separation of powers, human dignity, due process, and transparency. As the U.S. enters a period where fact and fiction seem increasingly conflated, dismantling texts that capitalize on those misperceptions, and manipulate knowledge for ideological purposes, is increasingly valuable

    Investigations of density and moisture of soil in a long-term tillage experiment. Part I. Light soil

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    Исследовали влияние обработки на густоту и влажность почвы в 12-летнем севооборотном опыте проведенном на легкой почве (18% илистых частиц). Севооборот охватывал: картофель, озимую пшеницу, озимую пшеницу и яровой ячмень. Вспашка под пропашные проводилась на глубину 25 и 35 см, а предпосевная обработка под зерновые на каждом из указанных объектов - плугом на глубину 20 см или более мелко - на глубину до 10 см с иомощью ротационной почвофрезы, дисковой бороны или культиватора. Вспашка под картофель на глубину 35 см не вызывала повышения густоты почвы по сравнению с вспашкой на глубину 25 см. Более мелкая обработка в сравнении с плужной обработкой оставляла почву в меньшей степени разрыхления, особенно в слое 10-20 см. Средние многолетние значения запасов воды в слое 0-40 см не обнаруживали существенных различий в зависимости от технологии обработки.The tillage effect on density and moisture of soil was investigated in the 12-year crop rotation experiment established on light soil (18% of clay particles). The crop rotation was as follows: potatoes, winter wheat, winter wheat, summer barley. Ploughing was carried out for root crops to the depth of 25 and 35 cm and the pre-sowing tillage measures for cereals on each of the treatments mentioned - by the plough to the depth of 20 cm or shallow tillage to the depth of 10 cm with the use of rotovator, disc harrow or cultivator. The ploughing to the depth of 35 cm for potatoes did not lead to a less density of soil in relation to ploghing to the depth of 25 cm. Shallower tillage left the soil in worse looseing state, particularly in the 10-20 cm layer. Mean many-year values of water reserves in soil in the 0-40 cm layer did not prove any differences depending on the tillage technology

    Applicability of the indicator method for the determination of dynamics of the soil profile density against the background of gravimetric procedures

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    Commonly used gravimetric; method of determining soil density was compared under laboratory conditions with the indicator method developed at the Department of Soil Cultivation and Fertilization Techniques, IUNG Jelcz-Laskowice. The tests were carried out on artificial soil profiles with four degrees of compaction. Differences in the soil density determined with respective methods were in most eases contained within the limits of the measurement error. Discrepancies of the results obtained with the methods compared were decreasing along an increasing degree of soil density and thickness of the layer measured. The results obtained encourage to acknowledge the indicator method tested as an applicable measuring device lbr the density dynamics of soil profile

    Some environmental and production conditions concerning simplified modes of tillage

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    Celem badań była ocena wpływu sposobów uprawy roli na wybrane właściwości fizyczne gleby w warstwie uprawnej oraz na plonowanie roślin. Uproszczone sposoby uprawy, w warunkach pozostawiania na polu słomy w postaci sieczki, zwiększały gęstość i wilgotność gleby. Uzyskany pozytywny efekt w gospodarce wodnej gleby nie chronił roślin przed negatywnymi skutkami suszy. Plonowanie roślin zależało od sposobu wykonania uprawy i wielkości opadów w sezonie wegetacyjnym. Przy umiarkowanym niedoborze opadów istotnie niższe plony wydawały rośliny uprawiane systemem uproszczonym a zwłaszcza zerowym.The research aimed at assessment of the influence of two different modes of simplified tillage on selected physical properties of soil in its arable layer and on yielding of crops. Different modes of tillage were found to bring about durable changes in the physical state of soil, particularly in the 10-15 cm layer. Post-harvest leaving straw in the field in form of chaff in treatments with zero tillage appeared to have exerted a positive influence on soil moisture, though it did not protect it against negative effects of drought. Yielding of crops depended first of all on the weather conditions /mainly precipitation/, and only then on the mode of tillage. At a moderate deficit of precipitation significantly lower yields were those of crops grown in simplified way, and particularly with zero tillage

    Investigations of density and moisture of soil in a long-term tillage experiment. Part II. Heavy soil

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    В 1971-1982 гг. в опытной станции Доброгостов на тяжелой почве (содержание илистых частиц 54%) в севооборотном опыте (1.сахарная свекла, 2. яровая пшеница, 3. озимая пшеница, 4. яровой ячмень) сравнивали способы обработки почвы под свеклу на глубину 25 или 35 см и различные системы обработки под очередные зерновые культуры на глубину 20 или 10 см.Густоту и влажность почвы определяли в среднем 4 раза в вегетационный период в 4 слоях почвенного профиля до глубины 40 см в 4 или 8 повторениях. Глубокая вспашка под сахарную свеклу на 35 см не приводила к снижению густоты почвы в сравнении с вспашкой на 25 см. Повторяемая мелкая обработка до посева зерновых дисковой бороной или ротационной почвофрезы на глубину 10 см вызывала незначительную дифференциацию густоты почвы в слое 10-20 см. Сравниваемые способы обработки почвы не называли существенных различий в запасе воды в слое 0-40 см.Soil tillage methods: ploughing for sugar beets to.the depth of 25 and 35 cm and different tillage for subsequent crops to the depth of 20 and 10 cm were compared in the period 1971-1982 at the Agricultural Experiment Station Dobrogostów on heavy soil. The crop rotation was as follows: sugar beets, summer wheat, winter wheat, summer varley. The density and moisture of soil were determined, on the average, four times in the growing season in 4 soil profile layers to the depth of 40 cm in 4 or 8 replications. The deep ploughing for sugar beets to 35 cm did not decrease the soil density as compared with the ploughing to the depth of 25 cm. A repeated shallow presowing tillage for cereals with disc harrow of rotovator to the depth of 10 cm led to an insignificant soil density differentiation in the 10-20 cm layer. The compared soil tillage methods did not lead to any significant differences in the water reserves in the 0-40 cm layer

    Some physical properties of soil and yielding of crops grown with different forms of mulching and tillage

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    Celem badań było określenie wpływu stosowania zróżnicowanej uprawy roli i pożniwnego zagospodarowania słomy na niektóre właściwości fizyczne gleby i plonowanie roślin. Przy umiarkowanym niedoborze opadów, niezależnie od gospodarki słomą, istotnie niższe plony wydawały rośliny uprawiane systemem zerowym. W takich samych warunkach pogodowych, niezależnie od wariantów uprawowych, najniższe plony powodowało usuwanie słomy i nie stosowanie międzyplonu. W warunkach silnego niedoboru opadów poziom plonów był niski i na zmianę tego efektu nie miał znaczącego wpływu żaden z testowanych wariantów doświadczenia.The research aimed at assessing the influence of differentiated tillage and post-harvest straw management on some physical properties of soil and yielding of crop. The yielding of crops was differentiated; under moderate deficit of precipitation, irrespective of straw management, significantly lower yields were obtained of crops grown with zero system. Under similar weather conditions, irrespective of tillage system, the lowest yields were obtained when straw had been removed and no intercrop grown. Under strong deficiency of precipitation the yields were very low, that effect having been not changed significantly by any of the experimental variants tested

    Wykorzystanie odlogow do produkcji biomasy i oczyszczania sciekow

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    W pracy przedstawiono możliwość wykorzystania ścieków do nawadniania roślin, przeznaczonych na cele energetyczne lub stanowiących surowiec dla przemysłu, uprawianych na gruntach odłogowanych. Ścieki zastosowane do nawodnień ulegają oczyszczeniu w glebie, równocześnie uzupełniają niedobory wodne roślin oraz zwiększają zawartość składników pokarmowych. Uprawiane rośliny zapobiegają degradacji gleb, ograniczając erozję wodną i wietrzną oraz zachwaszczenie, a także pozytywnie wpływają na mikroklimat. Procesy zachodzące w środowisku glebowym zapewniają wysoki stopień oczyszczania ścieków. Proponowane rozwiązanie, łączące omawiane zagadnienia ma również aspekt społeczny, dając możliwość tworzenia miejsc pracy. Rozdrobnienie gospodarstw rolnych oraz rozproszenie osadnictwa przemawia za stosowaniem proponowanych rozwiązań, które mogą przyczynić się do poprawienia sytuacji ekonomicznej mieszkańców wsi.Paper deals with the possibility of using sewage for irrigation of plants grown on the fallow land and provided for energetic purposes or as a raw material for industry. The sewage used for irrigation gets purified in the soil, at the same time complementing the water deficit and increasing the soil abundance nutrients. The plants grown prevent degradation of soils by restricting water and air erosion as well as weeding moreover positive by affect the microclimate. The processes occurring in soil medium secure high degree of sewage purification. The solution proposed includes also the social aspect as it offers some possibilities of new work places. Small sized farms and their dispersion suggest proposed solutions to be applied, as they may improve the economic situation of country devellers