498 research outputs found

    Analysis of the physical atomic forces between noble gas atoms, alkali ions and halogen ions

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    The physical forces between atoms and molecules are important in a number of processes of practical importance, including line broadening in radiative processes, gas and crystal properties, adhesion, and thin films. The components of the physical forces between noble gas atoms, alkali ions, and halogen ions are analyzed and a data base for the dispersion forces is developed from the literature based on evaluations with the harmonic oscillator dispersion model for higher order coefficients. The Zener model of the repulsive core is used in the context of the recent asymptotic wave functions of Handler and Smith; and an effective ionization potential within the Handler and Smith wave functions is defined to analyze the two body potential data of Waldman and Gordon, the alkali-halide molecular data, and the noble gas crystal and salt crystal data. A satisfactory global fit to this molecular and crystal data is then reproduced by the model to within several percent. Surface potentials are evaluated for noble gas atoms on noble gas and salt crystal surfaces with surface tension neglected. Within this context, the noble gas surface potentials on noble gas and salt crystals are considered to be accurate to within several percent

    Bio-ethanol Production from Wheat in the Winter Rainfall Region of South Africa: A Quantitative Risk Analysis

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    Contrary to developments in other parts of the world, South Africa has not developed a bio-ethanol industry. The objective was to quantify the risks and economic viability of a wheat based bio-ethanol plant in the winter rainfall region of South Africa. Monte Carlo simulation of a bio-ethanol plant was used to quantify the risk that investors will likely face. Under the Base scenario a 103 million liter bio-ethanol plant would not offer a reasonable chance of being economically viable. Alternative price enhancing policies were analyzed to determine policy changes needed to make a bio-ethanol plant economically viable in the region.biofuels, ethanol, risk analysis, simulation, economic viability, Simetar, SERF, Crop Production/Industries, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    A simple model of proton damage in GaAs solar cells

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    A simple proton damage model for GaAs solar cells is derived and compared to experimental values of change in short circuit currents. The recombination cross section associated with the defects was determined from the experimental comparison to be approximately 1.2 x 10 to the -13th power sq cm in fair agreement with values determined from the deep level transient spectroscopy technique

    Economic Impact of a Proposed AGI Means Test on Representative Crop Farms

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    The Administration has proposed revising the AGI means test for eligibility to farm program payments. The 2002 farm bill excludes producers from farm program payments (CCP, DP, and MLG/LDP) if their average adjusted gross income (AGI) for three preceding years exceeds 2.5millionandlessthan752.5 million and less than 75% of their AGI comes from farming, ranching or forestry operations. The revised means test would reduce the AGI cut-off to 200,000 and repeal the 75% exclusion. The purpose of this report is to estimate the impacts of the AGI proposal on average annual government payments and real net worth in 2014 for representative crop farms. The AFPC maintains a data base of 64 representative commercial family farms in major production regions across the United States. The farms represent a full-time, commercial operation that is typical of farms in a particular area. The farmers who participate in the bi-annual farm update interviews are selected by the county agent based on farm size (typical for the area), crop mix and farming practices (typical for the area), and being full-time farmers (not employed off the farm). The farms were constructed with no off-farm income to illustrate the changes in wellbeing due to farm policy changes. To the extent that a farm has off-farm income, the results will be conservative.Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries,

    Economic Impact of Deer Breeding Operations in Texas

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    The deer breeding industry is a growing industry in the Texas economy, particularly the rural economy. Industry participants were surveyed to provide estimates of economic activity, which was then input into the IMPLAN model. The industry generates an estimated $652 million in economic activity, while supporting 7,335 jobs.Industrial Organization,

    The Farm Level Impacts of Replacing Current Farm Programs with a Whole Farm Revenue Program

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    This study evaluates the farm level economic impacts of implementing a whole farm revenue insurance program in lieu of current government program payments on agricultural producers in major production areas of the United States. Realizing a multitude of viable options exist, this study demonstrates one way a whole farm revenue coverage program could work at the farm level and makes comparisons between the current baseline situation and alternative levels of revenue coverage implementation.agricultural policy, simulation, representative farms, government payments, crop insurance, revenue coverage, Agricultural and Food Policy,

    The Impact of Increased Planting Flexibility on Planting Decisions Across Texas

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    Increased acreage planting flexibility granted through the last three farm bills has allowed agricultural producers to make production choices without government programs driving their decisions. Planted acre data for program crops in seven Texas regions is used to describe response to varying degrees of flexibility granted through decoupled payments.Crop Production/Industries,

    Farm Level Impacts of a Revenue Based Policy in the 2007 Farm Bill

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    Revenue-based policy alternatives are thought to be a potential component of the 2007 Farm Bill. This research provides an economic analysis of switching to a revenue assurance farm program for representative farms. Specifically, this research provides a monte-carlo stochastic simulation model that compares the effect of a revenue based safety net policy relative to continuing the 2002 Farm Bill policies for different types of U.S. crop farmers. The results show that both revenue assurance proposals by the National Corn Growers Association leave the majority of farmers, especially feed grain producers, with higher total receipts and higher government payments.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Investigating the Redundancies in Current Farm Programs

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    Farm Programs, Agricultural and Food Policy, Risk and Uncertainty,
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