7 research outputs found

    Seasonal changes in a ultraviolet structural colour signal in blue tits, Parus caeruleus

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    Recent studies of blue tits, Parus caeruleus, have found sexual selection and a viability-indicating function of the structural ultraviolet and blue crown plumage, but the reasons for this signal variation are not understood. Furthermore, studies in England and Sweden have yielded somewhat different results (particularly with regard to the spectral position of the reflectance peak). Here we investigate whether the blue tit UV/blue ornament varies with time of year since such variation might be relevant to the signalling function as well as the apparent difference between populations. From 400 blue tits captured at two different localities in Sweden, we found that objective measures of 'hue' (spectral location), 'chroma' (spectral purity) and 'brightness' (spectral intensity), varied substantially with season. Just after moult (October), crown 'hue' is maximally UV-shifted (359nm for males and 373nm for females). Thereafter the peak drifts upwards and by the time of nestling feeding (June) male reflectance peaks at 404nm and female at 413nm. This change is probably due to feather wear as well as fat and dirt accumulation, which might constitute an additional male quality cue. Our results suggest that it is important to consider plumage age when exploring variation in structural plumage coloration, and that it can largely explain the difference between the British and Swedish studies. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London

    Correlations between ultraviolet coloration, overwinter survival and offspring sex ratio in the blue tit.

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    We studied the correlations between offspring sex ratio, UV coloration and overwinter survival in a population of blue tits, breeding in Gotland, Sweden, over three consecutive breeding seasons. In 2 of 3 years, we found that females paired to males with relatively brighter UV-coloration produced a greater proportion of sons in their broods, and that this effect was significant with all 3 years combined, despite a significant year by male UV interaction. In addition, we found other correlates of sex ratio (breeding time, female age and clutch size) in some, but not all years, and some of these showed significantly different relationships with sex ratio between years. In both years for which data were available, there were indications that males with relatively brighter UV coloration, and that paired with females that produced male-biased clutches, were more likely to survive to the next year. In addition, we also found that in both males and females, individuals produced similar sex ratios in consecutive years. Because correlations with the sex ratio may be expected to be weak, variation in results between years within the same population may be explained by low statistical power or genuine biological differences. Our results suggest that conclusions about sex ratio variation in birds should be based on multiple years. The correlations that we found in some years of this study are consistent with models of adaptive sex ratio adjustment in response to mate quality. However, careful experimental work is required to provide tests of the assumptions of these models, and should be a priority for future work