480 research outputs found

    The Effects of Recruitment Message Specificity on Applicant Attraction to Organizations

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    We used the elaboration likelihood model from marketing research to explain and examine how recruitment message specificity influences job seeker attraction to organizations. Using an experimental design and data from 171 college-level job seekers, the results showed that detailed recruitment messages led to enhanced perceptions of organization attributes and person-organization fit. Perceptions of fit were found to mediate the relationship between message specificity and intention to apply to the organization. In addition, perceptions of organization attributes and person-organization fit were found to influence intentions to apply under circumstances of explicit recruitment information while attractiveness and fit perceptions were shown to influence application intentions under conditions of implicit recruitment information. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed

    Comment on "Theoretical analysis of the transmission phase shift of a quantum dot in the presence of Kondo correlations"

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    Recently, A. Jerez, P. Vitushinsky and M. Lavagna [Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 127203 (2005)] claimed that the transmission phase through a quantum fot, as measured via the Aharonov-Bohm interferometer, differs from the phase which determines the corresponding conductance. Here we show that this claim is wrong for the single level Anderson model, which is usually used to describe the quantum dot. So far, there exists no derivation of this claim from any explicit theoretical model.Comment: To appear as a Comment in PR

    Emergent percolation length and localization in random elastic networks

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    We study, theoretically and numerically, a minimal model for phonons in a disordered system. For sufficient disorder, the vibrational modes of this classical system can become Anderson localized, yet this problem has received significantly less attention than its electronic counterpart. We find rich behavior in the localization properties of the phonons as a function of the density, frequency and the spatial dimension. We use a percolation analysis to argue for a Debye spectrum at low frequencies for dimensions higher than one, and for a localization/delocalization transition (at a critical frequency) above two dimensions. We show that in contrast to the behavior in electronic systems, the transition exists for arbitrarily large disorder, albeit with an exponentially small critical frequency. The structure of the modes reflects a divergent percolation length that arises from the disorder in the springs without being explicitly present in the definition of our model. Within the percolation approach we calculate the speed-of-sound of the delocalized modes (phonons), which we corroborate with numerics. We find the critical frequency of the localization transition at a given density, and find good agreement of these predictions with numerical results using a recursive Green function method adapted for this problem. The connection of our results to recent experiments on amorphous solids are discussed.Comment: accepted to PR

    Huge (but finite) time scales in slow relaxations: beyond simple aging

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    Experiments performed in the last years demonstrated slow relaxations and aging in the conductance of a large variety of materials. Here, we present experimental and theoretical results for conductance relaxation and aging for the case-study example of porous silicon. The relaxations are experimentally observed even at room temperature over timescales of hours, and when a strong electric field is applied for a time twt_w, the ensuing relaxation depends on twt_w. We derive a theoretical curve and show that all experimental data collapse onto it with a single timescale as a fitting parameter. This timescale is found to be of the order of thousands of seconds at room temperature. The generic theory suggested is not fine-tuned to porous silicon, and thus we believe the results should be universal, and the presented method should be applicable for many other systems manifesting memory and other glassy effects.Comment: 4+ pages, 4 figure

    Mesoscopic to universal crossover of transmission phase of multi-level quantum dots

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    Transmission phase \alpha measurements of many-electron quantum dots (small mean level spacing \delta) revealed universal phase lapses by \pi between consecutive resonances. In contrast, for dots with only a few electrons (large \delta), the appearance or not of a phase lapse depends on the dot parameters. We show that a model of a multi-level quantum dot with local Coulomb interactions and arbitrary level-lead couplings reproduces the generic features of the observed behavior. The universal behavior of \alpha for small \delta follows from Fano-type antiresonances of the renormalized single-particle levels.Comment: 4 pages, version accepted for publication in PR

    Large spin-orbit effects in small quantum dots

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    We consider small ballistic quantum dots weakly coupled to the leads in the chaotic regime and look for significant spin-orbit effects. We find that these effects can become quite prominent in the vicinity of degeneracies of many-body energies. We illustrate the idea by considering a case where the intrinsic exchange term -JS^2 brings singlet and triplet many-body states near each other, while an externally tunable Zeeman term then closes the gap between the singlet and the one of the triplet states (with spin projection parallel the external field). Near this degeneracy, the spin-orbit coupling leads to a striking temperature dependence of the conductance, with observable effects of order unity at temperatures lower than the strength of the spin-orbit coupling. Under favorable circumstances, spelled out in the paper, these order unity effects in the conductance persist to temperatures much higher than the spin-orbit coupling strength. Our conclusions are unaffected by the presence of non-universal perturbations. We suggest a class of experiments to explore this regime.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Quantum criticality near the Stoner transition in a two-dot with spin-orbit coupling

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    We study a system of two tunnel-coupled quantum dots, with the first dot containing interacting electrons (described by the Universal Hamiltonian) not subject to spin-orbit coupling, whereas the second contains non-interacting electrons subject to spin-orbit coupling. We focus on describing the behavior of the system near the Stoner transition. Close to the critical point quantum fluctuations become important and the system enters a quantum critical regime. The large-NN approximation allows us to calculate physical quantitites reliably even in this strongly fluctuating regime. In particular, we find a scaling function to describe the crossover of the quasiparticle decay rate between the renormalized Fermi liquid regime and the quantum critical regime.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure
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