77 research outputs found

    Genetic mental services for retardation patients with severe - The South African situation

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    In South Africa mental retardation is still ill-defined as regards the aetiology and general epidemiology. A systematic diagnostic/genetics programme implemented at various institutions for the mentally retarded within the framework of a comprehensive genetic service is described. The progress made is reported and the contribution of genetic services to the prevention and the management of mental retardation highlighted

    A clinical delineation of Tachyphemia (cluttering)

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    Cluttering constitutes one of the most important disorders of speech, language and communication in general. The majority of c1utterers are themselves unaware of the disorder. The problems of definition, symptomatology, aetiology and relationship to stuttering and hereditary aspects, are discussed. A preliminary case report of a family in which cluttering appears to follow a dominant mode of inheritance, is given. It is concluded that the major symptoms underlying the general cluttering syndrome in the family described, are related to some form of psychoneurological dysfunction with emphasis on a central language imbalance.S. Afr. Med. J., 48, 1624 (1974

    Augmented-reality-assisted K-wire placement for glenoid component positioning in reversed shoulder arthroplasty: a proof-of-concept study

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    The accuracy of the implant’s post-operative position and orientation in reverse shoulder arthroplasty is known to play a significant role in both clinical and functional outcomes. Whilst technologies such as navigation and robotics have demonstrated superior radiological outcomes in many fields of surgery, the impact of augmented reality (AR) assistance in the operating room is still unknown. Malposition of the glenoid component in shoulder arthroplasty is known to result in implant failure and early revision surgery. The use of AR has many promising advantages, including allowing the detailed study of patient-specific anatomy without the need for invasive procedures such as arthroscopy to interrogate the joint’s articular surface. In addition, this technology has the potential to assist surgeons intraoperatively in aiding the guidance of surgical tools. It offers the prospect of increased component placement accuracy, reduced surgical procedure time, and improved radiological and functional outcomes, without recourse to the use of large navigation or robotic instruments, with their associated high overhead costs. This feasibility study describes the surgical workflow from a standardised CT protocol, via 3D reconstruction, 3D planning, and use of a commercial AR headset, to AR-assisted k-wire placement. Post-operative outcome was measured using a high-resolution laser scanner on the patient-specific 3D printed bone. In this proof-of-concept study, the discrepancy between the planned and the achieved glenoid entry point and guide-wire orientation was approximately 3 mm with a mean angulation error of 5°

    Situating Speech: A Rhetorical Approach to Political Strategy

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    Ideas are increasingly acknowledged as factors in explaining political behaviour. But often they are treated as inert resources rather than dynamic instances of action in themselves. The latter, I propose, requires reflection on the character of speech – as the medium of ideas – in responding to and refiguring a prevailing situation. I undertake such reflection by setting out a rhetorical approach to political strategy. Building upon ‘interpretive’ advances in political science I shift the focus from stable cognitive frames to the dynamics of argumentation where ideas work expressively. I then explore the rhetorical aspect of strategising with attention to the way speech serves to orient audiences by creatively re-appropriating a situation. That approach is shown to be consistent with a ‘dialectical’ political sociology that emphasises the interaction of structure and agency. Finally, I sketch a method for undertaking rhetorical analysis and indicate how it might be applied to a concrete example

    Reversing the Extraverted Leadership Advantage: The Role of Employee Proactivity

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    Extraversion predicts leadership emergence and effectiveness, but do groups perform more effectively under extraverted leadership? Drawing on dominance complementarity theory, we propose that although extraverted leadership enhances group performance when employees are passive, this effect reverses when employees are proactive, because extraverted leaders are less receptive to proactivity. In Study 1, pizza stores with leaders rated high (low) in extraversion achieved higher profits when employees were passive (proactive). Study 2 constructively replicates these findings in the laboratory: passive (proactive) groups achieved higher performance when leaders acted high (low) in extraversion. We discuss theoretical and practical implications for leadership and proactivity


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    The hydrogen atom in an electric field: closed-orbi
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