3 research outputs found

    Prox-1: Automated Proximity Operations on an ESPA Class Platform

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    The Georgia Institute of Technology Prox-1 mission is an ESPA-class, student-designed, student-built satellite mission designed to demonstrate automated relative trajectory control in conjunction with a semi-cooperative target in Low-Earth Orbit. It is scheduled for launch in September of 2016 aboard the Department of Defense Space Test Program (STP-2) mission as a secondary payload. The primary mission of the spacecraft is to perform flight qualification and performance validation of experimental flight hardware; to deploy The Planetary Society’s LightSail mission, an internally housed 3U cubesat; and to perform relative trajectory control with respect to that target utilizing passive thermal imaging and automated on-board guidance algorithms. Several subsystems are integrated to accomplish this mission, and a description of the subsystem components is detailed in this paper. An overview of the concept operations is also presented here. For the automated proximity operations phase of the mission, Prox-1 will demonstrate an advanced Guidance, Navigation, & Control subsystem. This subsystem will combine GN&C algorithms and filters developed in-house and based on reference literature. This paper will provide an overview of the Prox-1 mission and the advancements it brings to the small satellite community

    How pension savings should be managed – active vs. passive management

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    Zarówno teoria finansów, jak i doświadczenia w zakresie funkcjonujących dotychczas produktów długoterminowego oszczędzania pozwalają stwierdzić, że kluczowe dla wartości oszczędności w długim okresie są koszty. Rekomenduje się, aby każda instytucja oferująca produkty emerytalne oferowała przynajmniej jeden fundusz pasywny, który umożliwi osiąganie rynkowej stopy zwrotu, nie pobierając przy tym wysokich opłat. Jest to szczególnie uzasadnione w sytuacji, gdy istotną część polskich funduszy inwestycyjnych stanowią potencjalni closet indexers, którzy inwestują w dużej mierze pasywnie, ale pobierają opłaty jak fundusze aktywne. Postuluje się ponadto zapewnienie transparentności wynagrodzeń zarządzających oszczędnościami emerytalnymi, a jako negatywny przykład podano produkty emerytalne w formie UFK. Zarządzający aktywami w ramach produktów emerytalnych powinni mieć możliwość pobierania jedynie opłaty za zarządzanie, której poziom byłby prawnie limitowany.We use experiences with long term saving products to draw conclusions on how the system of private pension savings should be designed. First and foremost, we highlight the costs charged by an asset manager as a crucial element of the system, which significantly influences the level of accumulated capital. Passive funds offer returns in line with the market return without charging high fees. Hence, we recommend that every institution entering the market of pension savings should be obliged to offer at least one passive fund. Especially in light of the fact that a significant part of Polish investment funds includes potential closet indexers, which are largely passively managed, but charge fees as if they were active. Another conclusion is that the structure of fees charged by asset managers has to be clear and transparent. Currently existing pension products in the form of unit linked insurance are a negative example of an opaque cost structure. Asset managers on the pension market should be allowed to charge only a management fee. Its level should be limited by appropriate regulations