787 research outputs found

    Experimental and Theoretical Results for Weak Charge Current Backward Proton Production

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    In this paper, we do three things in the study of deuteron break-up by high energy neutrino beams. (1) We present previously unpublished data on neutrino induced backward protons from deuteron targets; (2) we calculate the contributions from both the two-nucleon (2N) and six-quark (6q) deuteron components, which depend upon the overall normalization of the part that is 6q; and (3) we suggest other signatures for distinguishing the 2N and 6q clusters. We conclude that the 6q cluster easily explains the shape of the high momentum backward proton spectrum, and its size is nicely explained if the amount of 6q is one or a few percent by normalization of the deuteron. There is a crossover, above which the 6q contribution is important or dominant, at 300--400 MeV/c backward proton momentum.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Leading Chiral Contributions to the Spin Structure of the Proton

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    The leading chiral contributions to the quark and gluon components of the proton spin are calculated using heavy-baryon chiral perturbation theory. Similar calculations are done for the moments of the generalized parton distributions relevant to the quark and gluon angular momentum densities. These results provide useful insight about the role of pions in the spin structure of the nucleon, and can serve as a guidance for extrapolating lattice QCD calculations at large quark masses to the chiral limit.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures; a typo in Ref. 7 correcte

    Chiral Quark Model with Configuration Mixing

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    The implications of one gluon exchange generated configuration mixing in the Chiral Quark Model (χ\chiQMgcm_{gcm}) with SU(3) and axial U(1) symmetry breakings are discussed in the context of proton flavor and spin structure as well as the hyperon β\beta-decay parameters. We find that χ\chiQMgcm_{gcm} with SU(3) symmetry breaking is able to give a satisfactory unified fit for spin and quark distribution functions, with the symmetry breaking parameters α=.4\alpha=.4, β=.7\beta=.7 and the mixing angle ϕ=20o\phi=20^o, both for NMC and the most recent E866 data. In particular, the agreement with data, in the case of GA/GV,Δ8G_A/G_V, \Delta_8, F, D, fsf_s and f3/f8f_3/f_8, is quite striking.Comment: 16 pages, LaTex, Table and Appendix adde

    Nuclear Attenuation of high energy two-hadron system in the string model

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    Nuclear attenuation of the two-hadron system is considered in the string model. The two-scale model and its improved version with two different choices of constituent formation time and sets of parameters obtained earlier for the single hadron attenuation, are used to describe available experimental data for the zz-dependence of subleading hadron, whereas satisfactory agreement with the experimental data has been observed. A model prediction for ν\nu-dependence of the nuclear attenuation of the two-hadron system is also presented.Comment: 8 page

    Sea Contributions and Nucleon Structure

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    We suggest a general formalism to treat a baryon as a composite system of three quarks and a `sea'. In this formalism, the sea is a cluster which can consists of gluons and quark-antiquark pairs. The hadron wave function with a sea component is given. The magnetic moments, related sum rules and axial weak coupling constants are obtained. The data seems to favor a vector sea rather than a scalar sea. The quark spin distributions in the nucleon are also discussed.Comment: 24 page

    Right Handed Weak Currents in Sum Rules for Axialvector Constant Renormalization

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    The recent experimental results on deep inelastic polarized lepton scattering off proton, deuteron and 3^{3}He together with polari% zed neutron β\beta-decay data are analyzed. It is shown that the problem of Ellis-Jaffe and Bjorken sum rules deficiency and the neutron paradox could be solved simultaneously by assuming the small right handed current (RHC) admixture in the weak interaction Lagrangian. The possible RHC impact on pion-nucleon σ\sigma-term and Gamow-Teller sum rule for (p,n)(p,n) nuclear reactions is pointed out.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev. Lett. LaTeX, 8 pages, 21 k

    Valence Quark Spin Distribution Functions

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    The hyperfine interactions of the constituent quark model provide a natural explanation for many nucleon properties, including the Delta-N splitting, the charge radius of the neutron, and the observation that the proton's quark distribution function ratio d(x)/u(x)->0 as x->1. The hyperfine-perturbed quark model also makes predictions for the nucleon spin-dependent distribution functions. Precision measurements of the resulting asymmetries A_1^p(x) and A_1^n(x) in the valence region can test this model and thereby the hypothesis that the valence quark spin distributions are "normal".Comment: 16 pages, 2 Postscript figure

    Nuclear Shadowing in a Parton Recombination Model

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    Deep inelastic structure functions F2A(x)F_2^A(x) are investigated in a Q2Q^2 rescaling model with parton recombination effects. We find that the model can explain experimentally measured F2A(x)F_2^A(x) structure functions reasonably well in the wide Bjorken−x-x range (0.005<x<0.80.005<x<0.8). In the very small xx region (x<0.02x<0.02), recombination results are very sensitive to input sea-quark and gluon distributions.Comment: preprint MKPH-T-93-04, IU/NTC 92-20, 25 pages, TEX file (without Figs. 1-14)., (address after April 1: Saga U., Japan

    Effective Hadron Dynamics: From Meson Masses to the Proton Spin Puzzle

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    We construct a three flavor chiral Lagrangian of pseudoscalars and vectors with special emphasis on the symmetry breaking terms. Comparing tree level two and three point functions with experiment allows us to first, fix the parameters of the model (including the light quark mass ratios) and second, to predict m(K∗+)−m(K∗∘), Γ(K∗→Kπ)m(K^{*+})-m(K^{*\circ}),\, \Gamma(K^*\rightarrow K\pi) and Γ(ϕ→KK‾)\Gamma(\phi\rightarrow K {\overline K}). The last mentioned quantities come out reasonably well, in contrast to an ``ordinary" SU(3)SU(3) treatment. For this purpose we need ``second order" symmetry breakers involving the vector fields analogous to those needed for the chiral perturbation theory program with only pseudoscalars. An improved description of the η−η′\eta-\eta^\prime system is also given. We then use the soliton sector of this improved chiral Lagrangian to investigate some aspects of baryon physics which are especially sensitive to symmetry breaking. For this purpose a fairly elaborate ``cranking" techinque is employed in connection with the collective Hamiltonian. In addition to the ``strong" baryon mass spectrum a careful investigation is made of the non-electromagnetic part of the neutron-proton mass difference. This work is needed to improve our previous estimates concerning the two component approach to the ``proton spin" puzzle. We find that both the ``matter" and ``glue" contributions are small but they do tend to cancel each other.Comment: 33 pages, LaTe
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