1,005 research outputs found

    The Community Structure of Macrozoobenthos in Intertidal Zone of Topang Island Meranti Islands Regency Riau Province

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    This research was conducted in December 2013 in the intertidal zone of Topang Island of Meranti Islands regency in Riau Province. This study aims was to determine the community structure of the intertidal zone macrozoobenthos in Topang Island. The method used was a survey to determine the location of the study which consisted of 7 and 3 point sampling station. Macrozoobenthos samples were taken and analyzed in a laboratory of marine biology.The result showed that, the macrozoobenthos in the study site consisted of 18 species belonging to 4 classes. Macrozoobenthos density in the study area varies where the station the highest was of stastion two (II), and the lowest at station VI. Based on the value of diversity index (H ') macrozoobenthos in the study area were at moderate meaning no dominant species and the distribution was at uniformity

    Komposisi Sedimen di Perairan Muara Sungai Kampar Provinsi Riau

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Januari 2017 di perairan Muara Sungai Kampar dengantujuan untuk mengetahui asal-usul jenis material penyusun sedimen. Eckman Grabdigunakan untuk mengambil sampel dan dari sedimen dianalisis untuk menentukankomposisi dan kandungan bahan organik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komposisisedimen terdiri dari biogenous lumpurdan lithogenous. Komposisi Lithogenousterutama di perairan dan mika mendominasi kehadiran merata di setiap stasiun. Komposisitertinggi ditemukan di lokasi PT. WKS dan salah satu daerah yang mendapatkanpertama kalinya pengaruh air pasang, dari Muara Sungai Pulau Muda. Lithogenouspersentase yang terendah ditemukan di daerah yang dekat dengan kawasan mangrovedi mana stasiun memiliki komposisi yang tinggi dari sampah biogenous. Sementarastasiun yang mengandung bahan organik terendah adalah stasiun perairan pemukimanpulau muda. Perairan muara sungai kampar yang mengandung bahan organik yangtinggi karena aliran sungai membawa tingginya kandungan bahan organik

    Study of Marine Ecotourism Potential in Berhala Island Lingga Regency Riau Archipelago Province

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    The study was conducted in May-June 2015 in Berhala Island and its surrounding waters. The aim of this study was to know the marine ecotourism potential in Berhala Island as marine ecotourism destination in the future. The method used in this study was a survey method. The data observed consist of exploration results and inventory attractions, respondents of tourist representation and in situ measurement of water quality parameters. Berhala Island had huge potential of marine ecotourism and has a tremendous opportunity to be developed as a marine ecotourism region. It was shown on the suitability of marine ecotourism development, both assessed based on the criteria of supporting tour, SWOT analysis, calculation the value of WTA and WTP to the calculation of potential economic value . The potential economic value of marine tourism in Berhala Island is Rp. 52,159,000 (in the agenda of the annual holiday). This value was sufficient with still lack of facilities in the Berhala Island and potentially will grow if there are a implementation of the construction and development in Berhala Island region in the future

    Distribusi Diatom Epilitik (Bacillariophyceae) Berdasarkan Jenis Substrat pada Zona Intertidal Kawasan Pelabuhan Palimbungan Ketek Batahan Kabupaten Mandailing Natal Provinsi Sumatera Utara

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2016 sampai Januari 2017 dikawasan Pelabuhan Palimbungan Ketek Batahan Kabupaten Mandailig Natal SumateraUtara dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui jenis dan distribusi diatom epilitik berdasarkanjenis substrat (kayu, semen, dan batuan alam). Metode yang digunakan adalah metodesurvey dan analisis dilakukan di Laboratorium Biologi Laut Fakultas Perikanan danKelautan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa diatom yang ditemukan sebanyak 10spesies. Diatom epilitik dengan kelimpahan tertinggi yaitu spesies Isthmia sp. Rata-ratakelimpahan diatom epilitik tertinggi antar substrat terdapat pada substrat kayu sebesar7.686,46 ind/cm2. Kemudian rata rata kelimpahan tertinggi antar plot bagian terdapatpada substrat batuan alam plot I, II, dan III bagian bawah dengan rata-rata nilai kelimpahanyaitu 2.951,05 ind/cm2. Nilai rata-rata indeks keanekaragaman jenis (H\u27) berkisardari 0,963 - 1,672. keseragaman jenis (E) berkisar antara 0,230 – 0,611. indeksdominansi diatom (D) berkisar dari 0,367 – 0,592

    Study of Marine Fishing Grounds Based on the Content of Chlorophyll-a and Sea Surface Temperature Via Satellite Imagery of Aqua MODIS of Marine Areas of Rokan Hilir Regency

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    The study was conducted in October-December 2013. The area of studywas in Rokan Hilir coastal waters, while data analysis was done in the PhysicalOceanography Laboratory, University of Riau, Pekanbaru. The method used wassurvey method with the materials were obtained from the imagenary satellite byusing Aqua MODIS level 1b. The analysis was supported by using software ofEnvi 4.5 and Arcgis 10.The result showed the chlorophyl-a concentration in Rokan Hilir regencywaters varied for each month. In October the value of chlorophyl-a ranged from0.211-1.736 mg/m³, in November the concentration ranged from 0.217-1.731mg/m³, whereas in December the value ranged from 0,286-1,914 mg/m³. The seasurface temperature for each month showed as follows: in Oktober 25°c to 30°c,in November 26°c to 30°c, in December 29°c to 32°c, respectively. The visualanalysis showed that the most potential fishing grounds were found along thecoastal areas of Sinaboi, Sei Nyamuk, and Pulau Halang

    Security Mechanisms of Distributed Denial-Of-Service (DDOS) Attack in Everything-as-a-Service (XaaS) - Survey

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    — This paper illustrates research on DDoS attack which overload targeted servers with traffic to render hosted resources inaccessible and unavailable. The attacks are increasingly being launched from multiple locations, gradually spreading over larger networks, consequently to obscure the attack origin. The precipitous cloud computing as the new ‘anywhere anytime’ paradigm, in the form of Everything-as-a-Service (XaaS), transforms these attack mechanisms to become progressively destructive, affecting Quality Of Service (QoS) performance. The attack vectors examination ranges from volumetric attack that flood network links, to application layer attack that target specific services, to protocol attack that exhaust network's resources, with evolving consequences. DDoS attacks mitigation in XaaS environments poses unique challenges. Current literature explores the limitations of traditional on-premise and XaaS-based mitigation techniques to instantaneously detect and mitigate malicious traffic. The role of intelligent analytics in distinguishing legitimate and malicious traffic are also being investigated by application of machine learning algorithms to safeguard against prospective interruptions to XaaS-based services’ availability and reliabilit

    Influence of modelling approach for reinforced concrete underground structures, with application to the CMS cavern at CERN

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    Representative modelling of reinforced concrete (RC) components in underground structures is essential for accurate assessment of structural performance (deformations and internal forces) within numerical simulations. This paper examines the implications of selecting different structural modelling approaches within the seismic (dynamic) finite element analysis of a buried structure of complex shape, using the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) Detector Cavern of the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland, as a case study. Two alternate modelling approaches were employed to model the cavern lining: (i) a composite continuum approach, with the concrete and embedded reinforcement being explicitly modelled; and (ii) the use of a nonlinear elasto-plastic plate element. The pre-earthquake ground initial conditions were determined through simulation of the construction and detector installation operations consistent with field measurements from extensometers and internal survey of floor deformations. The results demonstrate the importance of adopting a non-linear continuum modelling approach in representing the RC lining under strong shaking events to avoid under-prediction of seismic actions at locations of potential seismically induced damage. Such an approach will be essential in 3D problems where multi-axial dynamically varying stresses are applied on the RC section. Finally, it offers a realistic approach in representing structures of complex shape and that contains volume and thick elements

    Influence of modelling approach for reinforced concrete underground structures, with application to the CMS cavern at CERN

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    Representative modelling of reinforced concrete (RC) components in underground structures is essential for accurate assessment of structural performance (deformations and internal forces) within numerical simulations. This paper examines the implications of selecting different structural modelling approaches within the seismic (dynamic) finite element analysis of a buried structure of complex shape, using the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) Detector Cavern of the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland, as a case study. Two alternate modelling approaches were employed to model the cavern lining: (i) a composite continuum approach, with the concrete and embedded reinforcement being explicitly modelled; and (ii) the use of a nonlinear elasto-plastic plate element. The pre-earthquake ground initial conditions were determined through simulation of the construction and detector installation operations consistent with field measurements from extensometers and internal survey of floor deformations. The results demonstrate the importance of adopting a non-linear continuum modelling approach in representing the RC lining under strong shaking events to avoid under-prediction of seismic actions at locations of potential seismically induced damage. Such an approach will be essential in 3D problems where multi-axial dynamically varying stresses are applied on the RC section. Finally, it offers a realistic approach in representing structures of complex shape and that contains volume and thick elements

    Study of Cellulose-N,N'-Methylenebisacrylamide-Acrylic Acid as Pb2+ Ion Adsorbent

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    Cellulose can be used as a metal ion adsorbent. However, it is specific to certain metal ions and has some drawbacks. To increase the capture of certain metal ions,cellulose needs to be modified. Cellulose modification was carried out using N, N'- methylenebisacrylamide (MBA) as crosslinking agent and acrylic acid (AA)          as grafting agent. Gamma rays from Cobalt-60 was used as the initiator by simultaneous irradiation method. The aim of this study is to improve and observe the capture ability of cellulose as Pb2+metal ion adsorbent. The characterization was performed by FTIR, DSC, SEM, and EDX. The thermal analysis and ion exchange capacity measurement showed that the resulting copolymer has a better thermal stability and ion exchange ability thanpure cellulose.The applications of the copolymer on Pb2+ ion adsorption indicated that the maximum adsorption is 99.8 % of 3 ppm Pb2+ ion sorbent at pH ≈ 7. SEM analysis showed that the copolymer is porous while pure cellulose appears fibrous. EDX Analysis showed Pb2+ metal ion adsorption by cellulose-MBA-AA

    Pengaruh Penambahan Pupuk Bintil Akar Kacang Tanah Sebagai Sumber Nitrogen Dan Fosfor Terhadap Populasi Chlorella SP. [the Effect of Addition Fertilizer Roots Nodule Peanut as a Source of Nitrogen and Phosphorus to the Population of Chlorella SP. ]

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    Chlorella sp. is one natural food that widely used in hatchery fish, shrimp and oyster. The availability of natural food is a factor that has an important role in farming activities. Culture of Chlorella sp. generally use technical fertilizer (Walne) where nitrogen and phosporus in Walne beginning chemist fertilizer the price expensive. One source of nitrogen and phosphorus naturally obtained from the roots of peanuts. The root nodules contained peanut-containing nodule bacteria Rhizobium are able to bind nitrogen from the air element. By doing immersion can be obtained nutrients to the roots of peanuts are nitrogen and phosphorus that is soluble in water. So that the root nodules of peanuts can be used as a source of nitrogen and phosphorus to increase the population of Chlorella sp. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the addition of fertilizer and the concentration of peanut root nodules as a source of nitrogen and phosphorus to the population of Chlorella sp. The research was conducted in June until July in the Laboratory of Education Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Fisheries, Airlangga University, Surabaya. The study design used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Materials tested in this study was Chlorella sp. whereas fertilizer used is the root nodules of peanut fertilizer and manure Walne. The concentration of the addition of fertilizer peanut nodule is the treatment A (2.25 ppm), treatment B (4.5 ppm), treatment C (9 ppm) and treatment D (18 ppm). Control treatments using fertilizer Walne 0.5 ml/l (control 1) and 1 ml/l (control 2). The main parameter is observed population density, while supporters of the observed parameter is the measurement of temperature, pH and salinity. The results showed that the addition of fertilizer peanut nodule as a source nitrogen and phosporus influence population of Chlorella sp. The addition of fertilizer best peanut nodule is the treatment B of 1,43755x106 cells/ml on the third day. Water quality parameters during the study remained within the tolerance limit for the growth of Chlorella sp. is pH 7-8, room temperature 29-32 0C range, salinity range between 28-40 ppt and water temperature ranges between 28-30 0C
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