30 research outputs found

    Leaching of carbon from native and non-native leaf litter of subtropical riparian forests

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    We evaluated the leaching of dissolved organic and inorganic carbon (DOC and DIC, respectively) from leaf litter of plant species of the native Atlantic Forest and of Pinus elliottii (Engelm.) and Eucalyptus grandis (Hill ex Maiden) forests. We carried out experiments in which leaves from each forest system (native, E. grandis, and P. elliottii) were placed in reactors with sterile water. After 1/4 h, 1 h, 4 h, 12 h, 24 h, and 48 h of incubation, we quantified the concentrations of DIC and DOC of each leachate. The greatest quantity of DIC was leached in the native forest system, whereas the greatest quantity of DOC was leached in the E. grandis forest system. With respect to the period of year, the greatest quantity of DIC was leached in autumn, whereas that of DOC was leached in the summer. Our results demonstrated that the replacement of native species in riparian zones, by non-native forest monocultures, could alter the chemical composition of the water. Finally, the results presented in this paper reinforce the need for a more careful look at ecological processes

    Diversity of larvae of littoral Chironomidae (Diptera: Insecta) and their role as bioindicators in urban reservoirs of different trophic levels

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    The Chironomidae (Diptera: Insecta) have a high species richness, with species adapted to live under widely different environmental conditions. The study of the taxonomic composition of chironomid larvae and the percentage of occurrence of deformities in mouthparts, mainly in the mentum, are used in biomonitoring programmes in order to obtain information on the levels of organic and chemical pollution of aquatic ecosystems. The objective of this study was to evaluate the abundance of chironomid larvae and to quantify the occurrence of mentum deformities in the specimens collected in three urban reservoirs with different trophic levels. The reservoirs are located in the hydrographic basin of the Paraopeba River, an affluent of the São Francisco River basin (Minas Gerais State, southeastern Brazil). The Serra Azul Reservoir is oligotrophic, the Vargem das Flores Reservoir is mesotrophic, and the Ibirité Reservoir is eutrophic. Along the littoral zone of each reservoir, 30 samples were collected during each sampling campaign. Sampling was carried out every three months for one year, with two sampling campaigns during the wet season and two during the dry season in 2008. Physical and chemical parameters measured in the water column included the water depth, Secchi depth, air and water temperature, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, redox potential, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, Total-N, Total-P, P-ortho, and chlorophyll-a. The chironomid larvae were identified to the genus level. The structure of the chironomid assemblages was evaluated based on taxonomic richness (24 genera), density, equitability, and diversity. The potential indicator taxa for each reservoir were established through an Indicator Species Analysis. The values for taxonomic richness (20 taxa), equitability (0.737), and Shannon-Wiener diversity (2.215) were highest in the Serra Azul Reservoir. Fissimentum was the indicator taxon in Serra Azul, the oligotrophic reservoir; whereas Pelomus was the indicator taxon in Vargem das Flores, and Chironomus in Ibirité. The highest percentage of mentum deformities was found during the dry season in Serra Azul (6.9%), while the lowest percentage was found during the wet season in Vargem das Flores (0.8%). The results of this study evidenced significant differences in the taxonomic composition, richness, equitability, and diversity of the chironomid assemblages in these three reservoirs of different trophic levels