313 research outputs found

    Phosphine Oxide Porous Organic Polymers Incorporating Cobalt(II) Ions: Synthesis, Characterization, and Investigation of H2Production

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    Suitably functionalized porous matrices represent versatile platforms to support well-dispersed catalytic centers. In the present study, porous organic polymers (POPs) containing phosphine oxide groups were fabricated to bind transition metals and to be investigated for potential electrocatalytic applications. Cross-linking of mono- and di-phosphine monomers with multiple phenyl substituents was subject to the Friedel-Crafts (F-C) reaction and the oxidation process, which generated phosphine oxide porous polymers with pore capacity up to 0.92 cm3/g and a surface area of about 990 m2/g. The formation of the R3P·BH3 borohydride adduct during synthesis allows to extend the library of phosphine-based monomeric entities when using FeCl3. The porous polymers were loaded with 0.8-4.2 w/w % of cobalt(II) and behaved as hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) catalysts with a Faradaic efficiency of up to 95% (5.81 × 10-5 mol H2 per 11.76 C) and a stable current density during repeated controlled potential experiments (CPE), even though with high overpotentials (0.53-0.68 V to reach a current density of 1 mA·cm-2). These studies open the way to the effectiveness of tailored phosphine oxide POPs produced through an inexpensive and ecofriendly iron-based catalyst and for the insertion of transition metals in a porous architecture, enabling electrochemically driven activation of small molecules

    Anti-Kasha Conformational Photoisomerization of a Heteroleptic Dithiolene Metal Complex Revealed by Ultrafast Spectroscopy

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    We investigated the anti-Kasha photochemistry and anti-Kasha emission of d8-metal donor-acceptor dithiolene with femtosecond UV-vis transient absorption spectroscopy and molecular modeling. Experimentally, we found a lifetime of 1.4 ps for higher excited states, which is exceptionally long when compared to typical values for internal conversion (IC) (10 s of fs or less). Consequently, a substantial emission originates from the second excited state. Molecular modeling suggests this to be a consequence of the spatially separated molecular orbitals of the first and second excited states, which gives a charge transfer character to the IC. More surprisingly, we found that the inherent flexibility of the molecule allows the metal complex to access different configurations depending on the photoexcited state. We believe that this unique manifestation of anti-Kasha photoinduced conformational isomerization is facilitated by the exceptionally long lifetime of the second excited state