2,104,659 research outputs found

    Design and Focused Ion Beam Fabrication of Single Crystal Diamond Nanobeam Cavities

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    We present the design and fabrication of nanobeam photonic crystal cavities in single crystal diamond for applications in cavity quantum electrodynamics. First, we describe three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain simulations of a high quality factor (Q ~ 10^6) and small mode volume (V ~ 0.5 ({\lambda}/n)^3) device whose cavity resonance corresponds to the zero-phonon transition (637nm) of the Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) color center in diamond. This high Q/V structure, which would allow for strong light-matter interaction, is achieved by gradually tapering the size of the photonic crystal holes between the defect center and mirror regions of the nanobeam. Next, we demonstrate two different focused ion beam (FIB) fabrication strategies to generate thin diamond membranes and nanobeam photonic crystal resonators from a bulk crystal. These approaches include a diamond crystal "side-milling" procedure as well as an application of the "lift-off" technique used in TEM sample preparation. Finally, we discuss certain aspects of the FIB fabrication routine that are a challenge to the realization of the high-Q/V designs

    Discovery of GRS 1915+105 variability patterns in the Rapid Burster

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    We report the discovery of two new types of variability in the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary MXB 1730-335 (the 'Rapid Burster'). In one observation in 1999, it exhibits a large-amplitude quasi-periodic oscillation with a period of about 7 min. In another observation in 2008, it exhibits two 4-min long 75 per cent deep dips 44 min apart. These two kinds of variability are very similar to the so-called ρ\rho or 'heartbeat' variability and the θ\theta variability, respectively, seen in the black hole low-mass X-ray binaries GRS 1915+105 and IGR J17091-3624. This shows that these types of behavior are unrelated to a black hole nature of the accretor. Our findings also show that these kinds of behaviour need not take place at near-Eddington accretion rates. We speculate that they may rather be related to the presence of a relatively wide orbit with an orbital period in excess of a few days and about the relation between these instabilities and the type II bursts.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS letter

    The Unbearable Beingness of Light, Dressing and Undressing Photons in Black Hole Spacetimes

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    Gravitational tidal forces acting on the virtual e+ e- cloud surrounding a photon endow spacetime with a non-trivial refractive index. This has remarkable properties unique to gravitational theories including superluminal low-frequency propagation, in apparent violation of causality, and amplification of the renormalized photon field, in apparent violation of unitarity. Using the geometry of null congruences and the Penrose limit, we illustrate these phenomena and their resolution by tracing the history of a photon as it falls into the near-singularity region of a black hole.Comment: 8 pages, Essay awarded third prize in the Gravity Research Foundation essay competition 201

    Birefringent Electroweak Textures

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    The behaviour of electromagnetic waves propagating through an electroweak homilia string network is examined. This string network is topologically stable as a cosmic texture, and is characterized by the spatial variation of the isospin rotation of the Higgs field. As a consequence the photon field couples to the intermediate vector bosons, producing a finite range electromagnetic field. It is found that the propagation speed of the photon depends on its polarization vector, whence an homilia string network acts as a birefringent medium. We estimate the birefringent scale for this texture and show that it depends on the frequency of the electromagnetic wave and the length scale of the homilia string network.Comment: 10 page

    Nonlinear softening as a predictive precursor to climate tipping

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    Approaching a dangerous bifurcation, from which a dynamical system such as the Earth's climate will jump (tip) to a different state, the current stable state lies within a shrinking basin of attraction. Persistence of the state becomes increasingly precarious in the presence of noisy disturbances. We consider an underlying potential, as defined theoretically for a saddle-node fold and (via averaging) for a Hopf bifurcation. Close to a stable state, this potential has a parabolic form; but approaching a jump it becomes increasingly dominated by softening nonlinearities. If we have already detected a decrease in the linear decay rate, nonlinear information allows us to estimate the propensity for early tipping due to noise. We argue that one needs to extract information about the nonlinear features (a "softening") of the underlying potential from the time series to judge the probability and timing of tipping. This analysis is the logical next step if one has detected a decrease of the linear decay rate. If there is no discernable trend in the linear analysis, nonlinear softening is even more important in showing the proximity to tipping. After extensive normal form calibration studies, we check two geological time series from paleo-climate tipping events for softening of the underlying well. For the ending of the last ice age, where we find no convincing linear precursor, we identify a statistically significant nonlinear softening towards increasing temperature. The analysis has thus successfully detected a warning of the imminent tipping event.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures, changed title back, corrected smaller mistakes, updated reference

    Kohn-Sham potential with discontinuity for band gap materials

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    We model a Kohn-Sham potential with a discontinuity at integer particle numbers derived from the GLLB approximation of Gritsenko et al. We evaluate the Kohn-Sham gap and the discontinuity to obtain the quasiparticle gap. This allows us to compare the Kohn-Sham gaps to those obtained by accurate many-body perturbation theory based optimized potential methods. In addition, the resulting quasiparticle band gap is compared to experimental gaps. In the GLLB model potential, the exchange-correlation hole is modeled using a GGA energy density and the response of the hole to density variations is evaluated by using the common-denominator approximation and homogeneous electron gas based assumptions. In our modification, we have chosen the PBEsol potential as the GGA to model the exchange hole, and add a consistent correlation potential. The method is implemented in the GPAW code, which allows efficient parallelization to study large systems. A fair agreement for Kohn-Sham and the quasiparticle band gaps with semiconductors and other band gap materials is obtained with a potential which is as fast as GGA to calculate.Comment: submitted to Physical Review

    Red blood cells and other non-spherical capsules in shear flow: oscillatory dynamics and the tank-treading-to-tumbling transition

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    We consider the motion of red blood cells and other non-spherical microcapsules dilutely suspended in a simple shear flow. Our analysis indicates that depending on the viscosity, membrane elasticity, geometry and shear rate, the particle exhibits either tumbling, tank-treading of the membrane about the viscous interior with periodic oscillations of the orientation angle, or intermittent behavior in which the two modes occur alternately. For red blood cells, we compute the complete phase diagram and identify a novel tank-treading-to-tumbling transition at low shear rates. Observations of such motions coupled with our theoretical framework may provide a sensitive means of assessing capsule properties.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    The Geometrical Structure of Disordered Sphere Packings

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    The three dimensional structure of large packings of monosized spheres with volume fractions ranging between 0.58 and 0.64 has been studied with X-ray Computed Tomography. We search for signatures of organization, we classify local arrangements and we explore the effects of local geometrical constrains on the global packing. This study is the largest and the most accurate empirical analysis of disordered packings at the grain-scale to date with over 140,000 sphere coordinates mapped. We discuss topological and geometrical ways to characterize and classify these systems, and discuss implications that local geometry can have on the mechanisms of formation of these amorphous structures.Comment: 15 pages; 16 figure