14,537 research outputs found

    Land use, associated eel production, and abundance of fish and crayfish in streams in Waikato, New Zealand

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    The density and biomass of fish and crayfish, and the production of eels, was compared among streams in native forest, exotic forest, and pasture. Populations were estimated by multiple-pass electroshocking at 11 sites in hill-country streams in the Waikato region, North Island. Three sites were in native forest, four in exotic forest, and four in pasture. Length of stream sampled at each site was 46-94 m (41-246 m2 in area), and catchment areas up stream of the sites ranged from 0.44 to 2.01 km2. A total of 487 fish were caught. The species were longfinned and shortfinned eels, banded kokopu, Cran's and redfinned bullies, and common smelt. Eels were the most abundant fish in all three land-use types, and shortfinned eels were more abundant at pastoral sites (mean density 1.11 fish m-2) than longfinned eels (mean density 0.129 fish m-2). Banded kokopu were present only at forested sites. Mean fish densities were greater at pastoral sites (1.55 fish m-2) than under either native forest (0.130 fish m-2) or exotic forest (0.229 fish m-2). Mean fish biomass was also greater at pastoral sites (89.7 g m-2) than under native forest (12.8 g m-2) or exotic forest (19.3 g m-2). Longfinned eels made a greater contribution to the fish biomass at all sites than did shortfinned eels. Densities of crayfish were high (0.46-5.40 crayfish m-2), but were not significantly different between land-use types. Crayfish biomass ranged from 1.79 to 11.2 g m-2. Total eel production was greater at pastoral sites (mean 17.9 g m-2 year-1) than at forest sites (mean 2.39 g m-2 year-1)

    Growth and population dynamics of crayfish Paranephrops planifrons in streams within native forest and pastoral land uses

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    Population dynamics of crayfish (Paranephrops planifrons White) in streams draining native forest and pastoral catchments, Waikato, New Zealand, were investigated from September 1996 to July 1998. Crayfish densities were generally greater in native forest streams because of high recruitment over summer, but varied greatly between streams in both land uses. Peak densities in summer were 9 crayfish m-2 in native forest and 6 crayfish m-2 in pasture streams, but peak biomass in summer was much greater in pasture streams. Mark-recapture data showed that crayfish, particularly juveniles, in pasture streams grew faster than in native forest streams, through both greater moult frequency and larger moult increments. Females reached reproductive size at c. 20 mm orbit-carapace length (OCL) after their first year in pasture streams, but after 2 years in native forest streams. Annual degree days >10°C appeared to explain the differences in the timing of life cycles. Estimates of annual crayfish production (range = 0.8-3.4 g dry weight m-2 year-1) were similar in both land uses, and P/B ratios were between 0.95 and 1.2. Despite deforestation and conversion to pasture, crayfish in these Waikato hill-country streams have maintained similar levels of annual production to those in native forest streams, although juvenile growth rates have increased and longevity has decreased

    An evaluation of the method for determining the Whitham F-function using distributions of downwash and sidewash angles

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    The method of computing the Whitham F function using distributions of downwash and sidewash angles was evaluated with two different models. F functions which were calculated for a half angle cone cylinder at M infinites = 2.01, using theoretically and experimentally derived flow angles, show that the method is sensitive to small inaccuracies in the measured flow angles. An oblique wing transport model was tested at 0 deg angle of attack at M infinitely = 2.01. In this test, two different probes were used at two different distances from the model. The pressure signature derived from the F function was extrapolated and compared to the pressure signature measured at the distance of 0.87 body lengths with the static pressure probe. The agreement between the two pressure signatures was poor due to the many inaccuracies involved in using a probe designed to measure flow angularity

    Some Effects of Wing Planform on Sonic Boom

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    A wind-tunnel investigation was conducted to determine the effect of wing planform on sonic boom at Mach numbers of 1.7, 2.0, and 2.7. The results of the investigation show that the wing leading-edge sweep is one of the primary planform variables affecting the overpressure characteristics

    Evaluating techniques for sampling stream crayfish (paranephrops planifrons)

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    We evaluated several capture and analysis techniques for estimating abundance and size structure of freshwater crayfish (Paranephrops planifrons) (koura) from a forested North Island, New Zealand stream to provide a methodological basis for future population studies. Direct observation at night and collecting with baited traps were not considered useful. A quadrat sampler was highly biased toward collecting small individuals. Handnetting at night and estimating abundances using the depletion method were not as efficient as handnetting on different dates and analysing by a mark-recapture technique. Electrofishing was effective in collecting koura from different habitats and resulted in the highest abundance estimates, and mark-recapture estimates appeared to be more precise than depletion estimates, especially if multiple recaptures were made. Handnetting captured more large crayfish relative to electrofishing or the quadrat sampler

    Experimental Outlook for the Pentaquark

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    A critical look is taken at both positive and null evidence for the Θ+\Theta^+ pentaquark. Potential problems with experiments will be discussed and the question of what conclusion can be drawn from both the positive and the null results is examined. First the question of existence of the Θ+\Theta^+ pentaquark is considered, followed by a discussion of new experiments that are either planned or in progress to answer questions about its mass, width and isospin. Finally, indirect evidence for the parity of the Θ+\Theta^+ is examined, and suggestions for experiments to measure its parity directly are given.Comment: MESON2004 conference proceedings, 10 pages, 1 figur

    Within-Event Spatially Distributed Bedload: Linking Fluvial Sediment Transport to Morphological Change

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    Maps of apparent bedload velocity are presented along with maps of associated channel change. Apparent bedload velocity is the bias in acoustic Doppler current profiler (aDcp) bottom track (Doppler sonar) due to near-bed particle motion (Rennie et al. 2002). The apparent bedload velocity is correlated to bedload transport (Rennie and Villard 2004), and thus serves as an indicator of local bedload transport. Spatially distributed aDcp surveys in a river reach can be used to generate maps of channel bathymetry, water velocity, bed shear stress, and apparent bedload velocity (Rennie and Church 2010). It is possible to relate the observed spatial patterns of bedload and forcing flow. In this paper, the technique is used to measure bedload flux pathways during two sequential aDcp spatial surveys conducted in a Rees River, New Zealand braid bar diffluence-confluence before and after a major flood event that inundated the entire braid plain. The aDcp surveys were complemented with terrestrial laser scans (TLS) of the bar topography. Linking aDcp bathymetry and TLS topography allowed for generation of complete digitial elevation models (DEMs) of the reach, from which morphological change between surveys were determined. Most intriguingly, the primary bedload pathway observed during the first survey resulted in sufficient deposition during the major flood event to fill and choke off an anabranch. This is perhaps the first direct field measurement of spatially distributed bedload and corresponding morphological change
