5,981 research outputs found

    A new data reduction scheme to obtain the mode II fracture properties of Pinus Pinaster wood

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    In this work a numerical study of the End Notched Flexure (ENF) specimen was performed in order to obtain the mode II critical strain energy released rate (GIIc) of a Pinus pinaster wood in the RL crack propagation system. The analysis included interface finite elements and a progressive damage model based on indirect use of Fracture Mechanics. The difficulties in monitoring the crack length during an experimental ENF test and the inconvenience of performing separate tests in order to obtain the elastic properties are well known. To avoid these problems, a new data reduction scheme based on the equivalent crack concept was proposed and validated. This new data reduction scheme, the Compliance-Based Beam Method (CBBM), does not require crack measurements during ENF tests and additional tests to obtain elastic properties.FCT - POCTI/EME/45573/200

    Finite element analysis of the ECT test on mode III interlaminar fracture of carbon-epoxy composite laminates

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    In this work a parametric study of the Edge Crack Torsion (ECT) specimen was performed in order to maximize the mode III component (GIII) of the strain energy release rate for carbon-epoxy laminates. A three-dimensional finite element analysis of the ECT test was conducted considering a [90/0/(+45/-45)2/(-45/+45)2/0/90]S lay-up. The main objective was to define an adequate geometry to obtain an almost pure mode III at crack front. The geometrical parameters studied were specimen dimensions, distance between pins and size of the initial crack. The numerical results demonstrated that the ratio between the specimen length and the initial crack length had a significant effect on the strain energy release rate distributions. In almost all of the tested configurations, a mode II component occurred near the edges but it did not interfere significantly with the dominant mode III state.FCT - POCTI/EME/45573/200

    Extração de palavras-chave e taxonomias de tópicos para a BDPA.

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    Este trabalho refere-se ao desenvolvimento de tĂ©cnicas e ferramentas baseadas em extração de informação e mineração de textos para anĂĄlise automatizada de conteĂșdo de campos dos registros existentes na Base de Dados de Pesquisa AgropecuĂĄria (BDPA). A princĂ­pio, os objetivos sĂŁo chegar a uma taxonomia de tĂłpicos inicial para sub-bases da Produção CientĂ­fica da Embrapa (ProdEMB) e o estudo e identificação de campos faltantes nos registros da BDPA

    Field sexual attraction in the sorghum midge, Contarinia sorghicola (Coquillett, 1899) (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae).

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    No campo, fĂȘmeas da mosca do sorgo, Contarinia sorghicola (Coquillett, 1899), atraem machos da especie para o acasalamento atraves da emissao de feromonio, o que foi comprovado atraves da utilizacao de armadilhas adesivas contendo femeas virgens ou extratos destas, a nivel de campo. O periodo de maior atratividade ocorreu entre 7:30 e 8:30 horas.Suplemento

    Structural properties of crumpled cream layers

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    The cream layer is a complex heterogeneous material of biological origin which forms spontaneously at the air-milk interface. Here, it is studied the crumpling of a single cream layer packing under its own weight at room temperature in three-dimensional space. The structure obtained in these circumstances has low volume fraction and anomalous fractal dimensions. Direct means and noninvasive NMR imaging technique are used to investigate the internal and external structure of these systems.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted in J. Phys. D: Appl. Phy

    Tutorial TaxTools.

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    A ferramenta TaxTools foi desenvolvida pelo LaboratĂłrio de InteligĂȘncia Computacional (Labic) do Instituto de CiĂȘncia MatemĂĄtica e de Computação (ICMC) da Universidade de SĂŁo Paulo (USP), campus de SĂŁo Carlos, SP, com o objetivo de auxiliar no processo de mineração de textos. Atualmente, ela tem sido mantida e evoluĂ­da pelo LaboratĂłrio de InteligĂȘncia Computacional (LabIC) da Embrapa InformĂĄtica AgropecuĂĄria. Esse tutorial abrange apenas as opçÔes disponĂ­veis na TaxTools, que completam o processo de obtenção de uma taxonomia de tĂłpicos (MOURA et al., 2008); como clusterização, cĂĄlculos de medidas intercluster e de joinability, mĂ©todos de podas, mĂ©todos de visualização de resultados e algumas opçÔes auxiliares.bitstream/item/30572/1/doc104.pd
