5 research outputs found
Data-driven nonparametric Li-ion battery ageing model aiming at learningfrom real operation data - Part B: Cycling operation
Conventional Li-ion battery ageing models, such as electrochemical, semi-empirical and empirical models, require a significant amount of time and experimental resources to provide accurate predictions under realistic operating conditions. At the same time, there is significant interest from industry in the introduction of new data collection telemetry technology. This implies the forthcoming availability of a significant amount of real-world battery operation data. In this context, the development of ageing models able to learn from in-field battery operation data is an interesting solution to mitigate the need for exhaustive laboratory testing.
In a series of two papers, a data-driven ageing model is developed for Li-ion batteries under the Gaussian Process framework. A special emphasis is placed on illustrating the ability of the Gaussian Process model to learn from new data observations, providing more accurate and confident predictions, and extending the operating window of the model.
The first paper of the series focussed on the systematic modelling and experimental verification of cell degradation through calendar ageing. Conversantly, this second paper addresses the same research challenge when the cell is electrically cycled. A specific covariance function is composed, tailored for use in a battery ageing application. Over an extensive dataset involving 124 cells tested during more than three years, different training possibilities are contemplated in order to quantify the minimal number of laboratory tests required for the design of an accurate ageing model. A model trained with only 26 tested cells achieves an overall mean-absolute-error of 1.04% in the capacity curve prediction, after being validated under a broad window of both dynamic and static cycling temperatures, Depth-of-Discharge, middle-SOC, charging and discharging C-rates.This investigation work was financially supported by ELKARTEK (CICe2018 - Desarrollo de actividades de investigacion fundamental estrategica en almacenamiento de energia electroquimica y termica para sistemas de almacenamiento hibridos, KK-2018/00098) and EMAITEK Strategic Programs of the Basque Government. In addition, the research was undertaken as a part of ELEVATE project (EP/M009394/1) funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and partnership with the WMG High Value Manufacturing (HVM) Catapult.
Authors would like to thank the FP7 European project Batteries 2020 consortium (grant agreement No. 608936) for the valuable battery ageing data provided during the project
The key success factors affecting KMS adoption: quantitative results
Serie Tecnologia 8Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7 , Rome / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal