529 research outputs found

    Deep proteogenomics; high throughput gene validation by multidimensional liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry of proteins from the fungal wheat pathogen Stagonospora nodorum

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    BACKGROUND: Stagonospora nodorum, a fungal ascomycete in the class dothideomycetes, is a damaging pathogen of wheat. It is a model for necrotrophic fungi that cause necrotic symptoms via the interaction of multiple effector proteins with cultivar-specific receptors. A draft genome sequence and annotation was published in 2007. A second-pass gene prediction using a training set of 795 fully EST-supported genes predicted a total of 10762 version 2 nuclear-encoded genes, with an additional 5354 less reliable version 1 genes also retained. RESULTS: In this study, we subjected soluble mycelial proteins to proteolysis followed by 2D LC MALDI-MS/MS. Comparison of the detected peptides with the gene models validated 2134 genes. 62% of these genes (1324) were not supported by prior EST evidence. Of the 2134 validated genes, all but 188 were version 2 annotations. Statistical analysis of the validated gene models revealed a preponderance of cytoplasmic and nuclear localised proteins, and proteins with intracellularassociated GO terms. These statistical associations are consistent with the source of the peptides used in the study. Comparison with a 6-frame translation of the S. nodorum genome assembly confirmed 905 existing gene annotations (including 119 not previously confirmed) and provided evidence supporting 144 genes with coding exon frameshift modifications, 604 genes with extensions of coding exons into annotated introns or untranslated regions (UTRs), 3 new gene annotations which were supported by tblastn to NR, and 44 potential new genes residing within un-assembled regions of the genome. CONCLUSION: We conclude that 2D LC MALDI-MS/MS is a powerful, rapid and economical tool to aid in the annotation of fungal genomic assemblies

    Temperature dependence of the resonance and low energy spin excitations in superconducting FeTe0.6_{0.6}Se0.4_{0.4}

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    We use inelastic neutron scattering to study the temperature dependence of the low-energy spin excitations in single crystals of superconducting FeTe0.6_{0.6}Se0.4_{0.4} (Tc=14T_c=14 K). In the low-temperature superconducting state, the imaginary part of the dynamic susceptibility at the electron and hole Fermi surfaces nesting wave vector Q=(0.5,0.5)Q=(0.5,0.5), χ(Q,ω)\chi^{\prime\prime}(Q,\omega), has a small spin gap, a two-dimensional neutron spin resonance above the spin gap, and increases linearly with increasing ω\hbar\omega for energies above the resonance. While the intensity of the resonance decreases like an order parameter with increasing temperature and disappears at temperature slightly above TcT_c, the energy of the mode is weakly temperature dependent and vanishes concurrently above TcT_c. This suggests that in spite of its similarities with the resonance in electron-doped superconducting BaFe2x_{2-x}(Co,Ni)x_xAs2_2, the mode in FeTe0.6_{0.6}Se0.4_{0.4} is not directly associated with the superconducting electronic gap.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Nodal Landau Fermi-Liquid Quasiparticles in Overdoped La1.77_{1.77}Sr0.23_{0.23}CuO4_4

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    Nodal angle resolved photoemission spectra taken on overdoped La1.77_{1.77}Sr0.23_{0.23}CuO4_4 are presented and analyzed. It is proven that the low-energy excitations are true Landau Fermi-liquid quasiparticles. We show that momentum and energy distribution curves can be analyzed self-consistently without quantitative knowledge of the bare band dispersion. Finally, by imposing Kramers-Kronig consistency on the self-energy Σ\Sigma, insight into the quasiparticle residue is gained. We conclude by comparing our results to quasiparticle properties extracted from thermodynamic, magneto-resistance, and high-field quantum oscillation experiments on overdoped Tl2_2Ba2_2CuO6+δ_{6+\delta}.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Anisotropic Neutron Spin Resonance in Superconducting BaFe1.9_{1.9}Ni0.1_{0.1}As2_2

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    We use polarized inelastic neutron scattering to show that the neutron spin resonance below TcT_c in superconducting BaFe1.9_{1.9}Ni0.1_{0.1}As2_2 (Tc=20T_c=20 K) is purely magnetic in origin. Our analysis further reveals that the resonance peak near 7~meV only occurs for the planar response. This challenges the common perception that the spin resonance in the pnictides is an isotropic triplet excited state of the singlet Cooper pairs, as our results imply that only the S001=±1S_{001}=\pm1 components of the triplet are involved

    Middle leading in Australian schools: professional standards, positions, and professional development

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    In Australia, there is a national education agenda for school improvement with an increasing focus on how school leaders can fulfil this agenda. As school principals are arguably faced with increasing demands, the importance of school middle leaders is increasing. This article presents the initial findings from a larger project on middle leadership in Australian schools, the first phase of which is a documentary analysis of significant texts including policy documents, websites and reports. The purpose of the document analysis was to examine expectations placed on, and support provided for, school middle leaders in Australian schools to make explicit the potential implications for policymakers, leaders and researchers investigating this field. We argue there is a lack of clarity about the role of middle leadership across Australia, with unclear policies, and variations in expectations, titles and levels of support. What is evident is that middle leaders play a pivotal role as they lead teaching, learning, and pastoral care. They carry out these roles in subject areas, key stages and classrooms, and among teachers. While there are a range of professional development provisions for middle leaders across different states, middle leadership needs to be an area of increased focus across Australia

    Spin fluctuations associated with the collapse of the pseudogap in a cuprate superconductor

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    Theories of the origin of superconductivity in cuprates are dependent on an understanding of their normal state which exhibits various competing orders. Transport and thermodynamic measurements on La2x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 show signatures of a quantum critical point, including a peak in the electronic specific heat CC versus doping p, near the doping p*, where the pseudogap collapses. The fundamental nature of the fluctuations associated with this peak is unclear. Here we use inelastic neutron scattering to show that close to TcT_c and near p*, there are low-energy collective spin excitations with characteristic energies \approx 5 meV. The correlation length of the spin fluctuations does not diverge in spite of the low energy scale and we conclude that the underlying quantum criticality is not due to antiferromagnetism but most likely to a collapse of the pseudogap. We show that the large specific heat near p* can be understood in terms of collective spin fluctuations. The spin fluctuations we measure exist across the superconducting phase diagram and may be related to the strange metal behaviour observed in overdoped cuprates

    Proteomic analysis revealed that the oomyceticide phosphite exhibits multi-modal action in an oomycete pathosystem

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    Phytopathogenic oomycetes constitute some of the most devastating plant pathogens and cause significant crop and horticultural yield and economic losses. The phytopathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi causes dieback disease in native vegetation and several crops. The most commonly used chemical to control P. cinnamomi is the oomyceticide phosphite. Despite its widespread use, the mode of action of phosphite is not well understood and it is unclear whether it targets the pathogen, the host, or both. Resistance to phosphite is emerging in P. cinnamomi isolates and other oomycete phytopathogens. The mode of action of phosphite on phosphite-sensitive and resistant isolates of the pathogen and through a model host was investigated using label-free quantitative proteomics. In vitro treatment of sensitive P. cinnamomi isolates with phosphite hinders growth by interfering with metabolism, signalling and gene expression; traits that are not observed in the resistant isolate. When the model host Lupinus angustifolius was treated with phosphite, proteins associated with photosynthesis, carbon fixation and lipid metabolism in the host were enriched. Increased production of defence-related proteins was also observed in the plant. We hypothesise the multi-modal action of phosphite and present two models constructed using comparative proteomics that demonstrate mechanisms of pathogen and host responses to phosphite. Significance: Phytophthora cinnamomi is a significant phytopathogenic oomycete that causes root rot (dieback) in a number of horticultural crops and a vast range of native vegetation. Historically, areas infected with phosphite have been treated with the oomyceticide phosphite despite its unknown mode of action. Additionally, overuse of phosphite has driven the emergence of phosphite-resistant isolates of the pathogen. We conducted a comparative proteomic study of a sensitive and resistant isolate of P. cinnamomi in response to treatment with phosphite, and the response of a model host, Lupinus angustifolius, to phosphite and its implications on infection. The present study has allowed for a deeper understanding of the bimodal action of phosphite, suggested potential biochemical factors contributing to chemical resistance in P. cinnamomi, and unveiled possible drivers of phosphite-induced host plant immunity to the pathogen