3,849 research outputs found

    Gravitational radiation from the r-mode instability

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    The instability in the r-modes of rotating neutron stars can (in principle) emit substantial amounts of gravitational radiation (GR) which might be detectable by LIGO and similar detectors. Estimates are given here of the detectability of this GR based the non-linear simulations of the r-mode instability by Lindblom, Tohline and Vallisneri. The burst of GR produced by the instability in the rapidly rotating 1.4 solar mass neutron star in this simulation is fairly monochromatic with frequency near 960 Hz and duration about 100 s. A simple analytical expression is derived here for the optimal S/N for detecting the GR from this type of source. For an object located at a distance of 20 Mpc we estimate the optimal S/N to be in the range 1.2 to about 12.0 depending on the LIGO II configuration.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Effect of hyperon bulk viscosity on neutron-star r-modes

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    Neutron stars are expected to contain a significant number of hyperons in addition to protons and neutrons in the highest density portions of their cores. Following the work of Jones, we calculate the coefficient of bulk viscosity due to nonleptonic weak interactions involving hyperons in neutron-star cores, including new relativistic and superfluid effects. We evaluate the influence of this new bulk viscosity on the gravitational radiation driven instability in the r-modes. We find that the instability is completely suppressed in stars with cores cooler than a few times 10^9 K, but that stars rotating more rapidly than 10-30% of maximum are unstable for temperatures around 10^10 K. Since neutron-star cores are expected to cool to a few times 10^9 K within seconds (much shorter than the r-mode instability growth time) due to direct Urca processes, we conclude that the gravitational radiation instability will be suppressed in young neutron stars before it can significantly change the angular momentum of the star.Comment: final PRD version, minor typos etc correcte

    Improved Time-Domain Accuracy Standards for Model Gravitational Waveforms

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    Model gravitational waveforms must be accurate enough to be useful for detection of signals and measurement of their parameters, so appropriate accuracy standards are needed. Yet these standards should not be unnecessarily restrictive, making them impractical for the numerical and analytical modelers to meet. The work of Lindblom, Owen, and Brown [Phys. Rev. D 78, 124020 (2008)] is extended by deriving new waveform accuracy standards which are significantly less restrictive while still ensuring the quality needed for gravitational-wave data analysis. These new standards are formulated as bounds on certain norms of the time-domain waveform errors, which makes it possible to enforce them in situations where frequency-domain errors may be difficult or impossible to estimate reliably. These standards are less restrictive by about a factor of 20 than the previously published time-domain standards for detection, and up to a factor of 60 for measurement. These new standards should therefore be much easier to use effectively.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Model waveform accuracy standards for gravitational wave data analysis

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    Model waveforms are used in gravitational wave data analysis to detect and then to measure the properties of a source by matching the model waveforms to the signal from a detector. This paper derives accuracy standards for model waveforms which are sufficient to ensure that these data analysis applications are capable of extracting the full scientific content of the data, but without demanding excessive accuracy that would place undue burdens on the model waveform simulation community. These accuracy standards are intended primarily for broadband model waveforms produced by numerical simulations, but the standards are quite general and apply equally to such waveforms produced by analytical or hybrid analytical-numerical methods

    Second-order rotational effects on the r-modes of neutron stars

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    Techniques are developed here for evaluating the r-modes of rotating neutron stars through second order in the angular velocity of the star. Second-order corrections to the frequencies and eigenfunctions for these modes are evaluated for neutron star models. The second-order eigenfunctions for these modes are determined here by solving an unusual inhomogeneous hyperbolic boundary-value problem. The numerical techniques developed to solve this unusual problem are somewhat non-standard and may well be of interest beyond the particular application here. The bulk-viscosity coupling to the r-modes, which appears first at second order, is evaluated. The bulk-viscosity timescales are found here to be longer than previous estimates for normal neutron stars, but shorter than previous estimates for strange stars. These new timescales do not substantially affect the current picture of the gravitational radiation driven instability of the r-modes either for neutron stars or for strange stars.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, revte

    Generalized r-Modes of the Maclaurin Spheroids

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    Analytical solutions are presented for a class of generalized r-modes of rigidly rotating uniform density stars---the Maclaurin spheroids---with arbitrary values of the angular velocity. Our analysis is based on the work of Bryan; however, we derive the solutions using slightly different coordinates that give purely real representations of the r-modes. The class of generalized r-modes is much larger than the previously studied `classical' r-modes. In particular, for each l and m we find l-m (or l-1 for the m=0 case) distinct r-modes. Many of these previously unstudied r-modes (about 30% of those examined) are subject to a secular instability driven by gravitational radiation. The eigenfunctions of the `classical' r-modes, the l=m+1 case here, are found to have particularly simple analytical representations. These r-modes provide an interesting mathematical example of solutions to a hyperbolic eigenvalue problem.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures; minor changes and additions as will appear in the version to be published in Physical Review D, January 199

    Gravitational Radiation Instability in Hot Young Neutron Stars

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    We show that gravitational radiation drives an instability in hot young rapidly rotating neutron stars. This instability occurs primarily in the l=2 r-mode and will carry away most of the angular momentum of a rapidly rotating star by gravitational radiation. On the timescale needed to cool a young neutron star to about T=10^9 K (about one year) this instability can reduce the rotation rate of a rapidly rotating star to about 0.076\Omega_K, where \Omega_K is the Keplerian angular velocity where mass shedding occurs. In older colder neutron stars this instability is suppressed by viscous effects, allowing older stars to be spun up by accretion to larger angular velocities.Comment: 4 Pages, 2 Figure

    Relativistic Stellar Pulsations With Near-Zone Boundary Conditions

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    A new method is presented here for evaluating approximately the pulsation modes of relativistic stellar models. This approximation relies on the fact that gravitational radiation influences these modes only on timescales that are much longer than the basic hydrodynamic timescale of the system. This makes it possible to impose the boundary conditions on the gravitational potentials at the surface of the star rather than in the asymptotic wave zone of the gravitational field. This approximation is tested here by predicting the frequencies of the outgoing non-radial hydrodynamic modes of non-rotating stars. The real parts of the frequencies are determined with an accuracy that is better than our knowledge of the exact frequencies (about 0.01%) except in the most relativistic models where it decreases to about 0.1%. The imaginary parts of the frequencies are determined with an accuracy of approximately M/R, where M is the mass and R is the radius of the star in question.Comment: 10 pages (REVTeX 3.1), 5 figs., 1 table, fixed minor typos, published in Phys. Rev. D 56, 2118 (1997

    Axial instability of rotating relativistic stars

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    Perturbations of rotating relativistic stars can be classified by their behavior under parity. For axial perturbations (r-modes), initial data with negative canonical energy is found with angular dependence eimϕe^{im\phi} for all values of m≥2m\geq 2 and for arbitrarily slow rotation. This implies instability (or marginal stability) of such perturbations for rotating perfect fluids. This low mm-instability is strikingly different from the instability to polar perturbations, which sets in first for large values of mm. The timescale for the axial instability appears, for small angular velocity Ω\Omega, to be proportional to a high power of Ω\Omega. As in the case of polar modes, viscosity will again presumably enforce stability except for hot, rapidly rotating neutron stars. This work complements Andersson's numerical investigation of axial modes in slowly rotating stars.Comment: Latex, 18 pages. Equations 84 and 85 are corrected. Discussion of timescales is corrected and update

    Stability of the r-modes in white dwarf stars

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    Stability of the r-modes in rapidly rotating white dwarf stars is investigated. Improved estimates of the growth times of the gravitational-radiation driven instability in the r-modes of the observed DQ Her objects are found to be longer (probably considerably longer) than 6x10^9y. This rules out the possibility that the r-modes in these objects are emitting gravitational radiation at levels that could be detectable by LISA. More generally it is shown that the r-mode instability can only be excited in a very small subset of very hot (T>10^6K), rather massive (M>0.9M_sun) and very rapidly rotating (P_min<P<1.2P_min) white dwarf stars. Further, the growth times of this instability are so long that these conditions must persist for a very long time (t>10^9y) to allow the amplitude to grow to a dynamically significant level. This makes it extremely unlikely that the r-mode instability plays a significant role in any real white dwarf stars.Comment: 5 Pages, 5 Figures, revte
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