6,659 research outputs found

    Heatshield material selection for advanced ballistic reentry vehicles

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    The Performance of staple rayon fiber and AVTEX continuous rayon fiber was evaluated as precursor materials for heatshields. The materials studied were referenced to the IRC FM5055A heatshield materials flown during the past decade. Three different arc jet facilities were used to simulate portions of the reentry environment. The IRC FM5055A and the AVTEX FM5055G, both continuous rayon fiber woven materials having the phenolic impregnant filled with carbon particles were compared. The AVTEX continuous fiber, unfilled material FM5822A was also examined to a limited extent. Test results show that the AVTEX FM5055G material provided a close substitute for the IRC FM5055A material both in terms of thermal protection and roll torque performance

    La pisciculture africaine : enjeux et problèmes de recherche

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    Cet article présente les enjeux et contraintes majeurs du développement de la pisciculture sur le continent africain, traduits en problématique de recherche scientifique et technique. Les principaux poissons concernés appartiennent aux groupes des tilapias et des siluriformes, dont l'utilisation en aquaculture dépasse largement le cadre du continent africain, conférant aux travaux menés une portée internationale. Les principaux axes de recherche porteurs concernent l'optimisation du contrôle de la reproduction chez les tilapias et de la maîtrise du cycle biologique chez les siluriformes, l'étude de la biodiversité de la faune piscicole africaine appliquée à la mise en évidence de "nouvelles" espèces d'intérêt aquacole (en parallèle avec le même type d'approche menée sur d'autres grands bassins hydrographiques sud-américains ou du sud-est asiatique) et la connaissance des réseaux trophiques au sein des écosystèmes aquacoles. En outre, une démarche scientifique en sciences humaines dans le domaine de l'aquaculture tropicale apparaît aujourd'hui comme une nécessité. (Résumé d'auteur

    Sperm characteristics and motility in Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Sauvage, 1878) and Pangasius djambal Bleeker, 1846 (Pangasiidae, Siluriformes)

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    A drop in osmotic pressure appeared as the main trigger for initiating spermatozoa motility in the two catfish species studied. Motility duration was particularly short in both species (20 to 30 s). Sperm preserved at 4 degrees C in a saline medium (NaCl 155-175 mM, pH 7.5-8.5) Survived longer than in any of the other media tested

    Inertial coalescence of droplets on a partially wetting substrate

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    We consider the growth rate of the height of the connecting bridge in rapid surface-tension-driven coalescence of two identical droplets attached on a partially wetting substrate. For a wide range of contact angle values, the height of the bridge grows with time following a power law with a universal exponent of 2/3, up to a threshold time, beyond which a 1/2 exponent results, that is known for coalescence of freely-suspended droplets. In a narrow range of contact angle values close to 90°, this threshold time rapidly vanishes and a 1/2 exponent results for a 90° contact angle. The argument is confirmed by three-dimensional numerical simulations based on a diffuse interface method with adaptive mesh refinement and a volume-of-fluid method

    The Third International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture

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    Tilapias, because of the low cost and relative ease of their production, are a potential food fish staple for many people ini tropical countries and a globally traded commodity. This volume of symposium proceedings shows a strong interest in production systems research and a dawning interest in socioeconomic research. Both of these fields of research are expected to receive much greater attention in the future as the economic and market importance of tilapia increases and as we seek to understand better the distribution of benefits of the different production technologies.Tilapia culture Tilapia, Oreochromis, Sarotherodon

    Transitional random matrix theory nearest-neighbor spacing distributions

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    This paper presents a study of the properties of a matrix model that was introduced to describe transitions between all Wigner surmises of Random Matrix theory. New results include closed-form exact analytical expressions for the transitional probability density functions, as well as suitable analytical approximations for cases not amenable to explicit representation

    Effects of spatially displaced feedback on remote manipulation tasks

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    Several studies have been performed to determine the effects on computer and direct manipulation task performance when viewing conditions are spatially displaced. Whether results from these studies can be directly applied to remote manipulation tasks is quenstionable. The objective of this evaluation was to determine the effects of reversed, inverted, and inverted/reversed views on remote manipulation task performance using two 3-Degree of Freedom (DOF) hand controllers and a replica position hand controller. Results showed that trials using the inverted viewing condition showed the worst performance, followed by the inverted/reversed view and the reversed view when using the 2x3 DOF. However, these differences were not significant. The inverted and inverted/reversed viewing conditions were significantly worse than the normal and reversed viewing conditions when using the Kraft Replica. A second evaluation was conducted in which additional trials were performed with each viewing condition to determine the long term effects of spatially displaced views on task performance for the hand controllers. Results of the second evaluation indicated that there was more of a difference in performance between the perturbed viewing conditions and the normal viewing condition with the Kraft Replica than with the 2x3 DOF

    Tidal currents, winds and the morphology of phytoplankton spatial structures

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    Chlorophyll a, nutrients and salinity distributions were studied at two spatial scales (10 cm and 0.25 to 2.5 km) in the St. Lawrence Estuary (Quebec, Canada), in order to investigate the role of tidal currents and winds in the formation and maintenance of spatial structures. Data were collected according to a synoptic sampling pattern using three sampling platforms simultaneously, and they were analyzed using analysis of variance. The sampling pattern was repeated on four occasions during July 1980.Analyses of variance indicated significant spatial heterogeneities of about the same magnitude at the two scales studied for chlorophyll and nutrients, whereas salinity showed only large–scale variability. At the kilometer scale, the frequency distribution spectra of patch length for chlorophyll showed the existence of patches of various dimensions between 0.2 and 6.0 km with a dominance of small patches (≤0.5 km). Frequency maxima were usually observed at the smaller (≤0.5 km) and larger (≥2.0 km) scales for the nutrients and only at larger (≥2.0 km) scale for salinity. The distribution spectra of patch dimensions were characteristic for each sampling experiment, depending on tidal currents and prevailing wind conditions. Estimated patch dimensions were larger parallel to the current direction than perpendicular to current direction, implying that spatial structures are elongated in the sense of the current direction. Higher winds have, first, a tendency to increase the small–scale structure of the environment by breaking up larger patches into smaller patches, before structures are completely eliminated. The implication of these findings is that different results could be obtained depending on the sampling strategy used (sampling either at anchor stations or at random, independent of current direction), which could lead to different conclusions
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