5 research outputs found

    Social mobility from a comparative perspective between Europe and Latin America

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    Production of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004This chapter presents a review of the analysis of social mobility in the international sphere (Europe and Latin America), with a particular focus on the partner countries of the INCASI network. To date, few studies have linked nations whose economic and social aspects are so dissimilar. As is usual in the specialized literature, the relationship between social origin and class destination is addressed. This is done by noting the comparisons made across the geographical areas. We review the analyses that have been made of the evolution of social fluidity as well as the distance between social classes within each country and the comparisons made between them. We compare the main theories that have inspired the study of social mobility to date: modernization theory, which predicts an increase in relative mobility rates, and invariance theory, which postulates the constancy of social fluidity. Special attention is devoted to the role played by the family, the state and the market in late industrialized countries. We study the difficulties for social change, i.e. upward mobility from one class to another, as well as the likelihood of reproduction in comparative terms. To do so, we link these mechanisms with the AMOSIT model. The advances in methodology, techniques, theory and data processing are highlighted

    Application de la théorie linéaire de la mécanique de la rupture aux structures métalliques épaisses - Méthodes pratiques de calcul des facteurs d'intensité de contrainte

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    The bases of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics are summed up. It is shown how this theory can be applied to industrial structures and not only to simple geometries and loads, and how stress intensity factors can always be defined. The conditions under which the stress intensity factor is a fast fracture criterion are examined, as well as corrections and limitations resulting from plastic deformation. It is shown how weight functions depending only on geometrical parameters make the calculation of the stress intensity factors possible by a simple integral, for any load applied to a given body. Such weight functions are given for a long axial crack and a circumferential crack in a cylinder of revolution.On résume les fondements de la Théorie Linéaire de la Mécanique de la Rupture. On montre comment cette théorie peut être appliquée à des structures industrielles et non seulement à des géométries et des chargements simples, et comment les facteurs d'intensité de contrainte peuvent être définis dans tous les cas. On examine sous quelles conditions le facteur d'intensité de contrainte est un critère de rupture brutale, et les corrections et limitations qui résultent de la déformation plastique. On montre ensuite comment la connaissance des fonctions poids attachées à une géométrie ramène à une quadrature le calcul du facteur d'intensité de contrainte. On donne des fonctions de poids pour une longue fissure axiale et une fissure circonférentielle dans un cylindre de révolution