4 research outputs found

    Competitiveness of catering companies and the impact of supplier relationships on their operation庐

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    Wyniki bada艅 jako艣ciowych przeprowadzonych na podstawie ustrukturalizowanego kwestionariusza wywiadu bezpo艣redniego zrealizowanych z mened偶erami lub w艂a艣cicielami lokali gastronomicznych pokazuj膮, i偶 wysoko ocenian膮 warto艣ci膮 w budowaniu konkurencyjno艣ci na rynku jest 艣wiadome kreowanie i umacnianie wypracowanej pozycji marki, poprzez zwi臋kszenie uwagi na obs艂ug臋 klienta w lokalu, oferowanie produkt贸w wy偶szej jako艣ci ni偶 konkurencja, elastyczno艣膰 i zdolno艣膰 do szybkiego reagowania na zmiany w otoczeniu rynkowym, a tak偶e bezpo艣rednia wsp贸艂praca z dostawcami oraz budowanie z nimi trwa艂ych wi臋z贸w lojalno艣ciowych. Wyb贸r dostawc贸w determinuje: jako艣膰, atrakcyjne ceny i szeroki asortyment oferty towarowej oraz bonifikaty i dogodne warunki dostawy. Efektem podj臋tego problemu badawczego jest pr贸ba wskazania najwa偶niejszych czynnik贸w decyduj膮cych o wyborze dostawcy w plac贸wkach gastronomicznych. Dzi臋ki sprawdzonym i zaufanym dostawcom w艂a艣ciciele plac贸wek gastronomicznych s膮 w stanie sprosta膰 zmieniaj膮cym si臋 potrzebom coraz bardziej wymagaj膮cych konsument贸w. Poprzez zwi臋kszenie uwagi na obs艂ug臋 klienta w lokalu i oferowanie produkt贸w wy偶szej jako艣ci (tak偶e dzi臋ki dostawcom), przedsi臋biorstwa gastronomiczne s膮 w stanie utrzyma膰 i/lub poprawi膰 pozycj臋 konkurencyjn膮 na rynku. Opracowanie ma charakter artyku艂u badawczego.The purpose of this discussion is to characterize and attempt to evaluate the use of competition instruments for catering companies in order to stand out in the marketplace and the impact of supplier relationships on their operation. The results of qualitative research conducted on the basis of a structured direct interview questionnaire with managers or owners of catering establishment show that the highly valued value in building competitiveness on the market is the conscious creation and strengthening of the brand鈥檚 position by increasing attention to customer service in the premises, offering higher quality products, flexibility and ability to respond quickly to changes in the market environment, as well as direct collaboration with suppliers and building loyal bonds relationships with them. On the other hand, the choice of suppliers determines: quality, attractive prices and a wide assortment of goods offer and discounts and convenient delivery conditions. The result of the research problem is an attempt to identify the most important factors in choosing a supplier in catering establishments. Thanks to proven and trusted suppliers, catering business owners are able to meet the changing needs of increasingly demanding consumers. In addition, by enhancing customer care in the premises and offering higher quality products (also through suppliers) they are able to maintain and/or improve their competitive position in the market. The study is a research article

    Innovations in the marketing of selected catering companies in the Warsaw agglomeration庐

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    Celem artyku艂u jest prezentacja aktywno艣ci innowacyjnej w przedsi臋biorstwach gastronomicznych funkcjonuj膮cych na terenie aglomeracji warszawskiej w latach 2014-2016. Wyniki bada艅 jako艣ciowych przeprowadzonych z w艂a艣cicielami b膮d藕 mened偶erami lokali gastronomicznych pokazuj膮, 偶e g艂贸wnym celem wprowadzania innowacji jest wywo艂anie pozytywnego nastawienia konsumenta do danej plac贸wki. Opr贸cz tego, zadaniem wdro偶onych zmian by艂o zwi臋kszenie obrot贸w firmy i przewagi konkurencyjnej na rynku. Zwr贸cono tak偶e uwag臋 na innowacje marketingowe, kt贸rych celem jest poprawa atrakcyjno艣ci marki lub zmiana wizerunku firmy. Do najcz臋艣ciej wprowadzanych innowacji marketingowych mo偶na zaliczy膰 stosowanie reklamy plac贸wki na portalach i stronach www, reklamy zewn臋trzne oraz zastosowanie nowych strategii cenowych. Ponadto, wprowadzano istotne zmiany w formie, kolorystyce i otoczeniu plac贸wki gastronomicznej, nowe logo danej firmy, nowe godziny otwarcia czy now膮 lokalizacj臋 lokalu.The aim of the article is the presentation of the innovative activity of catering companies operating in the area of the Warsaw agglomeration in 2014-2016. The results of qualitative research conducted with owners or managers of catering premises show that the main aim of innovation is to create a positive attitude of the consumer to the establishment. In addition, the task of the implemented changes was to increase the company鈥檚 turnover and competitive advantage on the market. Attention has also been paid to marketing innovations that aim to improve the attractiveness of a brand or to change a company鈥檚 image. The most frequently introduced marketing innovations were the use of portal advertising on portals and websites, outdoor advertising and the application of new pricing strategies. In addition, significant changes were made in the form, colors and surroundings of the catering establishment, the new company logo, new opening hours and new location

    The accumulation of heavy metals in plants (Lactuca sativa L., Fragaria vesca L.) after the amelioration of coalmine tailing soils with different organo-mineral amendments

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    The investigation was based on two pot experiments with lettuce and strawberry, aiming to assess the uptake of heavy metals (cobalt [Co], chromium [Cr], lead [Pb], cadmium [Cd], nickel [Ni], arsenic [As]) from coalmine tailing soils subjected to different amelioration measures (application of liquid fertilizers combined with different organo-mineral materials - zeolite material, peat material, coal dust and poultry manure processed by flies' worms). The results obtained indicate the problem of high Cr and Ni accumulation in above ground parts of plants (leaves and fruits). The question of Cr mobility within substrates and plants stayed open. Concentrations of Ni and Cr in lettuce and strawberry are below the levels allowed for animal food, but could influence daily human intake. Further work should focus on the mobility of heavy metals within treated tailings and their uptake by different plant species