73 research outputs found

    Multicore Optical Fibres for an External Talbot Cavity

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    In the paper the application of multicore optical fibres in phased-locked high power lasers is presented. The manufacturing and properties of multicore active optical fibres were presented. The thermally stable aluminosilicate glass doped with Nd3+Nd^{3+} (0.5 mol%) ions were melted and used as cores in manufactured multicore optical fibres. Two configurations of double clad multicore optical fibres with the circular array containing 15 and 30 Nd3+Nd^{3+} doped cores on ring inside a large pump clad were realized. Absorption and luminescence spectra of obtained glasses and fibres were presented. An external plane mirror located at certain distance of the array forms the basic Talbot cavity. The possibilities of mode selection and phase-locking by using Talbot resonator applied to fabricated multicore fibres were investigated

    Evaluation of various forms of support of project co-financed through the ESF 2007-2013

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    Dokonano oceny przydatności poszczególnych form wsparcia projektu współfinasowanego w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego pt. „Wsparcie dla byłych pracowników Zakładów Przetwórstwa Mięsnego JBB w Łysych”. Ocena obejmowała spełnienie oczekiwań badanych, prawidłowości zaplanowania i doboru form wsparcia, sposobu realizacji wsparcia, wykorzystanie efektów udziału w poszczególnych formach w prowadzonej działalności gospodarczej. W badaniach wykorzystano ankietę z kwestionariuszem. Badania wskazują na powodzenie realizowanego projektu w zakresie wsparcia dotacyjnego. Ocena właścicieli nowo uruchomionych przedsiębiorstw dostarcza wiedzy o skuteczności zastosowanych form wsparcia projektowego. W wyniku badań rekomendowane jest rozszerzenie badań o porównanie opinii właścicieli przedsiębiorstw powstałych w ramach innych instrumentów EFS w celu określenia najskuteczniejszych form i metod wsparcia rynku pracy.The usefulness of various forms of support co-financed project under the European Social Fund „Support for former workers of Meat Processing JBB in Lyse” was presented. The evaluation included meeting the expectations of the respondents, the accuracy of planning and selection of forms of support, how to implement support, use of the effects of participation in various forms of economic activity. Selected methods in the survey included questionnaire. The conducted study shows the success of the project in support of the grant. Rating owners of newly started businesses provides knowledge about the effectiveness of the forms of project support. The research is recommended to extend the research compare views on the owners of enterprises established under other instruments of the ESF in order to identify the most effective forms and methods of labor market support

    Comparison of selected aspects of promotional activities conducted by rural, urban-rural and urban communities

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    Celem badań było porównanie wybranych aspektów działań promocyjnych prowadzonych przez gminy miejsko-wiejskie i miejskie oraz gminy wiejskie. W ramach celu głównego realizowano następujące cele szczegółowe: rozpoznanie działań promocyjnych stosowanych przez badane gminy, rozpoznanie form współpracy badanych z gminami partnerskimi, dokonanie oceny ważkości czynników decydujących o atrakcyjności turystycznej gminy w opinii badanych, dokonanie oceny ważkości barier w rozwoju turystyki w badanej gminie. Grupę badawczą stanowiło 81 gmin z siedmiu województw Polski. Zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem techniki ankiety według standaryzowanego kwestionariusza. Kwestionariusz ankiety wypełniały osoby odpowiedzialne w gminie za podejmowanie działań promocyjnych. Stwierdzono, że między działaniami promocyjnym prowadzonymi przez gminy miejsko-wiejskie i miejskie oraz gminy wiejskie występują różnice w rodzaju stosowanych instrumentów oraz stopniu wykorzystywania poszczególnych działań. Ponadto badania wskazują, iż gminy wiejskie rzadziej niż gminy miejsko-wiejskie nawiązują współpracę z innymi podmiotami. Analiza odpowiedzi respondentów pokazała również ważność czynników świadczących o atrakcyjności turystycznej oraz bariery jakie mogą utrudniać rozwój turystyki w gminach. Interesującym obszarem do prowadzenia kolejnych badań jest poziom zidentyfikowania i promowania produktu turystycznego na poziomie lokalnym.</jats:p

    Spectroscopic Properties of Yb 3+

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    In the article the cooperative energy transfer in GeO₂-GaO-BaO glass system doped with Yb3+//Tb3+Yb^{3+}//Tb^{3+} under 980 nm laser diode excitation was investigated. The influence of Tb3+Tb^{3+} concentration on the luminescent properties was determined. Measured strong luminescence at 489, 543, 586, 621 corresponds to 5D47FJ\text{}5D_4 \rightarrow \text{}^7 F_{J} (J = 6, 4, 3) transitions and luminescence at 381, 415, 435 nm results from 5D3,5G67FJ\text{}5 D_3, \text{}^5 G_6 \rightarrow \text{}^7 F_{J} (J = 6, 5, 4) transitions. Mechanism and energy diagram involved in observed emission were discussed. The highest upconversion emission intensity was obtained in the germanate glass doped with 0.7Yb₂O₃/0.7Tb₂O₃

    Upconversion Luminescence in Yb3+//Tm3+Yb^{3+}//Tm^{3+} Doped Double Clad Optical Fibre

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    The paper presents luminescence properties of telluride glass doped with Yb3+//Tm3+Yb^{3+}//Tm^{3+} ions. Strong blue emission at 477 nm corresponding to the transition 1G43H6\text{}^1 G_4 \rightarrow \text{}^3 H_6 in thulium ions was measured under the excitation of a 976 nm diode laser. The dependence of the upconversion emission upon the thulium ions concentration was studied in order to determine the optimal ion content. The results showed that intensity of upconversion emission enhances, with the increase of Tm3+Tm^{3+} content up to 0.1 mol.%. The most effective energy transfer Yb3+Tm3+Yb^{3+} \rightarrow Tm^{3+} occurs in the glassy matrix with molar ratio of dopant 1 Yb3+Yb^{3+} : 0.1 Tm3+Tm^{3+}. Double-clad optical fibre was made of glass with the highest upconversion intensity at the wavelength of λ = 477 nm (TGPF101). As a result of optical excitation (λ = 976 nm) of the produced optical fibre, an additional emission line, which was not noticed in the glass, was observed at the wavelength of 351 nm corresponding to the 1D23H6\text{}^1 D_2 \rightarrow \text{}^3 H_6 transition

    Nd3+//Yb3+Nd^{3+}//Yb^{3+} Doped Phosphate and Antimony Glasses for Optical Fibre Source

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    In the article there are presented two different series of glass: fluorophosphate with molar composition: 65P2O58Al2O365P_2O_5-8Al_2O_3- 2BaO5BaF26ZnF22BaO-5BaF_2-6ZnF_2- 5Na2O5Na_2O- 6MgF23B2O36MgF_2-3B_2O_3 and antimony glasses 40Sb2O340Sb_2O_3- 3Al2O33Al_2O_3- 57SiO257SiO_2 doped with Nd3+Nd^{3+} and Yb3+Yb^{3+} ions. Dopant contents influence efficient spatial overlapping of emission level for neodymium and absorption level for ytterbium was analyzed. While exciting the produced glasses with a laser diode (λ = 808 nm) a broad luminescence spectrum (Δλ = 100 nm) has been obtained in both cases in the vicinity of 1 μm, being the superposition of the following transitions: 4F3//24I11//2\text{}^4F_{3//2} \rightarrow {\text{}^4I_{11//2}} for Nd3+Nd^{3+} and 2F5//22F7//2\text{}^2F_{5//2} \rightarrow {\text{}^2F_{7//2}} for Yb3+Yb^{3+}. Based on the luminescence measurements the probability of non-radiative energy transfer was described. Because of a small difference in energy ( ≈1190 cm1cm^{-1}) between the laser levels of neodymium and ytterbium the resonant process of energy transfer has been obtained

    Beam Quality of Multicore Fibre Lasers

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    In the paper the beam quality of the phase-locked multicore fibre lasers was investigated. The beam quality factor (BQF) of the coherently combined beam of the multicore fibre lasers should be determinate as the laser optical output power in a central peak far-field bucket divided by the total optical output power radiating from the effective near-field. Classical M2M^2 factor is not proper for evaluating the beam quality of phase-locked multicore fibre lasers because it degrades with the increasing number of cores. The beam quality factor of the manufactured multicore fibres equals: 7-core hexagonal structure fibre (BQF = 0.71, V = 2.4), 5-core (BQF = 0.70, V = 2.4), 30-core circular structure of core optical fibre laser possesses the lowest beam quality factor (BQF = 0.48, V = 2.4). However, the angular divergence of the central peak is reduced in proportion to the number of cores generating mutually coherent radiation. Numerical simulation shows that standard deviation of the phase error below 15° has an inconsiderable impact on the laser beam quality. The luminescence spectra of the fabricated constructions: 5-core, 7-core and 30-core double clad multicore optical fibres doped with Nd3+Nd^{3+} were measured