52 research outputs found

    Drug transport in brain via the cerebrospinal fluid

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    The human brain has no lymphatic system, but produces over a half-liter each day of cerebrospinal fluid. The cerebrospinal fluid is secreted at the choroid plexus and occupies the cavities of the four ventricles, as well as the cranial and spinal sub-arachnoid space. The cerebrospinal fluid moves over the surfaces of the brain and spinal cord and is rapidly absorbed into the general circulation. The choroid plexus forms the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier, and this barrier is functionally distinct from the brain microvascular endothelium, which forms the blood-brain barrier. Virtually all non-cellular substances in blood distribute into cerebrospinal fluid, and drug entry into cerebrospinal fluid is not an index of drug transport across the blood-brain barrier. Drug injected into the cerebrospinal fluid rapidly moves into the blood via bulk flow, but penetrates into brain tissue poorly owing to the limitations of diffusion. Drug transport into cerebrospinal fluid vs. brain interstitial fluid requires knowledge of the relative expression of transporters at the choroid plexus versus the brain microvascular endothelium

    Enhanced Brain Disposition and Effects of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol in P-Glycoprotein and Breast Cancer Resistance Protein Knockout Mice

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    The ABC transporters P-glycoprotein (P-gp, Abcb1) and breast cancer resistance protein (Bcrp, Abcg2) regulate the CNS disposition of many drugs. The main psychoactive constituent of cannabis Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) has affinity for P-gp and Bcrp, however it is unknown whether these transporters modulate the brain accumulation of THC and its functional effects on the CNS. Here we aim to show that mice devoid of Abcb1 and Abcg2 retain higher brain THC levels and are more sensitive to cannabinoid-induced hypothermia than wild-type (WT) mice. Abcb1a/b (−/−), Abcg2 (−/−) and wild-type (WT) mice were injected with THC before brain and blood were collected and THC concentrations determined. Another cohort of mice was examined for THC-induced hypothermia by measuring rectal body temperature. Brain THC concentrations were higher in both Abcb1a/b (−/−) and Abcg2 (−/−) mice than WT mice. ABC transporter knockout mice exhibited delayed elimination of THC from the brain with the effect being more prominent in Abcg2 (−/−) mice. ABC transporter knockout mice were more sensitive to THC-induced hypothermia compared to WT mice. These results show P-gp and Bcrp prolong the brain disposition and hypothermic effects of THC and offer a novel mechanism for both genetic vulnerability to the psychoactive effects of cannabis and drug interactions between CNS therapies and cannabis

    Abnormal distribution of anionic sites in the glomerular basement membrane in glomerulonephritis of dogs infected with Dirofilaria immitis

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    Ultrastructural alteration of anionic sites (ASs) in the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) was studied in glomerulonephritis characterized by linear capillary Ige deposition in four dogs infected with Dirofilaria immitis and two normal control dogs using polyethyleneimine. ASs were identified as small dense particles distributed regularly in the lamina rara externa (LRE), but there were no ASs in the lamina densa (LD) of the GEM of the control dogs. In the glomeruli of the infected dogs, ASs were distributed regularly or irregularly in the thickened LD. ASs were in addition localized over the characteristic continuous bands of subendothelial dense deposits. The number of ASs of the LRE increased in all four infected cases as compared to the controls (p<0.01)

    Biology/Disease-Driven Initiative on Protein-Aggregation Diseases of the Human Proteome Project: Goals and Progress to Date

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    The Biology/Disease-driven (B/D) working groups of the Human Proteome Project are alliances of research groups aimed at developing or improving proteomic tools to support specific biological or disease-related research areas. Here, we describe the activities and progress to date of the B/D working group focused on protein aggregation diseases (PADs). PADs are characterized by the intra- or extracellular accumulation of aggregated proteins and include devastating diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease and systemic amyloidosis. The PAD B/D working group aims for the development of proteomic assays for the quantification of aggregation-prone proteins involved in PADs to support basic and clinical research on PADs. Because the proteins in PADs undergo aberrant conformational changes, a goal is to quantitatively resolve altered protein structures and aggregation states in complex biological specimens. We have developed protein-extraction protocols and a set of mass spectrometric (MS) methods that enable the detection and quantification of proteins involved in the systemic and localized amyloidosis and the probing of aberrant protein conformational transitions in cell and tissue extracts. In several studies, we have demonstrated the potential of MS-based proteomics approaches for specific and sensitive clinical diagnoses and for the subtyping of PADs. The developed methods have been detailed in both protocol papers and manuscripts describing applications to facilitate implementation by nonspecialized laboratories, and assay coordinates are shared through public repositories and databases. Clinicians actively involved in the PAD working group support the transfer to clinical practice of the developed methods, such as assays to quantify specific disease-related proteins and their fragments in biofluids and multiplexed MS-based methods for the diagnosis and typing of systemic amyloidosis. We believe that the increasing availability of tools to precisely measure proteins involved in PADs will positively impact research on the molecular bases of these diseases and support early disease diagnosis and a more-confident subtyping
