612 research outputs found

    Disassortativity of random critical branching trees

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    Random critical branching trees (CBTs) are generated by the multiplicative branching process, where the branching number is determined stochastically, independent of the degree of their ancestor. Here we show analytically that despite this stochastic independence, there exists the degree-degree correlation (DDC) in the CBT and it is disassortative. Moreover, the skeletons of fractal networks, the maximum spanning trees formed by the edge betweenness centrality, behave similarly to the CBT in the DDC. This analytic solution and observation support the argument that the fractal scaling in complex networks originates from the disassortativity in the DDC.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Origin of the mixed-order transition in multiplex networks: the Ashkin-Teller model

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    Recently, diverse phase transition (PT) types have been obtained in multiplex networks, such as discontinuous, continuous, and mixed-order PTs. However, they emerge from individual systems, and there is no theoretical understanding of such PTs in a single framework. Here, we study a spin model called the Ashkin-Teller (AT) model in a mono-layer scale-free network; this can be regarded as a model of two species of Ising spin placed on each layer of a double-layer network. The four-spin interaction in the AT model represents the inter-layer interaction in the multiplex network. Diverse PTs emerge depending on the inter-layer coupling strength and network structure. Especially, we find that mixed-order PTs occur at the critical end points. The origin of such behavior is explained in the framework of Landau-Ginzburg theory.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Spectral densities of scale-free networks

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    The spectral densities of the weighted Laplacian, random walk and weighted adjacency matrices associated with a random complex network are studied using the replica method. The link weights are parametrized by a weight exponent β\beta. Explicit results are obtained for scale-free networks in the limit of large mean degree after the thermodynamic limit, for arbitrary degree exponent and β\beta.Comment: 14 pages, two figure

    Genuine Non-Self-Averaging and Ultra-Slow Convergence in Gelation

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    In irreversible aggregation processes droplets or polymers of microscopic size successively coalesce until a large cluster of macroscopic scale forms. This gelation transition is widely believed to be self-averaging, meaning that the order parameter (the relative size of the largest connected cluster) attains well-defined values upon ensemble averaging with no sample-to-sample fluctuations in the thermodynamic limit. Here, we report on anomalous gelation transition types. Depending on the growth rate of the largest clusters, the gelation transition can show very diverse patterns as a function of the control parameter, which includes multiple stochastic discontinuous transitions, genuine non-self-averaging and ultra-slow convergence of the transition point. Our framework may be helpful in understanding and controlling gelation.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Intrinsic degree-correlations in static model of scale-free networks

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    We calculate the mean neighboring degree function kˉnn(k)\bar k_{\rm{nn}}(k) and the mean clustering function C(k)C(k) of vertices with degree kk as a function of kk in finite scale-free random networks through the static model. While both are independent of kk when the degree exponent γ3\gamma \geq 3, they show the crossover behavior for 2<γ<32 < \gamma < 3 from kk-independent behavior for small kk to kk-dependent behavior for large kk. The kk-dependent behavior is analytically derived. Such a behavior arises from the prevention of self-loops and multiple edges between each pair of vertices. The analytic results are confirmed by numerical simulations. We also compare our results with those obtained from a growing network model, finding that they behave differently from each other.Comment: 8 page

    Percolation Transitions in Scale-Free Networks under Achlioptas Process

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    It has been recently shown that the percolation transition is discontinuous in Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi networks and square lattices in two dimensions under the Achlioptas Process (AP). Here, we show that when the structure is highly heterogeneous as in scale-free networks, a discontinuous transition does not always occur: a continuous transition is also possible depending on the degree distribution of the scale-free network. This originates from the competition between the AP that discourages the formation of a giant component and the existence of hubs that encourages it. We also estimate the value of the characteristic degree exponent that separates the two transition types.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure