2,029 research outputs found

    Arquitecto versus Doctor Arquitecto: las escuelas de arquitectura y el siglo XXI

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es la realización de un estudio sobre la formación doctoral de arquitectos que contribuya a mejorar la calidad de los programas de doctorados en las Escuelas de Arquitectura españolas y que nos aproxime al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y de Investigación. El periodo analizado es el formado por los últimos nueve años: lo transcurrido del siglo XXI. El estudio se ha realizado sobre las Escuelas de Arquitectura de ocho universidades españolas, las que nos han proporcionado la relación de tesis leídas en sus Escuelas de Arquitectura en ese periodo, sus autores y directores. Se ha elaborado una base de datos de las mismas, así como una ficha-modelo que se ha remitido a los autores de esas tesis, recabándole información diversa: tiempo de duración de la tesis, financiación obtenida para su desarrollo, movilidad nacional e internacional, publicaciones derivadas, doctorado europeo, etc. A partir de este estudio se presentan conclusiones sobre el estado actual de la formación doctoral en Arquitectura

    Content analysis and assessment of deontological codes of franchising associations

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    The objective of this work is to run the content analysis and assessment of deontological codes of national and international franchising associations. To do this, we compared the content of 46 deontological codes of franchising associations from five continents to the standards established in the so-called C-40 or model of franchising deontological codes. Results show that, in general, ethical content included in deontological codes of franchising associations are not very large, requiring progress in improving its structure and content. In any case, according to the contents of their deontological codes, there are two groups of franchising associations worldwide. On the one hand, those taking the archetype of the European Franchise Federation code (30 associations), which show a greater number of ethical issues and have a better structured code than the other group that do not follow the European Code (16 associations)

    Exploiting graphic processing units parallelism to improve intelligent data acquisition system performance in JET's correlation reflectometer

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    The performance of intelligent data acquisition systems relies heavily on their processing capabilities and local bus bandwidth, especially in applications with high sample rates or high number of channels. This is the case of the self adaptive sampling rate data acquisition system installed as a pilot experiment in KG8B correlation reflectometer at JET. The system, which is based on the ITMS platform, continuously adapts the sample rate during the acquisition depending on the signal bandwidth. In order to do so it must transfer acquired data to a memory buffer in the host processor and run heavy computational algorithms for each data block. The processing capabilities of the host CPU and the bandwidth of the PXI bus limit the maximum sample rate that can be achieved, therefore limiting the maximum bandwidth of the phenomena that can be studied. Graphic processing units (GPU) are becoming an alternative for speeding up compute intensive kernels of scientific, imaging and simulation applications. However, integrating this technology into data acquisition systems is not a straight forward step, not to mention exploiting their parallelism efficiently. This paper discusses the use of GPUs with new high speed data bus interfaces to improve the performance of the self adaptive sampling rate data acquisition system installed on JET. Integration issues are discussed and performance evaluations are presente

    Quality assurance of surface wind observations from automated weather stations

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    Meteorological data of good quality arc important for understanding both global and regional climates In this respect, great efforts have been made to evaluate temperature- and precipitation-related records This study summarizes the evaluations made to date of the quality of wind speed and direction records acquired at 41 automated weather stations in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula Observations were acquired from 1992 to 2005 at a temporal resolution of 10 and 30 min A quality assurance system was imposed to select) the records for 1) manipulation errors associated with storage and management of the data. 2) consistency limits to to ensure that observations ale within their natural limits of variation, and 3) temporal consistency to assess abnormally low/high variations in the individual time series In addition. the most important biases of the dataset are analyzed and corrected wherever possible A total of 1 8% wind speed and 3 7% wind direction records was assumed invalid. pointing to specific problems in wind measurement The study not only tiles to contribute to the science with the creation of a wind damsel of unmoved quality. but it also reports on potential errors that could be plc:sent in other wind dataset

    Aridity events during the last 4000 years in Western Mediterranean marshes (Almenara and Benicasim marshes, E Spain)

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    Facies and geochemical analysis applied to marsh deposits are useful proxies for the reconstruction of aridity for the last millennia. The comparison of facies and geochemical records among cores from the Almenara and Benicasim marshes allows to identify changes in water level (Si/Al, Al, Ca) and salinity of the feeding waters (Mg/Al, Na/Al, S/Al). These changes, in turn, represent fluctuations in the position of the saline-fresh groundwater boundary, which can be related to variations in sea level and rainfall. For the last 4000 years, three events recording higher salinity conditions (ca. 3.4 ka BP, ca. 3 ka BP and ca. 1.8 ka BP) are noticeable in the record. Comparison to other studies around the Western Mediterranean basin allows us to correlate these events to arid episodes and to identify their forcing mechanisms. These aridity events are correlative to small falls in solar activity and Surface Sea Temperature (SST) during positive North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) periods. Despite the small magnitude of these changes, the sensitivity of the system amplified the result providing a conspicuous signal

    Redox-dependent and redox-independent functions of Caenorhabditis elegans thioredoxin 1

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    Thioredoxins (TRX) are traditionally considered as enzymes catalyzing redox reactions. However, redox-independent functions of thioredoxins have been described in different organisms, although the underlying molecular mechanisms are yet unknown. We report here the characterization of the first generated endogenous redox-inactive thioredoxin in an animal model, the TRX-1 in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. We find that TRX-1 dually regulates the formation of an endurance larval stage (dauer) by interacting with the insulin pathway in a redox-independent manner and the cGMP pathway in a redox-dependent manner. Moreover, the requirement of TRX-1 for the extended longevity of worms with compromised insulin signalling or under calorie restriction relies on TRX-1 redox activity. In contrast, the nuclear translocation of the SKN-1 transcription factor and increased LIPS-6 protein levels in the intestine upon trx-1 deficiency are strictly redox-independent. Finally, we identify a novel function of C. elegans TRX-1 in male food-leaving behaviour that is redox-dependent. Taken together, our results position C. elegans as an ideal model to gain mechanistic insight into the redox-independent functions of metazoan thioredoxins, overcoming the limitations imposed by the embryonic lethal phenotypes of thioredoxin mutants in higher organisms.NIH Office of Research Infrastructure P40 OD010440Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness BFU2015- 64408-PFondo Social Europeo BFU2015- 64408-PNational Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health R01AI07640

    Proyecciones de cambio climático en la Península Ibérica: asimetrías espacial y estacional en los patrones de calentamiento

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    Ponencia presentada en: XXX Jornadas Científicas de la AME y el IX Encuentro Hispano Luso de Meteorología celebrado en Zaragoza, del 5 al 7 de mayo de 2008.Este trabajo ha sido subvencionado por el proyecto 00619/PI/04, financiado por la Fundación Séneca de la Región de Murcia

    Medición de la responsabilidad social corporativa. Propuesta de medición para el ámbito del sistema de franquicia

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    El presente trabajo de investigación trata de conocer el estado de la responsabilidad social corporativa, su concepto y dimensiones. La revisión de la literatura nos indica que se trata de un constructo complejo multidimensional, difícil de medir. Ello conlleva la falta de consenso entre los investigadores en la forma de medir la responsabilidad social corporativa. A partir de esta multidimensionalidad se propone una forma de medición en el ámbito del sector de la franquicia en España. Para ello se ha medido la responsabilidad social corporativa de una importante muestra de cadenas franquiciadoras que operan en España, incluyendo componentes que intentan recoger las responsabilidades ética, legal, filantrópica, medioambiental, frente a clientes y a empleados. No es frecuente encontrar una medida de la responsabilidad social corporativa, en el ámbito de la franquicia, que recoja todas las componentes anteriores, lo que supone una aportación relevante de esta investigación.This research paper seeks to know the state of corporate social responsibility, which are their concepts and dimensions. The literature review indicates that this is a complex multidimensional construct, difficult to measure. This implies a lack of consensus among researchers on how to measure corporate social responsibility. From this multidimensional topic we propose a form of measurement in the field of the Spanish franchising sector. Corporate Social Responsibility has been measured in an important sample of franchise chains operating in Spain, including components that try to gather the ethical, legal, philanthropic, environmental, to customers and employees, responsibilities. It is rare to find a measure of corporate social responsibility in the field of franchising containing all the above mentioned components, representing a significant contribution of this research

    Simulación del clima de la Península Ibérica: sensibilidad al modelo de suelo

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    Ponencia presentada en: XXX Jornadas Científicas de la AME y el IX Encuentro Hispano Luso de Meteorología celebrado en Zaragoza, del 5 al 7 de mayo de 2008.Este trabajo se engloba dentro del proyecto CGL2005-06966-C07-04/CLI, financiado por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia