1,194 research outputs found

    Adiabatic Geometric Phase for a General Quantum States

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    A geometric phase is found for a general quantum state that undergoes adiabatic evolution. For the case of eigenstates, it reduces to the original Berry's phase. Such a phase is applicable in both linear and nonlinear quantum systems. Furthermore, this new phase is related to Hannay's angles as we find that these angles, a classical concept, can arise naturally in quantum systems. The results are demonstrated with a two-level model.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Adiabatic Theory of Nonlinear Evolution of Quantum States

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    We present a general theory for adiabatic evolution of quantum states as governed by the nonlinear Schrodinger equation, and provide examples of applications with a nonlinear tunneling model for Bose-Einstein condensates. Our theory not only spells out conditions for adiabatic evolution of eigenstates, but also characterizes the motion of non-eigenstates which cannot be obtained from the former in the absence of the superposition principle. We find that in the adiabatic evolution of non-eigenstates, the Aharonov-Anandan phases play the role of classical canonical actions.Comment: substantial revision, 5 pages and 3 figure

    Strategies for guided acoustic wave inspection using mobile robots

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    Continuous non-destructive monitoring of large-scale structures is extremely challenging with traditional manual inspections. In this paper, we explore possible strategies that a collection of inspection robots could adopt to address this challenge. We envision the continuous inspection of a plate performed by multiple robots or a single robot that combines measurements from multiple locations. The robots use guided ultrasonic waves to interrogate a localized region for defects such as cracking or corrosion. In the detection stage, the receiver operating characteristic defines a detection zone in which a defect is thought to be present. In the localization stage, further measurements are made to locate the defect within this zone to a certain accuracy. We then address the question of what additional measurements are needed to achieve a given level of performance in the presence of uncertainty in robot locations? We explore this problem with Monte Carlo simulations that reveal the compromise between number of robots and performance in terms of defect location accuracy. In an experimental validation example on an aluminium plate, we show that six measurements arranged in a pentagon with a central measurement point leads to localization errors of similar magnitude to the uncertainty in sensor location

    Controlled Generation of Dark Solitons with Phase Imprinting

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    The generation of dark solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates with phase imprinting is studied by mapping it into the classic problem of a damped driven pendulum. We provide simple but powerful schemes of designing the phase imprint for various desired outcomes. We derive a formula for the number of dark solitons generated by a given phase step, and also obtain results which explain experimental observations.Comment: 4pages, 4 figure

    Quantum Chaos of Bogoliubov Waves for a Bose-Einstein Condensate in Stadium Billiards

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    We investigate the possibility of quantum (or wave) chaos for the Bogoliubov excitations of a Bose-Einstein condensate in billiards. Because of the mean field interaction in the condensate, the Bogoliubov excitations are very different from the single particle excitations in a non-interacting system. Nevertheless, we predict that the statistical distribution of level spacings is unchanged by mapping the non-Hermitian Bogoliubov operator to a real symmetric matrix. We numerically test our prediction by using a phase shift method for calculating the excitation energies.Comment: minor change, 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Deletion of Glut1 in early postnatal cartilage reprograms chondrocytes toward enhanced glutamine oxidation

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    Abstract Glucose metabolism is fundamental for the functions of all tissues, including cartilage. Despite the emerging evidence related to glucose metabolism in the regulation of prenatal cartilage development, little is known about the role of glucose metabolism and its biochemical basis in postnatal cartilage growth and homeostasis. We show here that genetic deletion of the glucose transporter Glut1 in postnatal cartilage impairs cell proliferation and matrix production in growth plate (GPs) but paradoxically increases cartilage remnants in the metaphysis, resulting in shortening of long bones. On the other hand, articular cartilage (AC) with Glut1 deficiency presents diminished cellularity and loss of proteoglycans, which ultimately progress to cartilage fibrosis. Moreover, predisposition to Glut1 deficiency severely exacerbates injury-induced osteoarthritis. Regardless of the disparities in glucose metabolism between GP and AC chondrocytes under normal conditions, both types of chondrocytes demonstrate metabolic plasticity to enhance glutamine utilization and oxidation in the absence of glucose availability. However, uncontrolled glutamine flux causes collagen overmodification, thus affecting extracellular matrix remodeling in both cartilage compartments. These results uncover the pivotal and distinct roles of Glut1-mediated glucose metabolism in two of the postnatal cartilage compartments and link some cartilage abnormalities to altered glucose/glutamine metabolism

    Non-uniform Black Strings with Schwarzschild-(Anti-)de Sitter Foliation

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    We present some exact non-uniform black string solutions of 5-dimensional pure Einstein gravity as well as Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton theory at arbitrary dilaton coupling. The solutions share the common property that their 4-dimensional slices are Schwarzchild-(anti-)de Sitter spacetimes. The pure gravity solution is also generalized to spacetimes of dimensions higher than 5 to get non-uniform black branes.Comment: LaTeX 14 pages, 3 eps figures. V2: version appeared in CQ

    Numerical study on load-bearing capabilities of beam-like lattice structures with three different unit cells

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    The design and analysis of lattice structures manufactured using Additive Manufacturing (AM) technique is a new approach to create lightweight high-strength components. However, it is difficult for engineers to choose the proper unit cell for a certain function structure and loading case. In this paper, three beam-like lattice structures with triangular prism, square prism and hexagonal prism were designed, manufactured by SLM process using AlSi10Mg and tested. The mechanical performances of lattice structures with equal relative density, equal base area and height, and equal length for all unit cells were conducted by Finite Element Analysis (FEA). It was found that effective Young’s modulus is proportional to relative density, but with different affecting levels. When the lattice structures are designed with the same relative density or the same side lengths, the effective Young’s modulus of lattice structure with triangular prism exhibits the maximum value for both cases. When the lattice structures are designed with the same base areas for all unit cells, the effective Young’s modulus of lattice structures with square prism presents the maximum. FEA results also show that the maximum stress of lattice structures with triangular prisms in each comparison is at the lowest level and the stiffness-to-mass ratio remains at the maximum value, showing the overwhelming advantages in terms of mechanical strength. The excellent agreements between numerical results and experimental tests reveal the validity of FEA methods applied. The results in this work provide an explicit guideline to fabricate beam-like lattice structures with the best tensile and bending capabilities
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