24,833 research outputs found

    An ansatz for a non-perturbative four-graviton amplitude in type IIB superstring theory

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    A natural SL(2,Z) invariant generalization of the Veneziano amplitude in type IIB superstring theory is investigated. It includes certain perturbative and non-perturbative (D-instanton) contributions, and it reduces to the correct expressions in different limits. The singularities are poles in the ss-tt-uu channels, corresponding to the exchange of particles with a mass spectrum coinciding with that of (p,q)(p,q) string states. We describe the general structure of the associated perturbative corrections to the effective action.Comment: Version appeared in Phys.Lett. B. Discussion expanded. 7 pages, harvma

    Hyperbolic Spaces in String and M-Theory

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    We describe string-theory and d=11d=11 supergravity solutions involving symmetric spaces of constant negative curvature. Many examples of non-supersymmetric string compactifications on hyperbolic spaces HrH_r of finite volume are given in terms of suitable cosets of the form Hr/ΓH_r/\Gamma , where Γ\Gamma is a discrete group. We describe in some detail the cases of the non-compact hyperbolic spaces F2F_2 and F3F_3, representing the fundamental regions of H2H_2 and H3H_3 under SL(2,Z)SL(2,Z) and the Picard group, respectively. By writing AdSAdS as a U(1) fibration, we obtain new solutions where AdS2p+1AdS_{2p+1} gets untwisted by T-duality to R×SU(p,1)/(SU(p)×U(1)){\bf R}\times SU(p,1)/(SU(p)\times U(1)). Solutions with time-dependent dilaton field are also constructed by starting with a solution with NS5-brane flux over H3H_3. A new class of non-supersymmetric conformal field theories can be defined via holography.Comment: 17 pages, Latex. Small additions and correction

    Supersymmetric fluxbrane intersections and closed string tachyons

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    We consider NS-NS superstring model with several ``magnetic'' parameters bsb_s (s=1, ...,N) associated with twists mixing a compact S1S^1 direction with angles in NN spatial 2-planes of flat 10-dimensional space. It generalizes the Kaluza-Klein Melvin model which has single parameter bb. The corresponding U-dual background is a R-R type IIA solution describing an orthogonal intersection of NN flux 7-branes. Like the Melvin model, the NS-NS string model with NN continuous parameters is explicitly solvable; we present its perturbative spectrum and torus partition function explicitly for the N=2 case. For generic bsb_s (above some critical values) there are tachyons in the S1S^1 winding sector. A remarkable feature of this model is that while in the Melvin N=1 case all supersymmetry is broken, a fraction of it may be preserved for N>1N >1 by making a special choice of the parameters bsb_s. Such solvable NS-NS models may be viewed as continuous-parameter analogs of non-compact orbifold models. They and their U-dual R-R fluxbrane counterparts may have some ``phenomenological'' applications. In particular, in N=3 case one finds a special 1/4 supersymmetric R-R 3-brane background. Putting Dp-branes in flat twisted NS-NS backgrounds leads to world-volume gauge theories with reduced amount of supersymmetry. We also discuss possible ways of evolution of unstable backgrounds towards stable ones.Comment: 26 pages, harvmac. v3: reference added, minor changes in appendi

    Exactly solvable string models of curved space-time backgrounds

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    We consider a new 3-parameter class of exact 4-dimensional solutions in closed string theory and solve the corresponding string model, determining the physical spectrum and the partition function. The background fields (4-metric, antisymmetric tensor, two Kaluza-Klein vector fields, dilaton and modulus) generically describe axially symmetric stationary rotating (electro)magnetic flux-tube type universes. Backgrounds of this class include both the dilatonic (a=1) and Kaluza-Klein (a=\sqrt 3) Melvin solutions and the uniform magnetic field solution, as well as some singular space-times. Solvability of the string sigma model is related to its connection via duality to a simpler model which is a ``twisted" product of a flat 2-space and a space dual to 2-plane. We discuss some physical properties of this model (tachyonic instabilities in the spectrum, gyromagnetic ratios, issue of singularities, etc.). It provides one of the first examples of a consistent solvable conformal string model with explicit D=4 curved space-time interpretation.Comment: 54 pages, harvmac (corrected and extended version
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