144 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Spread Spectrum Sliding Correlator: Why Filtering Matters

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    © 2009 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2009.081388A wireless channel sounder based upon the conventional spread spectrum sliding correlator implementation uses unfiltered pseudo-random noise (PN) at both the transmitter and receiver to generate a time-dilated copy of the channel’s impulse response. However, in addition to this desired impulse response, the sliding correlator also produces a noise-like, wideband distortion signal that decreases the measurement system’s dynamic range. Careful selection of the sliding correlator’s lowpass filter can significantly reduce this distortion, but no amount of filtering will remove it completely. In contrast, using filtered PNs at both the transmitter and receiver enables one to remove this distortion in entirety and realize a measurement system whose dynamic range closely approximates the theoretical ideal for spread spectrum systems

    Design of the 28.15 MHz cavity for RHIC

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    Rapid metabolic profiling of Nicotiana tabacum defence responses against Phytophthora nicotianae using direct infrared laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry and principal component analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Successful defence of tobacco plants against attack from the oomycete <it>Phytophthora nicotianae </it>includes a type of local programmed cell death called the hypersensitive response. Complex and not completely understood signaling processes are required to mediate the development of this defence in the infected tissue. Here, we demonstrate that different families of metabolites can be monitored in small pieces of infected, mechanically-stressed, and healthy tobacco leaves using direct infrared laser desorption ionization orthogonal time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The defence response was monitored for 1 - 9 hours post infection.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Infrared laser desorption ionization orthogonal time-of-flight mass spectrometry allows rapid and simultaneous detection in both negative and positive ion mode of a wide range of naturally occurring primary and secondary metabolites. An unsupervised principal component analysis was employed to identify correlations between changes in metabolite expression (obtained at different times and sample treatment conditions) and the overall defence response.</p> <p>A one-dimensional projection of the principal components 1 and 2 obtained from positive ion mode spectra was used to generate a Biological Response Index (BRI). The BRI obtained for each sample treatment was compared with the number of dead cells found in the respective tissue. The high correlation between these two values suggested that the BRI provides a rapid assessment of the plant response against the pathogen infection. Evaluation of the loading plots of the principal components (1 and 2) reveals a correlation among three metabolic cascades and the defence response generated in infected leaves. Analysis of selected phytohormones by liquid chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrometry verified our findings.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The described methodology allows for rapid assessment of infection-specific changes in the plant metabolism, in particular of phenolics, alkaloids, oxylipins, and carbohydrates. Moreover, potential novel biomarkers can be detected and used to predict the quality of plant infections.</p

    Region of Interest focused MRI to Synthetic CT Translation using Regression and Classification Multi-task Network

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    In this work, we present a method for synthetic CT (sCT) generation from zero-echo-time (ZTE) MRI aimed at structural and quantitative accuracies of the image, with a particular focus on the accurate bone density value prediction. We propose a loss function that favors a spatially sparse region in the image. We harness the ability of a multi-task network to produce correlated outputs as a framework to enable localisation of region of interest (RoI) via classification, emphasize regression of values within RoI and still retain the overall accuracy via global regression. The network is optimized by a composite loss function that combines a dedicated loss from each task. We demonstrate how the multi-task network with RoI focused loss offers an advantage over other configurations of the network to achieve higher accuracy of performance. This is relevant to sCT where failure to accurately estimate high Hounsfield Unit values of bone could lead to impaired accuracy in clinical applications. We compare the dose calculation maps from the proposed sCT and the real CT in a radiation therapy treatment planning setup

    Elucidating the molecular landscape of the stratum corneum

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    Characterization of the molecular structure of skin, especially the barrier layer, the stratum corneum, is a key research priority for generating understanding to improve diagnostics, aid pharmaceutical delivery, and prevent environmental damage. Our study uses the recently developed 3D OrbiSIMS technique to conduct in situ analysis of ex vivo human skin tissue and reveals the molecular chemistry of skin in unprecedented detail, as a result of the step change in high mass resolving power compared with previous studies. This characterization exposes the nonhomogeneity of the stratum corneum, both laterally and as a function of depth. Chemical variations relating to fundamental biological processes, such as the epidermal cholesterol sulfate cycle, are visualized using in situ analysis. We are able to resolve the debate around the chemical gradients present within the epidermis, for example, whether palmitic acid is of sebaceous origin or a true component of the stratum corneum. Through in situ depth analysis of cryogenically preserved samples, we are able to propose that it is actually a component of both surface sebum and the intrinsic lipid matrix. This approach also suggests similarity between the epidermis compounds found in human and porcine skin as a function of depth. Since porcine skin is a widely used model for permeation testing this result has clinical relevance. In addition to using this technique for endogenous species, we have used it to demonstrate the permeation of a commercially important antiaging peptide into the human stratum corneum. Due to its chemical similarity to native skin components and exceptionally low effective concentration, this information was previously unattainable

    CERN PS laser ion source development

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    CERN, together with ITEP and TRINITI (Russia), is developing a CO2 laser ion source. The key design parameters are: 1.4 1010 ions of Pb25+ in a pulse of 5.5 ms, with a 4-rms emittance of 0.2 10-6 rad m, working at a repetition rate of 1 Hz. This device is considered as one candidate source for LHC heavy ion operation. The status of the laser development, the experimental set-up of the source consisting of the target area and its illumination, the plasma expansion area and extraction, beam transport and ion pre-acceleration by an RFQ, will be given
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