98 research outputs found

    Nonadiabatic Dynamics of Ultracold Fermions in Optical Superlattices

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    We study the time-dependent dynamical properties of two-component ultracold fermions in a one-dimensional optical superlattice by applying the adaptive time-dependent density matrix renormalization group to a repulsive Hubbard model with an alternating superlattice potential. We clarify how the time evolution of local quantities occurs when the superlattice potential is suddenly changed to a normal one. For a Mott-type insulating state at quarter filling, the time evolution exhibits a profile similar to that expected for bosonic atoms, where correlation effects are less important. On the other hand, for a band-type insulating state at half filling, the strong repulsive interaction induces an unusual pairing of fermions, resulting in some striking properties in time evolution, such as a paired fermion co-tunneling process and the suppression of local spin moments. We further address the effect of a confining potential, which causes spatial confinement of the paired fermions.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Single-atom imaging of fermions in a quantum-gas microscope

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    Single-atom-resolved detection in optical lattices using quantum-gas microscopes has enabled a new generation of experiments in the field of quantum simulation. Fluorescence imaging of individual atoms has so far been achieved for bosonic species with optical molasses cooling, whereas detection of fermionic alkaline atoms in optical lattices by this method has proven more challenging. Here we demonstrate single-site- and single-atom-resolved fluorescence imaging of fermionic potassium-40 atoms in a quantum-gas microscope setup using electromagnetically-induced-transparency cooling. We detected on average 1000 fluorescence photons from a single atom within 1.5s, while keeping it close to the vibrational ground state of the optical lattice. Our results will enable the study of strongly correlated fermionic quantum systems in optical lattices with resolution at the single-atom level, and give access to observables such as the local entropy distribution and individual defects in fermionic Mott insulators or anti-ferromagnetically ordered phases.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures; Nature Physics, published online 13 July 201

    Pinning quantum phase transition for a Luttinger liquid of strongly interacting bosons

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    One of the most remarkable results of quantum mechanics is the fact that many-body quantum systems may exhibit phase transitions even at zero temperature. Quantum fluctuations, deeply rooted in Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, and not thermal fluctuations, drive the system from one phase to another. Typically, the relative strength of two competing terms in the system's Hamiltonian is changed across a finite critical value. A well-known example is the Mott-Hubbard quantum phase transition from a superfluid to an insulating phase, which has been observed for weakly interacting bosonic atomic gases. However, for strongly interacting quantum systems confined to lower-dimensional geometry a novel type of quantum phase transition may be induced for which an arbitrarily weak perturbation to the Hamiltonian is sufficient to drive the transition. Here, for a one-dimensional (1D) quantum gas of bosonic caesium atoms with tunable interactions, we observe the commensurate-incommensurate quantum phase transition from a superfluid Luttinger liquid to a Mott-insulator. For sufficiently strong interactions, the transition is induced by adding an arbitrarily weak optical lattice commensurate with the atomic granularity, which leads to immediate pinning of the atoms. We map out the phase diagram and find that our measurements in the strongly interacting regime agree well with a quantum field description based on the exactly solvable sine-Gordon model. We trace the phase boundary all the way to the weakly interacting regime where we find good agreement with the predictions of the 1D Bose-Hubbard model. Our results open up the experimental study of quantum phase transitions, criticality, and transport phenomena beyond Hubbard-type models in the context of ultracold gases

    Quantum phase transition to unconventional multi-orbital superfluidity in optical lattices

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    Orbital physics plays a significant role for a vast number of important phenomena in complex condensed matter systems such as high-Tc_c superconductivity and unconventional magnetism. In contrast, phenomena in superfluids -- especially in ultracold quantum gases -- are commonly well described by the lowest orbital and a real order parameter. Here, we report on the observation of a novel multi-orbital superfluid phase with a {\it complex} order parameter in binary spin mixtures. In this unconventional superfluid, the local phase angle of the complex order parameter is continuously twisted between neighboring lattice sites. The nature of this twisted superfluid quantum phase is an interaction-induced admixture of the p-orbital favored by the graphene-like band structure of the hexagonal optical lattice used in the experiment. We observe a second-order quantum phase transition between the normal superfluid (NSF) and the twisted superfluid phase (TSF) which is accompanied by a symmetry breaking in momentum space. The experimental results are consistent with calculated phase diagrams and reveal fundamentally new aspects of orbital superfluidity in quantum gas mixtures. Our studies might bridge the gap between conventional superfluidity and complex phenomena of orbital physics.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Reduction of anomalous heating in an in-situ-cleaned ion trap

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    Anomalous heating of trapped atomic ions is a major obstacle to their use as quantum bits in a scalable quantum computer. The physical origin of this heating is not fully understood, but experimental evidence suggests that it is caused by electric-field noise emanating from the surface of the trap electrodes. In this study, we have investigated the role that adsorbates on the electrodes play by identifying contaminant overlayers, developing an in situ argon-ion beam cleaning procedure, and measuring ion heating rates before and after cleaning the trap electrodes' surfaces. We find a reduction of two orders of magnitude in heating rate after cleaning.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Coherent multi-flavour spin dynamics in a fermionic quantum gas

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    Microscopic spin interaction processes are fundamental for global static and dynamical magnetic properties of many-body systems. Quantum gases as pure and well isolated systems offer intriguing possibilities to study basic magnetic processes including non-equilibrium dynamics. Here, we report on the realization of a well-controlled fermionic spinor gas in an optical lattice with tunable effective spin ranging from 1/2 to 9/2. We observe long-lived intrinsic spin oscillations and investigate the transition from two-body to many-body dynamics. The latter results in a spin-interaction driven melting of a band insulator. Via an external magnetic field we control the system's dimensionality and tune the spin oscillations in and out of resonance. Our results open new routes to study quantum magnetism of fermionic particles beyond conventional spin 1/2 systems.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure