398 research outputs found

    The Effect Of Roughness On Bottom Loss From Elastic Ocean Bottoms

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    Acoustic interaction with the ocean bottom profoundly affects propagation in shallow waters. However, most forward ocean bottom interactions are modeled as if the bottom were a flat interface or use a simple model to quantify the additional loss. These assumptions either neglect or over-estimate the enhancement of ocean bottom loss due to scattering into the bottom. Scattering from and into elastic bottoms is particularly interesting since it can induce the production of an interface wave. In this study, finite element analysis is used to calculate acoustic scattering from elastic ocean bottoms with varying degrees of roughness. The forward scattering loss from these bottoms is calculated as a function of angle and then compared with the flat bottom reflection coefficient in order to gain insight on the conditions under which enhancement of bottom loss by rough interface scattering is significant.Applied Research Laboratorie

    The Evolution Of Sediment Acoustic Models

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    Sediment acoustic models contain two connected components, the geo-physical description of the sediment and the model of acoustic processes. Geo-physical descriptors are used in the classification of sediments, and they are based on grain size, density and other physical descriptors. Acoustic sediment models were initially fluid approximations that were simple to implement. As the need for accuracy increased, the fluid model was extended to stratified fluid and visco-elastic models. The latter, with five frequency-independent parameters, appeared to be consistent with sediment acoustic data up to the 1980s. More recent experimental data have revealed discrepancies in the frequency-dependence of attenuation and sound speed, particularly in the case of sandy sediments, which cover a large fraction of the continental shelves. Broad-band acoustic measurements of wave speeds and attenuations are more consistent with a poro-elastic model, consisting of Biot's theory with extensions to account for the physics of granular media. Aside from terminology, there is a fundamental difference between viscoelastic and poro-elastic theories. The former is based on two types of waves, a compressional wave and a shear wave, while the latter has an additional compressional wave, often called the Biot wave. There are currently two approaches to the development of sediment acoustic models: (a) visco-elastic models with frequency dependent parameters that mimic the observed behavior, and (b) poro-elastic models that reflect the physical processes. It is shown that (a) would be a significant improvement over existing models, but (b) is the preferred solution.Applied Research Laboratorie

    Aerial thermal scanner data for monitoring rooftop temperatures

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    Four Nebraska communities and one South Dakota community were surveyed. Thermal scanner data were converted to a film format and the resultant imagery was successfully employed to monitor rooftop temperatures. The program places emphasis on heat losses resulting from inadequate home insulation, offers CENGAS customers the opportunity to observe a thermogram of their rooftop, and assists homeowners in evaluating insulation needs

    Investigation of remote sensing techniques as inputs to operational resource management

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Visual interpretation of 1:125,000 color LANDSAT prints produced timely level 1 maps of accuracies in excess of 80% for agricultural land identification. Accurate classification of agricultural land via digital analysis of LANDSAT CCT's required precise timing of the date of data collection with mid to late June optimum for western South Dakota. The LANDSAT repetitive nine day cycle over the state allowed the surface areas of stockdams and small reservoir systems to be monitored to provide a timely approximation of surface water conditions on the range. Combined use of DIRS, K-class, and LANDSAT CCT's demonstrated the ability to produce aspen maps of greater detail and timeliness than was available using US Forest Service maps. Visual temporal analyses of LANDSAT imagery improved highway map drainage information and were used to prepare a seven county drainage network. An optimum map of flood-prone areas was developed, utilizing high altitude aerial photography and USGS maps

    Investigation of remote sensing techniques as inputs to operational resource management models

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Successful operational applications of LANDSAT data were found for level 1 land use mapping, drainage network delineation, and aspen mapping. Visual LANDSAT interpretation using 1:125,000 color composite imagery was the least expensive method of obtaining timely level 1 land use data. With an average agricultural/rangeland interpretation accuracy in excess of 80%, such a data source was considered the most cost effective of those sources available to state agencies. Costs do not compare favorably with those incurred using the present method of extracting land use data from historical tabular summaries. The cost increase in advancing from the present procedure to a satellite-based data source was justified in terms of expanded data content

    Vision of a Visualization Tool for Commissioning

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    A prototype visualisation tool to display long time series of measured data was developed and tested. We report some ideas on the requirements and present our experiences from using the prototype in the evaluation of functional performance in real buildings

    The complex dynamics of agriculture as a financial asset: introduction to a symposium

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    The contemporary process of financialization has been a major driver of the remarkable changes witnessed in global food and agricultural markets over the past decade, contributing to the rise and subsequent volatility of food and agricultural commodity prices since 2006. In the wake of these developments it has become clear that the turmoil has intensified the relationship between agriculture and finance in ways that have profound and enduring implications for the sector, and the people whose lives and livelihoods depend upon it. This symposium brings together four original research articles that contemplate the contemporary relationship between the agrifood and financial sectors. They examine a variety of overlapping themes, including the creation of financial assets from farmland and agricultural commodities, the activities of different types of investors in these assets in specific geographic contexts, and the challenges of governing this activity at the global scale. These articles show that the period of market volatility that began a decade ago reinvigorated investor interest in financial products linked to agriculture and farming, and inspired the packaging of new farms of financial assets in ways that have affected politics and practice on the ground, and are likely to leave a lasting legacy

    Calcium ionophore (A-23187) induced peritoneal eicosanoid biosynthesis: a rapid method to evaluate inhibitors of arachidonic acid metabolism in vivo

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    The present investigation characterizes calcium ionophore (A-23187) induced peritoneal eicosanoid biosynthesis in the rat. Intraperitoneal injection of A-23187 (20 μg/rat) stimulated marked biosynthesis of 6-keto-PGF1α (6-KPA), TxB2, LTC4 and LTB4, with no detectable changes on levels of PGE2. Levels of all eicosanoids decreased rapidly after a peak which was seen as early as 5 min. Enzyme markers of cellular contents of neutrophils and mononuclear cells, MPO and NAG respectively, decreased rapidly after ionophore injection; this was followed by increases after 60 min. Indomethacin, a selective cyclooxygenase inhibitor, and zileuton and ICI D-2138, two selective 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors attenuated prostaglandin and leukotriene pathways respectively. Oral administration of zileuton (20 mg/kg, p.o.) inhibited LTB4 biosynthesis for up to 6 h suggesting a long duration of pharmacological activity in the rats consistent with its longer half-life. The rapid onset and the magnitude of increases in levels of eicosanoids render the ionophore induced peritoneal eicosanoid biosynthesis a useful model to evaluate pharmacological profiles of inhibitors of eicosanoid pathways in vivo

    Introduction to the special issue on three-dimensional underwater acoustics

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 2019. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 146(3), (2019): 1855-1857, doi:10.1121/1.5126013.This special issue focuses on compelling three-dimensional (3D) volumetric and boundary effects on underwater sound propagation and scattering in complex and time-varying (thus four-dimensional) underwater environments. It consists of 24 papers covering analytical, numerical, and experimental studies and presents a collection of up-to-date research on this active and relevant topic.2020-03-3