542 research outputs found

    Microwave Dielectric Heating of Drops in Microfluidic Devices

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    We present a technique to locally and rapidly heat water drops in microfluidic devices with microwave dielectric heating. Water absorbs microwave power more efficiently than polymers, glass, and oils due to its permanent molecular dipole moment that has a large dielectric loss at GHz frequencies. The relevant heat capacity of the system is a single thermally isolated picoliter drop of water and this enables very fast thermal cycling. We demonstrate microwave dielectric heating in a microfluidic device that integrates a flow-focusing drop maker, drop splitters, and metal electrodes to locally deliver microwave power from an inexpensive, commercially available 3.0 GHz source and amplifier. The temperature of the drops is measured by observing the temperature dependent fluorescence intensity of cadmium selenide nanocrystals suspended in the water drops. We demonstrate characteristic heating times as short as 15 ms to steady-state temperatures as large as 30 degrees C above the base temperature of the microfluidic device. Many common biological and chemical applications require rapid and local control of temperature, such as PCR amplification of DNA, and can benefit from this new technique.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Gestational diabetes in a rural setting.

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    Women who are already diabetic and become pregnant, as well as women who develop gestational diabetes, have increased risks of complications to both fetus and mother. These risks in gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) can be reduced to near that of a non-diabetic mother by normalizing the blood sugar. The current recommended standards are reviewed. Utilizing a team approach, care was provided to patients with GDM in a rural primary care setting in order to attempt to normalize the blood sugar to the recommended level. Review of the outcomes of these pregnancies supports the conclusion that acceptable care for patients with GDM can be provided away from the tertiary care centers and in the primary care setting

    Analysis of model Titan atmospheric components using ion mobility spectrometry

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    The Gas Chromatograph-Ion Mobility Spectrometer (GC-IMS) was proposed as an analytical technique for the analysis of Titan's atmosphere during the Cassini Mission. The IMS is an atmospheric pressure, chemical detector that produces an identifying spectrum of each chemical species measured. When the IMS is combined with a GC as a GC-IMS, the GC is used to separate the sample into its individual components, or perhaps small groups of components. The IMS is then used to detect, quantify, and identify each sample component. Conventional IMS detection and identification of sample components depends upon a source of energetic radiation, such as beta radiation, which ionizes the atmospheric pressure host gas. This primary ionization initiates a sequence of ion-molecule reactions leading to the formation of sufficiently energetic positive or negative ions, which in turn ionize most constituents in the sample. In conventional IMS, this reaction sequence is dominated by the water cluster ion. However, many of the light hydrocarbons expected in Titan's atmosphere cannot be analyzed by IMS using this mechanism at the concentrations expected. Research at NASA Ames and PCP Inc., has demonstrated IMS analysis of expected Titan atmospheric components, including saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons, using two alternate sample ionizations mechanisms. The sensitivity of the IMS to hydrocarbons such as propane and butane was increased by several orders of magnitude. Both ultra dry (waterless) IMS sample ionization and metastable ionization were successfully used to analyze a model Titan atmospheric gas mixture

    A Portable Rainfall Simulator for Plot–Scale Runoff Studies

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    Rainfall simulators have a long history of successful use in both laboratory and field investigations. Many plot–scale simulators, however, have been difficult to operate and transport in the field, especially in remote locations where water or electricity is unavailable. This article describes a new rainfall simulator that is relatively easy to operate and transport to and from the field while maintaining critical intensity, distribution, and energy characteristics of natural rainfall. The simulator frame is constructed from lightweight aluminum pipe with a single 50 WSQ nozzle centered at a height of 3 m (9.8 ft). An operating nozzle pressure of 28 kPa (4.1 psi) yields continuous flow at an intensity of 70 mm h-1 (2.8 in. h-1 ) over a 1.5– x 2–m (4.9– x 6.6–ft) plot area with a coefficient of uniformity of 93%. Kinetic energy of the rainfall is about 25 J m-2 mm-1 (142.8 ft–lb ft-2 in.-1), approximately 87% of natural rainfall. The simulator can be easily transported by two field personnel and completely assembled or disassembled in approximately 10 min. Water usage is at a minimum as the simulator utilizes only one nozzle

    Wind erosion in the Jerramungup area 1980-1981

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    An investigation of the wind erosion problem at Jerramungup was conducted by on-farm survey and Landsat interpretation from September to November 1981. Sandblasting and wind erosion were estimated to have seriousloy affected some 44,000 ha in 1980 and over 64,000 ha in 1981. The 1981 damage estimate is conservative, because a much greater area of pasture land was affected by erosion in May-July but achieved vegetative cover by later winter


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    指導教員: 石原, 一