9,439 research outputs found

    Structural signatures of the unjamming transition at zero temperature

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    We study the pair correlation function g(r)g(r) for zero-temperature, disordered, soft-sphere packings just above the onset of jamming. We find distinct signatures of the transition in both the first and split second peaks of this function. As the transition is approached from the jammed side (at higher packing fraction) the first peak diverges and narrows on the small-rr side to a delta-function. On the high-rr side of this peak, g(r)g(r) decays as a power-law. In the split second peak, the two subpeaks are both singular at the transition, with power-law behavior on their low-rr sides and step-function drop-offs on their high-rr sides. These singularities at the transition are reminiscent of empirical criteria that have previously been used to distinguish glassy structures from liquid ones.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figure

    Generalized Intelligent States for an Arbitrary Quantum System

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    Generalized Intelligent States (coherent and squeezed states) are derived for an arbitrary quantum system by using the minimization of the so-called Robertson-Schr\"odinger uncertainty relation. The Fock-Bargmann representation is also considered. As a direct illustration of our construction, the P\"oschl-Teller potentials of trigonometric type will be shosen. We will show the advantage of the Fock-Bargmann representation in obtaining the generalized intelligent states in an analytical way. Many properties of these states are studied

    Far-infrared spectroscopy of spin excitations and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions in a Shastry-Sutherland compound SrCu2_2(BO3_3)$_2

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    We have studied spin excitation spectra in the Shastry-Sutherland model compound SrCu2_2(BO3_3)2_2 in magnetic fields using far-infrared Fourier spectroscopy. The transitions from the ground singlet state to the triplet state at 24 cm1^{-1} and to several bound triplet states are induced by the electric field component of the far-infrared light. To explain the light absorption in the spin system we invoke a dynamic Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) mechanism where light couples to a phonon mode, allowing the DM interaction. Two optical phonons couple light to the singlet to triplet transition in SrCu2_2(BO3_3)2_2. One is aa-polarized and creates an intra-dimer dynamic DM along the c axis. The other is cc-polarized and creates an intra-dimer dynamic DM interaction, it is in the (ab)(ab) plane and perpendicular to the dimer axis. Singlet levels at 21.5 and 28.6 cm1^{-1} anti-cross with the first triplet as is seen in far-infrared spectra. We used a cluster of two dimers with a periodic boundary condition to perform a model calculation with scaled intra- and inter-dimer exchange interactions. Two static DM interactions are sufficient to describe the observed triplet state spectra. The static inter-dimer DM in the c-direction d1=0.7d_1=0.7 cm1^{-1} splits the triplet state sub-levels in zero field [C\'{e}pas et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{87}, 167205 (2001)]. The static intra-dimer DM in the (ab)(ab) plane (perpendicular to the dimer axis) d2=1.8d_2=1.8 cm1^{-1}, allowed by the buckling of CuBO3_3 planes, couples the triplet state to the 28.6 cm1^{-1} singlet as is seen from the avoided crossing.Comment: 12 pages with 7 figures, some references correcte

    Discrete stochastic models for traffic flow

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    We investigate a probabilistic cellular automaton model which has been introduced recently. This model describes single-lane traffic flow on a ring and generalizes the asymmetric exclusion process models. We study the equilibrium properties and calculate the so-called fundamental diagrams (flow vs.\ density) for parallel dynamics. This is done numerically by computer simulations of the model and by means of an improved mean-field approximation which takes into account short-range correlations. For cars with maximum velocity 1 the simplest non-trivial approximation gives the exact result. For higher velocities the analytical results, obtained by iterated application of the approximation scheme, are in excellent agreement with the numerical simulations.Comment: Revtex, 30 pages, full postscript version (including figures) available by anonymous ftp from "fileserv1.mi.uni-koeln.de" in the directory "pub/incoming/" paper accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Lifetime measurement of the ^3P_2 metastable state of strontium atoms

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    We have measured the lifetime of the 5s5p ^3P_2 metastable state of strontium atoms by magneto-optically trapping the decayed atoms to the ground state, which allowed sensitive detection of the rare decay events. We found that the blackbody radiation-induced decay was the dominant decay channel for the state at T = 300 K. The lifetime was determined to be 500^{+280}_{-130} s in the limit of zero temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Darwinian Data Structure Selection

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    Data structure selection and tuning is laborious but can vastly improve an application's performance and memory footprint. Some data structures share a common interface and enjoy multiple implementations. We call them Darwinian Data Structures (DDS), since we can subject their implementations to survival of the fittest. We introduce ARTEMIS a multi-objective, cloud-based search-based optimisation framework that automatically finds optimal, tuned DDS modulo a test suite, then changes an application to use that DDS. ARTEMIS achieves substantial performance improvements for \emph{every} project in 55 Java projects from DaCapo benchmark, 88 popular projects and 3030 uniformly sampled projects from GitHub. For execution time, CPU usage, and memory consumption, ARTEMIS finds at least one solution that improves \emph{all} measures for 86%86\% (37/4337/43) of the projects. The median improvement across the best solutions is 4.8%4.8\%, 10.1%10.1\%, 5.1%5.1\% for runtime, memory and CPU usage. These aggregate results understate ARTEMIS's potential impact. Some of the benchmarks it improves are libraries or utility functions. Two examples are gson, a ubiquitous Java serialization framework, and xalan, Apache's XML transformation tool. ARTEMIS improves gson by 16.516.5\%, 1%1\% and 2.2%2.2\% for memory, runtime, and CPU; ARTEMIS improves xalan's memory consumption by 23.523.5\%. \emph{Every} client of these projects will benefit from these performance improvements.Comment: 11 page

    Excess Vibrational Modes and the Boson Peak in Model Glasses

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    The excess low-frequency normal modes for two widely-used models of glasses were studied at zero temperature. The onset frequencies for the anomalous modes for both systems agree well with predictions of a variational argument, which is based on analyzing the vibrational energy originating from the excess contacts per particle over the minimum number needed for mechanical stability. Even though both glasses studied have a high coordination number, most of the additional contacts can be considered to be weak.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter