59 research outputs found

    RIG update: M25 learning technology group

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    Report of the M25 Learning Technology Group (ALT Regional Interest Group) meeting held at Imperial College London, July 2014

    Automation of current academic performance measurement based on the model of course assessment tools

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    The article proves the relevance of automating the process of students' current academic progress measurement, and represents a model of course assessment tools that allocates each assessment component to a particular competence acquired by students while studying the course. This model has served as basis for developing software for current academic performance measurement that involves the common database, as well as desktop and mobile applications. The collected data help to monitor the academic process and assess the level of competence acquisition

    The genetic contribution of the NO system at the glutamatergic post-synapse to schizophrenia : further evidence and meta-analysis

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    NO is a pleiotropic signaling molecule and has an important role in cognition and emotion. In the brain, NO is produced by neuronal nitric oxide synthase (NOS-I, encoded by NOS1) coupled to the NMDA receptor via PDZ. interactions; this protein-protein interaction is disrupted upon binding of NOS1 adapter protein (encoded by NOS1AP) to NOS-I. As both NOS1 and NOS1AP were associated with schizophrenia, we here investigated these genes in greater detail by genotyping new samples and conducting a meta-analysis of our own and published data. In doing so, we confirmed association of both genes with schizophrenia and found evidence for their interaction in increasing risk towards disease. Our strongest finding was the NOS1 promoter SNP rs41279104, yielding an odds ratio of 1.29 in the meta-analysis. As findings from heterologous cell systems have suggested that the risk allele decreases gene expression, we studied the effect of the variant on NOS1 expression in human post-mortem brain samples and found that the risk allele significantly decreases expression of NOS1 in the prefrontal cortex. Bioinformatic analyses suggest that this might be due the replacement of six transcription factor binding sites by two new binding sites as a consequence of proxy SNPs. Taken together, our data argue that genetic variance in NOS1 resulting in lower prefrontal brain expression of this gene contributes to schizophrenia liability, and that NOS1 interacts with NOS1AP in doing so. The NOS1-NOS1AP PDZ interface may thus well constitute a novel target for small molecules in at least some forms of schizophrenia. PostprintPeer reviewe

    Проектирование технологического процесса изготовления детали «Шестерня 2-ой передачи»

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    Технологический процесс изготовления шестерни второй передачи, разработка приспособления для зубофрезерования.The technological process of manufacturing gear second gear, the development of devices for gear milling

    Detection of human papillomavirus DNA and p53 codon 72 polymorphism in prostate carcinomas of patients from Argentina

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    BACKGROUND: Infections with high-risk human papillomaviruses (HPVs), causatively linked to cervical cancer, might also play a role in the development of prostate cancer. Furthermore, the polymorphism at codon 72 (encoding either arginine or proline) of the p53 tumor-suppressor gene is discussed as a possible determinant for cancer risk. The HPV E6 oncoprotein induces degradation of the p53 protein. The aim of this study was to analyse prostate carcinomas and hyperplasias of patients from Argentina for the presence of HPV DNA and the p53 codon 72 polymorphism genotype. METHODS: HPV DNA detection and typing were done by consensus L1 and type-specific PCR assays, respectively, and Southern blot hybridizations. Genotyping of p53 codon 72 polymorphism was performed both by allele specific primer PCRs and PCR-RFLP (Bsh1236I). Fischer's test with Woolf's approximation was used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: HPV DNA was detected in 17 out of 41 (41.5 %) carcinoma samples, whereas all 30 hyperplasia samples were HPV-negative. Differences in p53 codon 72 allelic frequencies were not observed, neither between carcinomas and hyperplasias nor between HPV-positive and HPV-negative carcinomas. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that the p53 genotype is probably not a risk factor for prostate cancer, and that HPV infections could be associated with at least a subset of prostate carcinomas

    Event report: M25 Learning Technology Group meeting (March 2015)

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    A joint meeting of the ALT M25 Learning Technology Group (M25 LTG) and the University of London’s Centre for Distance Education (CDE) in March attracted a record turnout for a programme of high quality, informative and entertaining presentations focused on learning analytics and learning design. The event was opened and organised by Colin Loughlin (University of Surrey) on behalf of the M25 LTG

    Longlinermen of Labrador

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    Examines longliner fishing off the Labrador Straits, particularly the lack of necessary infrastructure to dock and house boats and the absence of fish processing facilities. Damage to the longliners and the government-subsidized movement to longline fishing are also discussed.Decks awash was a television programme produced by the Extension Service of Memorial University of Newfoundland. The television series, which aired on the Newfoundland Broadcasting Company network, was initiated in 1962 and ran until 1977. -- Encyclopedia of Newfoundland and Labrador

    За кадры. 1976. № 65 (1983)

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    Исполнилось 75 лет геологическому образованию в институтеУбежденность. Ленинский урок в институте / П. КондаковСовершенствовать партийное руководство / В. ОсокинаХарактер ученого. К 50-летию профессора Л. М. Ананьева / А. БатуринВырабатывать активную позицию / Р. КвескоОтличник, активист, организатор / Л. ПаникинаОтчитывается профком / С. КошиковаГеологическому образованию в институте - 75 лет. Основано Обручевым / А. Ф. Коробейников, С. Л. ШварцевИ учеба была борьбой / К. В. РадугинМеждународное признание / А. Г. БакировУспех метода политехников / А. НабадКонкурс продолжается / В. НетягаЛучшие скалолазы - в ТПИ / И. Агапо