4,067 research outputs found

    Novel Cascaded Ultra Bright Pulsed Source of Polarization Entangled Photons

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    A new ultra bright pulsed source of polarization entangled photons has been realized using type-II phase matching in spontaneous parametric down conversion process in two cascaded crystals. The optical axes of the crystals are aligned in such a way that the extraordinarily (ordinarily) polarized cone from one crystal overlaps with the ordinarily (extraordinarily) polarized cone from the second crystal. This spatial overlapping removes the association between the polarization and the output angle of the photons that exist in a single type-II down conversion process. Hence, entanglement of photons originating from any point on the output cones is possible if a suitable optical delay line is used. This delay line is particularly simple and easy to implement.Comment: 8 pages 8 figure

    Bright source of spectrally uncorrelated polarization-entangled photons with nearly single-mode emission

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    We present results of a bright polarization-entangled photon source operating at 1552 nm via type-II collinear degenerate spontaneous parametric down-conversion in a periodically poled potassium titanyl phosphate crystal. We report a conservative inferred pair generation rate of 123,000 pairs/s/mW into collection modes. Minimization of spectral and spatial entanglement was achieved by group velocity matching the pump, signal and idler modes and through properly focusing the pump beam. By utilizing a pair of calcite beam displacers, we are able to overlap photons from adjacent down-conversion processes to obtain polarization-entanglement visibility of 94.7 +/- 1.1% with accidentals subtracted.Comment: 4 pages, 7 color figures. Revised manuscript includes the following changes: corrected pair generation rate from 44,000/s/mW pump to 123,000/s/mW pump; replaced Fig. 1b to enhance clarity; minor alterations to the title, abstract and introduction; grammatical correction

    Reliability of the beamsplitter based Bell-state measurement

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    A linear 50/50 beamsplitter, together with a coincidence measurement, has been widely used in quantum optical experiments, such as teleportation, dense coding, etc., for interferometrically distinguishing, measuring, or projecting onto one of the four two-photon polarization Bell-states ψ()>|\psi^{(-)}>. In this paper, we demonstrate that the coincidence measurement at the output of a beamsplitter cannot be used as an absolute identifier of the input state ψ()>|\psi^{(-)}> nor as an indication that the input photons have projected to the ψ()>|\psi^{(-)}> state.Comment: 4 pages, two-colum

    Quantitation of stratum corneum depth in the skin surface biopsy by tape stripping

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    Purine analog substitution of the HIV-1 polypurine tract primer defines regions controlling initiation of plus-strand DNA synthesis

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    Despite extensive study, the mechanism by which retroviral reverse transciptases (RTs) specifically utilize polypurine tract (PPT) RNA for initiation of plus-strand DNA synthesis remains unclear. Three sequence motifs within or adjacent to the purine-rich elements are highly conserved, namely, a rU:dA tract region immediately 5′ to the PPT, an rA:dT-rich sequence constituting the upstream portion of the PPT and a downstream rG:dC tract. Using an in vitro HIV-1 model system, we determined that the former two elements define the 5′ terminus of the (+)-strand primer, whereas the rG:dC tract serves as the primary determinant of initiation specificity. Subsequent analysis demonstrated that G→A or A→G substitution at PPT positions −2, −4 and +1 (relative to the scissile phosphate) substantially reduces (+)-strand priming. We explored this observation further using PPT substrates substituted with a variety of nucleoside analogs [inosine (I), purine riboside (PR), 2-aminopurine (2-AP), 2,6-diaminopurine (2,6-DAP), isoguanine (iG)], or one of the naturally occurring bases at these positions. Our results demonstrate that for PPT positions −2 or +1, substituting position 2 of the purine was an important determinant of cleavage specificity. In addition, cleavage specificity was greatly affected by substituting −4G with an analog containing a 6-NH2 moiety

    Cytotoxic Effects of Bangladeshi Medicinal Plant Extracts

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    To investigate the cytotoxic effect of some Bangladeshi medicinal plant extracts, 16 Bangladeshi medicinal plants were successively extracted with n-hexane, dichloromethane, methanol and water. The methanolic and aqueous extracts were screened for cytotoxic activity against healthy mouse fibroblasts (NIH3T3) and three human cancer-cell lines (gastric: AGS; colon: HT-29; and breast: MDA-MB-435S) using the MTT assay. Two methanolic extracts (Hygrophila auriculata and Hibiscus tiliaceous) and one aqueous extract (Limnophila indica) showed no toxicity against healthy mouse fibroblasts, but selective cytotoxicity against breast cancer cells (IC50 1.1–1.6 mg mL−1). Seven methanolic extracts from L. indica, Clerodendron inerme, Cynometra ramiflora, Xylocarpus moluccensis, Argemone mexicana, Ammannia baccifera and Acrostichum aureum and four aqueous extracts from Hygrophila auriculata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, X. moluccensis and Aegiceras corniculatum showed low toxicity (IC50 > 2.5 mg mL−1) against mouse fibroblasts but selective cytotoxicity (IC50 0.2–2.3 mg mL−1) against different cancer cell lines. The methanolic extract of Blumea lacera showed the highest cytotoxicity (IC50 0.01–0.08 mg mL−1) against all tested cell lines among all extracts tested in this study. For some of the plants their traditional use as anticancer treatments correlates with the cytotoxic results, whereas for others so far unknown cytotoxic activities were identified

    Probing Retroviral and Retrotransposon Genome Structures: The “SHAPE” of Things to Come

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    Understanding the nuances of RNA structure as they pertain to biological function remains a formidable challenge for retrovirus research and development of RNA-based therapeutics, an area of particular importance with respect to combating HIV infection. Although a variety of chemical and enzymatic RNA probing techniques have been successfully employed for more than 30 years, they primarily interrogate small (100–500 nt) RNAs that have been removed from their biological context, potentially eliminating long-range tertiary interactions (such as kissing loops and pseudoknots) that may play a critical regulatory role. Selective 2′ hydroxyl acylation analyzed by primer extension (SHAPE), pioneered recently by Merino and colleagues, represents a facile, user-friendly technology capable of interrogating RNA structure with a single reagent and, combined with automated capillary electrophoresis, can analyze an entire 10,000-nucleotide RNA genome in a matter of weeks. Despite these obvious advantages, SHAPE essentially provides a nucleotide “connectivity map,” conversion of which into a 3-D structure requires a variety of complementary approaches. This paper summarizes contributions from SHAPE towards our understanding of the structure of retroviral genomes, modifications to which technology that have been developed to address some of its limitations, and future challenges

    Dismissive incomprehension: a use of purported ignorance to undermine others

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    This paper analyses a particular social phenomenon whereby a speaker purports ignorance of the meaning of another speaker’s speech in order to undermine that other speaker: dismissive incomprehension. It develops a speech act theory of the phenomenon, and develops its distinctive, and sometimes problematic perlocutionary character. After taking a look at some of the issues surrounding the phenomenon, the paper compares it to more fully studied features of our social lives, including epistemic injustice and gaslighting. It ends with some thoughts on counteracting the problematic cases of dismissive incomprehension

    An organic record of terrestrial ecosystem collapse and recovery at the Triassic–Jurassic boundary in East Greenland

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    Terrestrial ecosystem collapse at the end of the Triassic Period coincided with a major mass extinction in the marine realm and has been linked to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide, global warming, and fire activity. Extractable hydrocarbons in samples from the fluvial Triassic–Jurassic boundary section at Astartekløft, East Greenland were analyzed to investigate the molecular and isotopic organic record of biotic and environmental change during this event. Carbon isotopic compositions of individual plant wax lipids show a >4‰ negative excursion coinciding with peak extinction and a further decrease of 2‰ coinciding with peak pCO2 as estimated from the stomatal indices of fossil Gingkoales. An increase of ∼30‰ in the hydrogen isotopic compositions of the same plant wax lipids coincides with ecosystem collapse, suggesting that the biotic crisis was accompanied by strong hydrologic change. Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons related to combustion also increase together with abrupt plant diversity loss and peak with fossil charcoal abundance and maximum plant turnover, supporting the role of fire in terrestrial extinctions. Anomalously high concentrations of a monoaromatic diterpenoid related to gymnosperm resin derivatives (and similar to dehydroabietane) occur uniquely in samples from the boundary bed, indicating that environmental stress factors leading to peak plant extinction stimulated increased resin production, and that plant resin derivatives may be effective biomarkers of terrestrial ecosystem stress