7 research outputs found

    Presentism and the flow of time

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    The paper examines the relations between presentism and the thesis concerning the existence of the flow of time. It tries to show that the presentist has to admit the existence of the passage of time and that the standard formulation of presentism as a singular thesis saying that only the present exists is insufficient because it does not allow the inference of the existence of the passage of time. Instead of this, the paper proposes a formulation of presentism with the aid of the notion of becoming; not only does a formulation state the existence of the flow of time in such a way as to avoid the question of the rate of the passage of time, it also allows the inference of the existence of only present things and events. The paper demonstrates that the proposed conception of presentism also has other virtues, such as homogeneity, non-triviality, and ability to express dynamicity of presentists’ image of the world which testify for it

    The in-town monitoring system for ambulance dispatch centre

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    The paper presents the vehicles integrated monitoring system giving priorities for emergency vehicles. The described system exploits the data gathered by: geographical positioning systems and geographical information systems. The digital maps and roadside cameras provide the dispatchers with aims for in town ambulances traffic management. The method of vehicles positioning in the city network and algorithms for ambulances recognition by image processing techniques have been discussed in the paper. These priorities are needed for an efficient life-saving actions that require the real-time controlling strategies

    Analysis of interaction between columns created with injection techniques and subsoil

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    W artykule przedstawiono analizę zjawisk związanych ze współpracą wybranych rodzajów kolumn wykonanych technikami iniekcyjnymi z podłożem gruntowym pod nowobudowanym nasypem kolejowym. Jako metodę badawczą wybrano analizę numeryczną a do jej wykonania użyto programu Z_Soil 2011 Student v11.07. Prezentowane w pracy wyniki pozwoliły wyciągnąć wnioski ogólne dotyczące oceny analizowanych technik iniekcyjnych.This article contains analysis of interaction between columns created with injection techniques and subsoil under new railway embankment. Z_Soil 2011 Student v11.07 program was used for numerical analyses. Presented results of numerical analyses allow give general conclusions of injection techniques

    Caves in the Polish Flysch Carpathians : collective work : the restoration

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