65 research outputs found

    Sustainable energy in sustainable agriculture

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    The presented integrated production-energy system for rural areas integrates biorefinery processes within agro-energy complexes for production of biological raw material for numerous bio-products and energy generation from local renewable sources assuming restitution of the natural environment resources, low emissions and minimizing other environment pollutions. The presented scenarios are encompassed within the frameworks of the future market bioeconomy in which the share of services and products resulting from use of innovative biotechnological processes and energy generation will be significant. Areas with large resources of agricultural, forest and water management raw materials as well as those focused on environment-supportive activities, including bioconversion to biofuels and bioenergy, are particularly predisposed for actions in the area of rational use of natural resources and bioeconomy in the circular system. Mutually linked, sustainable development of local energy generation and agriculture will be the determinant of bioeconomy development

    Case studies and comparative analysis of energy efficiency in wheat production in different climatic conditions of Europe

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    The paper presents results concerning energy efficiency of wheat production considered in the context of specific energy input variation in different climatic conditions of Europe as well as case studies on implementation of selected energy saving measures in practice. It was shown that the highest wheat yield (6.7-8.7 t·ha-1) at the lowest specific energy input (2.08-2.56 GJ·t-1) is unique for temperate climate conditions. The yield in continental and Mediter-ranean climatic conditions is on average lower by 1.3 t·ha-1 and 2.7 t·ha-1 and energy effi-ciency lower by 14% and 38%, respectively. The case studies have shown that the energy saving activities in wheat production may be universal for the climatic zones or specific for a given geographical location. It was stated that trade-offs between energy, economic and en-vironmental effects, which are associated with implementation of a given energy saving measure or a set of measures to a great extent depend on the current energy efficiency sta-tus of the farm and opportunity for investment, which varies substantially across Europe

    Energy efficiency (EE) and cost-effective means to increase EE and to mitigate the climate change of pork and broiler meat production in five European countries

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    Production of pork and broiler meat in the European Union (EU) has increased by 7.8 and 16.1%, respectively, in the period of 2001 – 2011. At that time pork and broiler meat produced, amounted together to over four times the cattle meat. Meat is an important protein source in human diet, but on the other hand, livestock uses globally 30% of ice-free terrestrial land and produces 18% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This exceeds the global emissions of the transport sector. Furthermore, energy ratio (output/input) for meat production is less than 1.0 in general and it is much lower than that of plant production. This paper presents cost-effectiveness of EE measures in pork and broiler meat production and it is based on the results of the Agriculture and Energy Efficiency Project (www.AGREE.aua.gr). The structure of the energy input appeared to be very similar in pork and broiler meat production. Feed was found to be the major indirect energy input. Its contribution to the total energy demand varied from 51% to 82% in pork production and from 55% to 94% in broiler meat production. The percentage of feed was the lowest in the Northern European countries and the highest in the south. This difference was mainly attributable to the demand for heating of animal houses during the winter period. Differences could also be found in the absolute energy input of feed. It indicated that there may be possibilities to improve feeding strategies or feed conversation rate of animals. In pork production, the energy input of feed was 12.5 GJ t-1 (live weight) in average and 8.6 GJ t-1 (live weight) in broiler production. The difference between pork and broiler meat is a consequence of the higher feed conversation rate of broilers in contrast to pigs. The category “Other energy use” was the second highest energy input and it consisted of energy input for ventilation, illumination, feeding, and heating of animal houses. In pork production, the input of this category was 4.7 GJ t-1 (live weight) in average (25% from the total energy input) and 2.4 GJ t-1 (live weight) in broiler meat production (22% from the total energy input). The specific energy input in pork production was the lowest in The Netherlands ( 14.5 GJ t-1) and that of broiler meat production in Germany (9.8 GJ t-1). Case studies analysed in five participating countries demonstrated EE measures capable to reduce costs, to increase EE, and to cut GHG emissions at the same time. Proposed EE measures were related to ventilation, heating, feeding, animal bedding, energy generation from manure, and feed production. As an example, an airtight grain storage met all three goals at the same time. Investment costs were lower than those for a grain dryer, no energy was needed for drying, and no GHG emissions were generated because no gas or oil was needed for drying. All suggested EE measures were not as successful. They might appear negative for costs but positive for EE and GHG reduction, resulting in a trade-off situation. An approach like this helps to rank potential EE measures in terms of their cost-effectiveness and capability to cut GHG emissions

    Energy efficiency in agriculture

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    One of the EU headline target indicators for Europe is “20% increase in energy efficiency” by 2020. It is anticipated that in the following decades energy use will increase significantly and will have a widespread impact on the economy, including the agricultural sector. Energy use reduction can be achieved by reduced energy input. Improved energy efficiency, however, is only achieved, if energy input per unit yield is reduced. Therefore, improved energy efficiency can be realized with either increased or decreased energy inputs depending on the input-output relationship. In agricultural production the need for energy as an input can determine the profitability of farming which, in turn, impacts heavily upon the farmers’ investment in improved farming systems. This paper presents some of the results obtained in the WP2 of the KBBE.2011.4-04 project “Energy Efficiency in Agriculture - AGREE” supported by the 7th Framework Program. It gives an overview into energy use and energy efficiency of agriculture in various agro-climatic zones of Europe

    Usability of mortar for predicting shear strength development at rest of fresh self compacting concrete

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    Determining the relationship between the rheological parameters of the model mortar and the rheological parameters of SCC (Self-Compacting Concrete) was the aim of the work. The static yield stress and the thixotropy coefficient AT were determined, which are important due to the development of the shear strength at rest and the formwork pressure generated during SCC casting. Shear strength of SCC reflected as static yield stress gs at rest develops mainly due to a self-compaction ability of SCC. And in the longer term, gs develops due to the progressive hydration of the cement and the disappearance of the HRWR impact (loss of fluidity). The static yield stress gs depends on w/c ratio, the type of HRWR (High Range Water Reducers) and cement. SCCs with a higher w/c ratio develop static yield stress gs faster, but up to 40 min the influence of w/c ratio decreases. The stiffening of SCC due to thixotropy increases the shear strength of SCC, but at the same time, it slows down the self-compaction of concrete. Thixotropy coefficient AT depends primarily on w/c ratio, and with the same w/c, on the type of cement and HRWR. The thixotropy coefficient AT increases in the initial period of SCC being at rest. The SCC with higher w/c ratio are characterized by higher thixotropy coefficient AT but at the same time by lower static yield stress gs. The significance of the thixotropic effect for shear strength disappears in time

    Energy efficiency in agriculture. Showcase and alternatives for wheat production in Portugal.

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    This chapter presents some results obtained in the KBBE.2011.4-04 project “Energy Efficiency in Agriculture - AGREE” supported by the 7th Framework Program. It gives an overview into energy use and energy efficiency in wheat production in various agro-climatic zones of Europe. Among cereals, wheat is the crop with the largest cultivated area in Europe. In 2008, the percentage share of the area occupied by common and durum wheat in the countries analysed in the AGREE project ranged from 2.4% in Portugal to 18.9% in Germany (Gołaszewski et al., 2012). The different production systems in different climates vary substantially in their energy use and energy saving potential. A showcase of conventional wheat production in Portugal, where in 2012 it was cultivated in 54,761 ha (INE, 2013), is presented and some production alternatives are analysed. The main objective was to analyse the effect in the economic results, energy consumption and environmental impacts of three wheat production systems alternatives: 1. no tillage cropping systems, 2. reduction of phosphorous application and 3. the use of supplemental irrigation

    Anaerobic digestion as an option of the end-of-life phase of bio-based products in the light of the EU regulations

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    A distinguishing feature of the sustainable bioeconomy is multi-product biomass processing in the form of a closed circulation of matter and energy, in addition to a life cycle assessment that includes end-of-life options of a product and restitution of the environment. This approach is in-line with the good practice principles of sustainable development. However, the market of bio-based products grows faster than its legal regulation. Gaps in the regulations pertaining to standardisation, certification and labelling mean that bio-based products and their processing technologies may not adhere to the guidelines of sustainable development (“greenwashing”). In the European Union, the only standard addressing criteria of sustainable development with respect to bio-based products is the standard CEN-TC411 EN 16751:2016. In the context of anaerobic fermentation and its products as an option of the end-of-life phase of a bio-base product, the applicable regulations are contained in the technical report CEN-TC411 TR 16957:2016, Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC, and several intermediate regulations concerning the utilisation of water, energy efficiency, agricultural production and processing, circulation of nitrogen in the environment, storage and disposal, and others

    The technology of self-compacting and traditionally compacted concrete

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    Metody projektowania i wykonania betonu samozagęszczalnego są w dużym stopniu analogiczne jak betonu zwykłego. Równocześnie jednak stosowanie betonu samozagęszczalnego wymusza wprowadzenie szeregu specyficznych procedur, których nieuwzględnienie zwykle prowadzi do znaczącego obniżenia jego jakości. Jakość betonu samozagęszczalnego jest silnie zależna nawet od bardzo niewielkich zmian właściwości składników lub składu oraz powtarzalności procedur technologicznych. W związku z tym bardzo ważne jest, aby każdy etap procesu jego wykonania prowadzony był pod wzmożonym nadzorem technologicznym, zwłaszcza wtedy, gdy wykonawca nie ma odpowiedniego doświadczenia lub wdrażany jest nowy rodzaj mieszanki.Methods of designing and making self-compacting concrete are largely analogous to those for ordinary concrete. However, when self-compacting concrete is used it is necessary to apply a number of specific procedures, whose omission generally leads to a significant reduction in the quality of the concrete. The quality of self-compacting concrete is highly sensitive to even small changes in the properties of the ingredients or the composition, and to the repeatability of technological procedures. It is therefore very important that every stage of the process of making this concrete be carried out under close technological supervision, particularly when the contractor does not have appropriate experience or when a new type of mixture is being introduced