51 research outputs found

    Understanding the Results of Multiple Linear Regression: Beyond Standardized Regression Coefficients

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    Multiple linear regression (MLR) remains a mainstay analysis in organizational research, yet intercorrelations between predictors (multicollinearity) undermine the interpretation of MLR weights in terms of predictor contributions to the criterion. Alternative indices include validity coefficients, structure coefficients, product measures, relative weights, all-possible-subsets regression, dominance weights, and commonality coefficients. This article reviews these indices, and uniquely, it offers freely available software that (a) computes and compares all of these indices with one another, (b) computes associated bootstrapped confidence intervals, and (c) does so for any number of predictors so long as the correlation matrix is positive definite. Other available software is limited in all of these respects. We invite researchers to use this software to increase their insights when applying MLR to a data set. Avenues for future research and application are discussed

    Kawasaki syndrome: an intriguing disease with numerous unsolved dilemmas

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    More than 40 years have passed since Kawasaki syndrome (KS) was first described. Yet KS still remains an enigmatic illness which damages the coronary arteries in a quarter of untreated patients and is the most common cause of childhood-acquired heart disease in developed countries. Many gaps exist in our knowledge of the etiology and pathogenesis of KS, making improvements in therapy difficult. In addition, many KS features and issues still demand further efforts to achieve a much better understanding of the disease. Some of these problem areas include coronary artery injuries in children not fulfilling the classic diagnostic criteria, genetic predisposition to KS, unpredictable ineffectiveness of current therapy in some cases, vascular dysfunction in patients not showing echocardiographic evidence of coronary artery abnormalities in the acute phase of KS, and risk of potential premature atherosclerosis. Also, the lack of specific laboratory tests for early identification of the atypical and incomplete cases, especially in infants, is one of the main obstacles to beginning treatment early and thereby decreasing the incidence of cardiovascular involvement. Transthoracic echocardiography remains the gold-standard for evaluation of coronary arteries in the acute phase and follow-up. In KS patients with severe vascular complications, more costly and potentially invasive investigations such as coronary CT angiography and MRI may be necessary. As children with KS with or without heart involvement become adolescents and adults, the recognition and treatment of the potential long term sequelae become crucial, requiring that rheumatologists, infectious disease specialists, and cardiologists cooperate to develop specific guidelines for a proper evaluation and management of these patients. More education is needed for physicians and other professionals about how to recognize the long-term impact of systemic problems related to KS

    The full-sib intercross line (FSIL): a QTL mapping design for outcrossing species

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    Predicting the winning or losing of symmetrical contests in the American lobster Homarus americanus (Milne-Edwards)

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    The ability to predict the outcome of symmetrical contests between male lobsters (Homarus americanus) on the basis of 21 variables was investigated using a stepwise discriminant analysis. Measured variables included wet weight, carapace length, claw length, width and thickness, claw volume, claw contraction force, handedness, antenna length, color, plasma protein level, plasma calcium level, exoskeleton calcium concentration and motor activity. Plasma protein level, exoskeleton calcium concentration and claw dimensions were found to be important in the above ascending order for discrimination with an average squared canonical correlation of 0.55-0.65. The discussion focuses on the variables differentiating winners from losers and whether these variables could also aid competing lobsters when assessing the relative fighting ability of their rivals