331 research outputs found
The Fermionic Projector, Entanglement, and the Collapse of the Wave Function
After a brief introduction to the fermionic projector approach, we review how
entanglement and second quantized bosonic and fermionic fields can be described
in this framework. The constructions are discussed with regard to decoherence
phenomena and the measurement problem. We propose a mechanism leading to the
collapse of the wave function in the quantum mechanical measurement process.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures, minor changes (published version
On the Regularized Fermionic Projector of the Vacuum
We construct families of fermionic projectors with spherically symmetric
regularization, which satisfy the condition of a distributional -product. The method is to analyze regularization tails with a power-law or
logarithmic scaling in composite expressions in the fermionic projector. The
resulting regularizations break the Lorentz symmetry and give rise to a
multi-layer structure of the fermionic projector near the light cone. The
remaining freedom for the regularization parameters and the consequences for
the normalization of the fermionic states are discussed.Comment: 66 pages, LaTeX, 8 figures, minor improvements (published version
Non-Existence of Time-Periodic Solutions of the Dirac Equation in a Reissner-Nordstrom Black Hole Background
It is shown analytically that the Dirac equation has no normalizable,
time-periodic solutions in a Reissner-Nordstrom black hole background; in
particular, there are no static solutions of the Dirac equation in such a
background field. The physical interpretation is that Dirac particles can
either disappear into the black hole or escape to infinity, but they cannot
stay on a periodic orbit around the black hole.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures (published version
Fermion Systems in Discrete Space-Time Exemplifying the Spontaneous Generation of a Causal Structure
As toy models for space-time on the Planck scale, we consider examples of
fermion systems in discrete space-time which are composed of one or two
particles defined on two up to nine space-time points. We study the
self-organization of the particles as described by a variational principle both
analytically and numerically. We find an effect of spontaneous symmetry
breaking which leads to the emergence of a discrete causal structure.Comment: 37 pages, LaTeX, 12 figures, minor changes (published version
A Rigorous Treatment of Energy Extraction from a Rotating Black Hole
The Cauchy problem is considered for the scalar wave equation in the Kerr
geometry. We prove that by choosing a suitable wave packet as initial data, one
can extract energy from the black hole, thereby putting supperradiance, the
wave analogue of the Penrose process, into a rigorous mathematical framework.
We quantify the maximal energy gain. We also compute the infinitesimal change
of mass and angular momentum of the black hole, in agreement with
Christodoulou's result for the Penrose process. The main mathematical tool is
our previously derived integral representation of the wave propagator.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, proof of Propositions 2.3 and 3.1 given in more
An Integral Spectral Representation of the Propagator for the Wave Equation in the Kerr Geometry
We consider the scalar wave equation in the Kerr geometry for Cauchy data
which is smooth and compactly supported outside the event horizon. We derive an
integral representation which expresses the solution as a superposition of
solutions of the radial and angular ODEs which arise in the separation of
variables. In particular, we prove completeness of the solutions of the
separated ODEs.
This integral representation is a suitable starting point for a detailed
analysis of the long-time dynamics of scalar waves in the Kerr geometry.Comment: 41 pages, 4 figures, minor correction
Spatial Patterns of Soil Development, Methane Oxidation, and Methanotrophic Diversity along a Receding Glacier Forefield, Southeast Greenland
Increasing global annual temperature leads to massive loss of ice cover worldwide. Consequently, glaciers retreat and ice-covered areas become exposed. We report on a study from the Mittivakkat Gletscher forefield in Southeast Greenland with special focus on methanotrophy in relation to exposure time to the atmosphere. The Mittivakkat Gletscher has receded since the end of the Little Ice Age (LIA; about AD 1850) and has left behind a series of deposits of decreasing age concurrently with its recession. Soil samples from this chronosequence were examined in order to elucidate main soil variables, as well as the activity and community structure of methanotrophs, a group of microorganisms involved in regulation of atmospheric methane. Soil variables revealed poor soil development, and incubation experiments showed methane consumption rates of 2.14 nmol CH4 dayâ1 gsoil â1 at 22 °C and 1.24 nmol CH4 dayâ1 gsoil â1 at 10 °C in the LIA terminal moraine. Methane consumption was not detected in younger samples, despite the presence of high-affinity methanotrophs in all samples. This was indicated by successful amplification of partial pmoA genes, which code for a subunit of a key enzyme involved in methane oxidation. In addition, the results of the diversity study show that the diversity of the methanotrophic community at the younger, recently deglaciated site P5 is poorer than the diversity of the community retrieved from the LIA moraine. We put forward the hypothesis that aerobic methanotrophs were at very low abundance and diversity during glaciation probably due to anoxia at the ice-sediment interface and that colonization after deglaciation is not completed yet. More detailed studies are required to explain the causes of discrepancy between activity and presence of high-affinity methanotrophs and its relation to the transit from ice-covered probably anoxic to ice-free oxi
The Dirac Equation and the Normalization of its Solutions in a Closed Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Universe
We set up the Dirac equation in a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker geometry and
separate the spatial and time variables. In the case of a closed universe, the
spatial dependence is solved explicitly, giving rise to a discrete set of
solutions. We compute the probability integral and analyze a space-time
normalization integral. This analysis allows us to introduce the fermionic
projector in a closed Friedmann-Robertson-Walker geometry and to specify its
global normalization as well as its local form.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX, sign error in equation (3.7) correcte
Particle-Like Solutions of the Einstein-Dirac Equations
The coupled Einstein-Dirac equations for a static, spherically symmetric
system of two fermions in a singlet spinor state are derived. Using numerical
methods, we construct an infinite number of soliton-like solutions of these
equations. The stability of the solutions is analyzed. For weak coupling (i.e.,
small rest mass of the fermions), all the solutions are linearly stable (with
respect to spherically symmetric perturbations), whereas for stronger coupling,
both stable and unstable solutions exist. For the physical interpretation, we
discuss how the energy of the fermions and the (ADM) mass behave as functions
of the rest mass of the fermions. Although gravitation is not renormalizable,
our solutions of the Einstein-Dirac equations are regular and well-behaved even
for strong coupling.Comment: 31 pages, LaTeX, 21 PostScript figures, some references adde
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