1,537 research outputs found

    Derivation of the time dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation without positivity condition on the interaction

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    Using a new method it is possible to derive mean field equations from the microscopic NN body Schr\"odinger evolution of interacting particles without using BBGKY hierarchies. In this paper we wish to analyze scalings which lead to the Gross-Pitaevskii equation which is usually derived assuming positivity of the interaction. The new method for dealing with mean field limits presented in [6] allows us to relax this condition. The price we have to pay for this relaxation is however that we have to restrict the scaling behavior to β<1/3\beta<1/3 and that we have to assume fast convergence of the reduced one particle marginal density matrix of the initial wave function μΨ0\mu^{\Psi_0} to a pure state ϕ0><ϕ0|\phi_0><\phi_0|

    Statistical Analysis of Airport Network of China

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    Through the study of airport network of China (ANC), composed of 128 airports (nodes) and 1165 flights (edges), we show the topological structure of ANC conveys two characteristics of small worlds, a short average path length (2.067) and a high degree of clustering (0.733). The cumulative degree distributions of both directed and undirected ANC obey two-regime power laws with different exponents, i.e., the so-called Double Pareto Law. In-degrees and out-degrees of each airport have positive correlations, whereas the undirected degrees of adjacent airports have significant linear anticorrelations. It is demonstrated both weekly and daily cumulative distributions of flight weights (frequencies) of ANC have power-law tails. Besides, the weight of any given flight is proportional to the degrees of both airports at the two ends of that flight. It is also shown the diameter of each sub-cluster (consisting of an airport and all those airports to which it is linked) is inversely proportional to its density of connectivity. Efficiency of ANC and of its sub-clusters are measured through a simple definition. In terms of that, the efficiency of ANC's sub-clusters increases as the density of connectivity does. ANC is found to have an efficiency of 0.484.Comment: 6 Pages, 5 figure

    An analysis of the fixation probability of a mutant on special classes of non-directed graphs

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    There is a growing interest in the study of evolutionary dynamics on populations with some non-homogeneous structure. In this paper we follow the model of Lieberman et al. (Lieberman et al. 2005 Nature 433, 312–316) of evolutionary dynamics on a graph. We investigate the case of non-directed equally weighted graphs and find solutions for the fixation probability of a single mutant in two classes of simple graphs. We further demonstrate that finding similar solutions on graphs outside these classes is far more complex. Finally, we investigate our chosen classes numerically and discuss a number of features of the graphs; for example, we find the fixation probabilities for different initial starting positions and observe that average fixation probabilities are always increased for advantageous mutants as compared with those of unstructured populations

    The asymptotic limits of zero modes of massless Dirac operators

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    Asymptotic behaviors of zero modes of the massless Dirac operator H=αD+Q(x)H=\alpha\cdot D + Q(x) are discussed, where α=(α1,α2,α3)\alpha= (\alpha_1, \alpha_2, \alpha_3) is the triple of 4×44 \times 4 Dirac matrices, D=1ix D=\frac{1}{i} \nabla_x, and Q(x)=(qjk(x))Q(x)=\big(q_{jk} (x) \big) is a 4×44\times 4 Hermitian matrix-valued function with qjk(x)Cρ| q_{jk}(x) | \le C ^{-\rho} , ρ>1\rho >1. We shall show that for every zero mode ff, the asymptotic limit of x2f(x)|x|^2f(x) as x+|x| \to +\infty exists. The limit is expressed in terms of an integral of Q(x)f(x)Q(x)f(x).Comment: 9 page

    Synchronization interfaces and overlapping communities in complex networks

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    We show that a complex network of phase oscillators may display interfaces between domains (clusters) of synchronized oscillations. The emergence and dynamics of these interfaces are studied in the general framework of interacting phase oscillators composed of either dynamical domains (influenced by different forcing processes), or structural domains (modular networks). The obtained results allow to give a functional definition of overlapping structures in modular networks, and suggest a practical method to identify them. As a result, our algorithm could detect information on both single overlapping nodes and overlapping clusters.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Pair excitations and the mean field approximation of interacting Bosons, I

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    In our previous work \cite{GMM1},\cite{GMM2} we introduced a correction to the mean field approximation of interacting Bosons. This correction describes the evolution of pairs of particles that leave the condensate and subsequently evolve on a background formed by the condensate. In \cite{GMM2} we carried out the analysis assuming that the interactions are independent of the number of particles NN. Here we consider the case of stronger interactions. We offer a new transparent derivation for the evolution of pair excitations. Indeed, we obtain a pair of linear equations describing their evolution. Furthermore, we obtain apriory estimates independent of the number of particles and use these to compare the exact with the approximate dynamics

    Efficient local strategies for vaccination and network attack

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    We study how a fraction of a population should be vaccinated to most efficiently top epidemics. We argue that only local information (about the neighborhood of specific vertices) is usable in practice, and hence we consider only local vaccination strategies. The efficiency of the vaccination strategies is investigated with both static and dynamical measures. Among other things we find that the most efficient strategy for many real-world situations is to iteratively vaccinate the neighbor of the previous vaccinee that has most links out of the neighborhood

    Emergence of Clusters in Growing Networks with Aging

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    We study numerically a model of nonequilibrium networks where nodes and links are added at each time step with aging of nodes and connectivity- and age-dependent attachment of links. By varying the effects of age in the attachment probability we find, with numerical simulations and scaling arguments, that a giant cluster emerges at a first-order critical point and that the problem is in the universality class of one dimensional percolation. This transition is followed by a change in the giant cluster's topology from tree-like to quasi-linear, as inferred from measurements of the average shortest-path length, which scales logarithmically with system size in one phase and linearly in the other.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in JSTA

    Maximum flow and topological structure of complex networks

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    The problem of sending the maximum amount of flow qq between two arbitrary nodes ss and tt of complex networks along links with unit capacity is studied, which is equivalent to determining the number of link-disjoint paths between ss and tt. The average of qq over all node pairs with smaller degree kmink_{\rm min} is kminckmin_{k_{\rm min}} \simeq c k_{\rm min} for large kmink_{\rm min} with cc a constant implying that the statistics of qq is related to the degree distribution of the network. The disjoint paths between hub nodes are found to be distributed among the links belonging to the same edge-biconnected component, and qq can be estimated by the number of pairs of edge-biconnected links incident to the start and terminal node. The relative size of the giant edge-biconnected component of a network approximates to the coefficient cc. The applicability of our results to real world networks is tested for the Internet at the autonomous system level.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Quantifying the connectivity of a network: The network correlation function method

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    Networks are useful for describing systems of interacting objects, where the nodes represent the objects and the edges represent the interactions between them. The applications include chemical and metabolic systems, food webs as well as social networks. Lately, it was found that many of these networks display some common topological features, such as high clustering, small average path length (small world networks) and a power-law degree distribution (scale free networks). The topological features of a network are commonly related to the network's functionality. However, the topology alone does not account for the nature of the interactions in the network and their strength. Here we introduce a method for evaluating the correlations between pairs of nodes in the network. These correlations depend both on the topology and on the functionality of the network. A network with high connectivity displays strong correlations between its interacting nodes and thus features small-world functionality. We quantify the correlations between all pairs of nodes in the network, and express them as matrix elements in the correlation matrix. From this information one can plot the correlation function for the network and to extract the correlation length. The connectivity of a network is then defined as the ratio between this correlation length and the average path length of the network. Using this method we distinguish between a topological small world and a functional small world, where the latter is characterized by long range correlations and high connectivity. Clearly, networks which share the same topology, may have different connectivities, based on the nature and strength of their interactions. The method is demonstrated on metabolic networks, but can be readily generalized to other types of networks.Comment: 10 figure