27 research outputs found

    Scriptum super 3° sententiarum.

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    Johannes Duns Scotus ( um 1266 –1308) war einer der bedeutendsten franziskanischen Theologen und begründete die nach ihm benannte scholastische Richtung des Scotismus. Er verband darin u. a. Lehren des Aristoteles, des Augustinus und der Franziskaner miteinander. ISTC id00381000 HC(+Add) 6418* = H 6421 GW 9075John Duns Scotus was (around 1266 -1308), one of the leading Franciscan theologian and he founded the eponymous scholastic direction of Scotism. He combined to include teachings of Aristotle, Augustine, and the Franciscans together.

    Scriptum super 4m sententiarum.

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    Johannes Duns Scotus ( um 1266 –1308) war einer der bedeutendsten franziskanischen Theologen und begründete die nach ihm benannte scholastische Richtung des Scotismus. Er verband darin u. a. Lehren des Aristoteles, des Augustinus und der Franziskaner miteinander. ISTC id00381000 HC(+Add) 6418* = H 6421 GW 9075John Duns Scotus was (around 1266 -1308), one of the leading Franciscan theologian and founded the eponymous scholastic direction of Scotism. He combined to include teachings of Aristotle, Augustine, and the Franciscans together

    Quaestiones in quattuor libros Sententiarum: Scriptum super ... sententiarum

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    Quaestiones in quattuor libros Sententiarum: Scriptum super ... sententiaru

    Intuitive and Abstractive Cognition

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    2e édition (première en 2011)International audienceThe theory of intuitive and abstractive cognition was developed by John Duns Scotus in the late thirteenth century, and it dominated the discussion about cognition from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century. The theory was changed and debated by the major philosophers of the time including William of Ockham, Peter Auriol, Gregory of Rimini and Peter of Ailly

    Quaestiones super Universalia Porphyrii; Quaestiones super librum Praedicamentorum Aristotelis; Quaestiones super librum Perihermenias Aristotelis

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    Johannes Duns Scotus ( um 1266 –1308) war einer der bedeutendsten franziskanischen Theologen und begründete die nach ihm benannte scholastische Richtung des Scotismus. Er verband darin u. a. Lehren des Aristoteles, des Augustinus und der Franziskaner miteinander. ISTC id00390000 HCR HC 6444 GW 9090John Duns Scotus was (around 1266 -1308), one of the leading Franciscan theologian and founded the eponymous scholastic direction of Scotism. He combined to include teachings of Aristotle, Augustine, and the Franciscans together

    Compendium in mathematicam, physicam et metaphysicam Aristotelis ; Expositio XII librorum metaphysicae Aristotelis

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    Handbuch zur Mathematik, Physik und Metaphysik des Aristoteles Adligat: Darstellung der 12 BĂĽcher der Metaphysik des Aristoteles Katalog Inkunabeln UB Wien: 432 ISTC io00073000 HR 12042; HR 12050 (incl H 12042 & H 12049) GW M28104Compendium on Aristoleian mathematics, physics and metaphysics Adligate: Description of the twelve Aristoteleian books on metaphysic

    Compendiosa et optima expositio duodecim librorum metaphisice Aristotelis secundum viam Scoti

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    Compendiosa et optima expositio duodecim librorum metaphisice Aristotelis secundum viam Scoti ISTC io00073000 HR 12049; H 12050 (incl H 12042 & H 12049) GW M2812