16,685 research outputs found

    Grade surprise and choice at 16

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    This paper argues that an important influence on boys’ decisions to stay on into post-compulsory education is the attainment of maths grades that differ from expected.Bivariate probit; post-compulsory education; choice under uncertainty

    Who Stopped Flying around September 11th?

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    This paper presents the first set of empirical results on the effects of the events of September 11th, 2001, on individual flying demand using data collected before and after these atrocities.September 11th; Demand for flying

    Immigrant Circulation and Citizenship: Hotel Canada?

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    Canada has experienced a unique problem as a subset of its immigrants, approximately 10%, leave after ascension to citizenship. In this paper I argue that both the degree of immigrant naturalization and subsequent emigration from Canada is conditioned by economic opportunities and Canadian citizenship policies. A triangular model of movement comprising the concept of an entrepĂ´t destination serves as a basis to argue that immigrants to entrepĂ´t countries are faced with the decision to stay or leave after citizenship ascension. Limited evidence is presented to support the conclusion that recently naturalized Canadian immigrants who leave for a third country (USA) or return home (Hong Kong) experience positive selection and overachieve.emigration, return migration, citizenship

    Gender Specific Peer Groups and Choice at 16

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    The UK government’s aim of achieving a 50% staying on rate in higher education at the age of 16 might not be achievable because it is demandconstrained: not all students want to stay on in education at 16. Peer groups are known to be stronger for boys than for girls and often influence choice at 16. The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of gender-specific peer groups on students’ intentions and realisations to stay-on into post-compulsory education at the age of 16. The results suggest that boys’ intentions and realisations are influenced by their male peers. However, girls’ intentions are influenced by their whole peer group while their realisations are influenced by their female peer group. Policy targeted to increase participation rates should recognise these gender differences.Education economics, School choice.

    Evaluation of Level of Milk Potential on Nutrient Balance in 2- and 4- Year- Old May- Calving Range Cows Grazing Sandhills Upland Range

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    A modeling study evaluated the effects of milk production level on nutrient balance in May- calving cows grazing Sandhills upland range during the breeding season. Forage quality of upland range peaks in June and steadily declines in July until November. With timing of forage quality decline and increasing nutrient demands due to lactation, cows were in a negative energy balance in late June and early July prior to deficiency of metabolizable protein. Supplementation to meet energy deficiencies in June and July and MP deficiencies in July with distiller grains that is high ruminally undegradable protein and high fiber energy may be needed in May- calving cowherds. Selection for milk over 23 lb at peak lactation creates deficiencies early post- calving and increases the need for additional supplementation to correct the nutrient deficiency. In an effort to match cow type to environment in the Sandhills and optimize performance, producers should consider selecting against high milk potential

    The Iron Catalyzed Reaction between Nitrosyl Disulfonate and Hydroxylamine Monosulfonate Ions

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    Potassium nitrosyl disulfonate, K2NO(SO3)2, is noteworthy because the solid salt is orange in color and diamagnetic while its neutral aqueous solutions are purple in color and paramagnetic. These neutral solutions hydrolyze slowly to form N2O and hydroxylamine sulfonates; on the addition of acid the rate of hydrolysis is markedly increased. The mechanism of the hydrolytic reaction is unexpectedly complex as was found by Murib and Ritter [1] and, independently, by us. In order to obtain a more comprehensive picture of the mechanism of the hydrolytic reaction we have explored additional reactions which may play a part in the hydrolysis

    Lose the plot: cost-effective survey of the Peak Range, central Queensland

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    The Peak Range (22˚ 28’ S; 147˚ 53’ E) is an archipelago of rocky peaks set in grassy basalt rolling-plains, east of Clermont in central Queensland. This report describes the flora and vegetation based on surveys of 26 peaks. The survey recorded all plant species encountered on traverses of distinct habitat zones, which included the ‘matrix’ adjacent to each peak. The method involved effort comparable to a general flora survey but provided sufficient information to also describe floristic association among peaks, broad habitat types, and contrast vegetation on the peaks with the surrounding landscape matrix. The flora of the Peak Range includes at least 507 native vascular plant species, representing 84 plant families. Exotic species are relatively few, with 36 species recorded, but can be quite prominent in some situations. The most abundant exotic plants are the grass Melinis repens and the forb Bidens bipinnata. Plant distribution patterns among peaks suggest three primary groups related to position within the range and geology. The Peak Range makes a substantial contribution to the botanical diversity of its region and harbours several endemic plants among a flora clearly distinct from that of the surrounding terrain. The distinctiveness of the range’s flora is due to two habitat components: dry rainforest patches reliant upon fire protection afforded by cliffs and scree, and; rocky summits and hillsides supporting xeric shrublands. Plants endemic to the Peak Range are mainly associated with the latter of these habitats
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