13 research outputs found

    Formulasi Dan Uji Penetrasi Sediaan Gel Transfersom Yang Mengandung Kojyl 3 Amino Propil Fosfat Sebagai Pencerah Kulit

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    Kojyl 3 APPA is a compound used for skin lightening. Kojyl 3 APPA has a good solubility in water. This causes the hydrophilic nature kojyl 3 APPA difficult to penetrate through the skin. Transfersom is a carrier system that can improve the effectiveness of drug penetration. This study aims to formulate, characterize and evaluate transfersom preparations containing kojyl 3 APPA. Further more transfersom formulated in a gel formulation. Preparation gel was tested its physical stability and in vitro penetration test against non transfersom kojyl 3 APPA. Transfersom gel formulation is physically proven stable at room temperature, low temperature and high temperature storage. In vitro penetration tests showed that kojyl 3 APPA penetration loaded in transfersom gel was 11,16% while for non transfersom gel 8,02%

    Karakterisik Granul Dan Tablet Propranolol Hidroklorida Dengan Metode Granulasi Peleburan

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    The effect of carnauba wax consentration to pharmacotechnical characteristics on the granules and tablets that made by hot melt granulation method have been studied. Fomula I? V with composition : 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50% w/w carnauba wax, propranolol hydrochloride 60 mg/tablet, and lactose to the 340 mg was mixed and melted, and than sieved to the mesh 16 siever. The granules were evaluated and lubricated by 1% magnesium stearat and 2% talcum. Then it were compressed into tablet which each weight was 350 mg and the tablets were evaluated. The results showed that hot melt granulatin form granules and tablets that acceptable pharmacotechnical properties

    Pembuatan Mikroemulsi Dari Minyak Buah Merah

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    Red fruit oil (Pandanus conoideus) is a natural product typicaly from Papua used as a medication for some disease, as a food supplement, and for beauty skin care. But thisadvantages are not supported by an appropriate dosage form. Oils are difficult to dissolve in GIT and difficult to penetrate the human skin, slower the absorption then.Microemulsion is a dispersion system which can help to solve the problems by enhanc-ing the oil solubility in GIT and the oil penetration through the skin. The objective of this study is to formulate a clear and stabile microemulsion. Microemulsion will be physically evaluated  for 2 months. The material composition is 5% glycerin and 15% sorbitol as the cosolvent, and 20% , 30%, and 40% tween -20 as the surfactants.The result showed that formula of 40% tween-20 gave a good microemulsion which is physically stable as long as 2 months stored at room temperature

    Mikroenkapsulasi Propanolol Hidroklorida Dengan Penyalut Etil Selulosa Menggunakan Metoda Penguapan Pelarut

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    Propranolol hydrochloride is antihypertension agent that has a short biological half life of 2-6 hours. Microcapsules of propranolol hydrochloride are prepared by solvent evaporation method using ethylcellulose as a wall material with the drug-polymer ratio 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3 for sustained release oral delivery. The microcapsules were then evaluated by particle size distribution analysis, shape and morphology (SEM), drug content, and dissolution studies. In vitro dissolution was studied using the dissolution apparatus II (paddle) with chloride buffer (pH 1,2) dan phosphate buffer (pH 6,8) medium. The drug-polymer ratio have an important influence on drug release from microcapsules where the increase of polymer cause the higher drug release inhibition

    Pembuatan Dan Mikroenkapsulasi Ekstrak Etanol Biji Jinten Hitam Pahit (Nigella Sativa Linn.)

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    The aim of this study is to convert Nigella sativa black seed extract from liquid phase into solid phase by microencapsulation using spray drying method. The benefits hoped from this research are obtaining the dry extract to be formulated into pharmaceutical variable dosage forms in order to increase the usefulness and variability products ofNigella sativa black seed extract. The spray drying method was done by adding Nigella sativa black extract into the gum arabic and maltodextrin solution. The evaluation of microencapsulated extract is including drug content, encapsulation efficiency, flowproperties, compressibility, angle of repose, moisture content, particel size distribu-tion and microstructure of microcapsules. The result showed that microencapsula-tion of Nigella sativa black seed extract can be produced by spray drying method. The highest microencapsulation efficiency is at the coating solution concentration of 20% (gum arabic : maltodextrin = 50 : 50) and Nigella sativa black extract percentage of 30%

    Pengaruh Natrium Hialuronat Terhadap Penetrasi Kofein Sebagai Antiselulit Dalam Sediaan Hidrogel, Hidroalkoholik Gel, Dan Emulsi Gel

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    Anticellulite topical gel preparation with caffeine as active ingredient needs a penetration enhancer to reach subcutaneous layer. Sodium hyaluronate (NaHA), the sodium salt of hyaluronic acid, is a hydrophilic polysaccharide derivative polymer. It has ability to enhance percutaneous penetration by loosening the dense of the compact substance stratum corneum. The aim of this research was to observe the effects of NaHA on caffeine penetration as anticellulite active agent in three types of gel preparation: hydrogel, hydroalcoholic gel, and gel emulsion. Each gel type contained caffeine 1,5% and was varied into three formulas. Formula 1 contained HPMC 2% as gel basis; formula 2 contained HPMC 2% and NaHA 0,5%; formula 3 contained NaHA 2% as gel basis. Caffeine penetration properties were analyzed by Franz diffusion cell in vitro test using rat skin as membrane. Percent caffeine penetration of hydrogel formula 1, 2, 3 were 9,41 ± 0,01%; 11,74 ± 0,13%; 16,32 ± 0,03%, respectively. Percent caffeine penetration of hydroalcoholic gel formula 1, 2, 3 were 19,54 ± 0,02%; 22,99 ± 0,23%; 7,42 ± 0,08%, respectively. Percent caffeine penetration of gel emulsion formula 1, 2, 3 were 10,47 ± 0,19%; 13,41 ± 0,12%; 18,42 ± 0,06%, respectively. The result showed that NaHA enhanced the caffeine percutaneous penetration properties in various gel preparations, except hidroalkoholic gel formula 3

    Uji Penghambatan Tirosinase Dan Stabilitas Fisik Sediaan Krim Pemutih Yang Mengandung Ekstrak Kulit Batang Nangka (Artocarpus Heterophyllus)

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    The cortex of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) contains some flavonoids which have activity as tyrosinase inhibitors. This compound can inhibit the oxidation of l-tyrosine and levodopa in the mechanism of melanogenesis. The extract of jackfruit cortex formulated into creams differentiated by the extract concentration of 1,5% and 2,0%. Physical stability test was conducted with storing the creams at three different temperatures, 7 ± 2°, 27 ± 2o, and 40±2oC respectively. Centrifugal tests and cycling test was also performed on both cream. Tyrosinase inhibitory activity measurement was done by in vitro studies with measuring dopachrome. The result showed that both of formulations which stored at 40±2oC and centrifugated at 3800 rpm for 5 hours were not stable. The result of tyrosinase inhibiton activity measurement of creams containing extract of 1,5% and 2,0 % were 10,64% and 11,34%, respectively. Tyrosinase inhibition activity of creams decreased after two month stored. Tyrosinase inhibition activity of cream containing 1,5%extract decreased into 6,93%, and cream containing 2,0%extract decreased into 7,74%. The decreasing of tyrosinase inhibition activity is caused by the small amount of antioxidant is not enough to prevent oxidation of active ingredient

    Pemanfaatan Maltodekstrin Pati Terigu Sebagai Eksipien Dalam Formula Sediaan Tablet Dan Niosom

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    The Use of Maltodextrin from Wheat Starch as an Exipient in Formula Tablet and Niosom dosage form. Wheat starch normally can be used as a tablet filler only, because the flow rate and binding capacity are not good enough. The wheat starch should be treated as follows : protein and amine free Bogasari wheat flour starch were hydrolyzed by ÃŽ±-amylase enzyme (Liquezym EX®) at variable temperature and time incubation to produce maltodextrin with different Dextrose Equivalent (DE) value. The maltodextrin could be used as tablet binder on wet granulation, tablet filler and binder on direct compress, a proniosom carrier to prepare niosom, a tablet filler, binder and disintegrator on direct compress tablet, a sugar coated tablet material. All of the product used active compound as amodel and the quality were evaluated according to the 4thed. of Indonesian Pharmacopeae and other valid references. The result shows that maltodextrin DE 1–5 could be used as a tablet binder which was processed by wet granulation on 2-5% concentration, as a tablet binder and filler which was processed by direct compress on 30-35%; maltodextrin DE 10-15 could be used as a proniosom carrier then continued to niosom preparation with surfactant composition of 2 mmol (1 mmol for span 60 and 1 mmol for cholesterol). The surfactant and drug concentration of 100 mmol/lt and 5 mmol/lt subsequently was proved to loading the drug as much as 81.28%. Maltodextrin DE 15-20 could be used as a tablet filler, binder and disintegrator at 84%, and starch hydrolyzed of DE 35-40 as a sugar coating which was more economical than sugar

    Uji Stabilitas Fisik Dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Formula Krim Yang Mengandung Ekstrak Kulit Buah Delima

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    Delima (Punica granatum L) merupakan salah satu buah memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang kuat karena mengandung senyawa flavanoid dan tannin seperti asam elagic, asam gallat, punicalin, punicalagin, anthocianin, elligatanin, gallotanin, kuersetin, katekin. Senyawa—senyawa ini diketahui dapat mencegah dan menghambat terbentuknya radikal bebas yang penyebabkan penuaan dini dan penyakit kronis. Dalam penelitian ini ekstrak kulit buah delima diformulasikan dalam bentuk krim yang dibedakan kandungan nya yaitu konsentrasi 0, 75%, 1%, 2%. Uji kestabilan fisik dilakukan dengan penyimpanan sediaan pada tiga suhu yaitu suhu kamar; suhu 40C; 40,2 C, uji mekanik dan cycling test. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkkan bahwa krim ekstrak kulit buah delima 0,75%,1% dan 2% memiliki kestabilan setelah pengujian suhu kamar; suhu 40C; 40,2 C, uji mekanik dan cycling test. Penentuan aktivitas antioksidan dilakukan dengan metode peredaman DPPH berdasarkan nilai penghambatan (IC50) yang didapat. Dengan demikian diperoleh hasil bahwa krim ekstrak kulit buah delima dengan konsentrasi 0, 75%, 1 % dan 2% memiliki aktivitas antioksidan dan masih memenuhi nilai minimum IC50. Uji statistik Anova menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas antioksidan pada krim ekstrak kulit buah delima dengan waktu peyimpanan to sampai t8 mengalami penurunan yang tidak bermakna dan penurunan aktivitas antioksidan sebelum dan sesudah penyinaran UV A dengan uji Wilcoxon pada krim ekstrak kulit buah delima juga tidak bermakn