751 research outputs found

    Heavy nucleus collisions between 20 and 60 GeV/nucleon

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    Interest in studying relativistic nucleus-nucleus interations arises from the fact that they offer an opportunity to probe nuclear matter at high density and temperature. It is expected that under such extreme conditions a transition from hadronic matter into quark-gluon plasma occurs and that in the interactions of highly relativistic nuclei such conditions are created. Cosmic rays remain a unique source of high energy heavy nuclei. The Japanese-American Cooperative Emulsion Experiment (JACEE-3) was designed to study the collisions of heavy cosmic ray nuclei with different nuclear targets at energies beyond 20 GeV/nucleon. JACEE-3 experiment was carried out using a combined electronic counters and an emulsion chamber detector, which was exposed to the cosmic rays on a balloon at an altitude of 5 g/sq cm

    Nucleus-nucleus interaction above several hundred GeV/n

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    The Japanese-American Cooperative Emulsion Experiment (JACEE) have been investigating high energy nuclear interactions of cosmic ray nuclei by means of balloon-borne emulsion chamber. Current exposure parameters are listed. Analysis of the last two experiments (JACEE4 and JACEE5) are still in progress. A result of semi-inclusive analysis of a sample set of central collision events is presented here, concerning multiplicity, rapidity fluctuation for extremely high multiplicity events and correlation between transverse momentum and estimated energy density

    Nucleon-nucleus interactions from JACEE

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    Results on hadron-nucleus interactions from the Japanese-American Cooperation Emulsion Experiment experiment are presented. Angular distributions for charged particles, and angular and transverse momentum spectra for photons have been measured for a sample of events with sigma epsilon sub gamma. Results on central rapidity density and transverse energy flow are discussed

    Excessive production of electron pairs by soft photons in low multiplicity ion interactions

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    Three multiply charged primary cosmic ray interactions with carbon nuclei are reported, in which the number of materialized electron pairs within a distance of about 0.3 conversion length is larger than predicted from isospin considerations. These are the most energetic (sigma E gamma 4 TeV) of the low multiplicity ( 15 tracks) events observed in the Japanese-American Cooperative Experiment (JACEE-2) emulsion chamber

    Observation of direct hadronic pairs in nucleus-nucleus collisions in JACEE emulsion chambers

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    In a number of high energy ( or = 1 TeV/amu) nucleus-nucleus collisions observed in Japanese-American Cooperative Emulsion Experiment (JACEE) emulsion chambers, nonrandom spatial association of produced charged particles, mostly hadronic pairs, are observed. Similar narrow pairs are observed in about 100 events at much low energy (20 to 60 GeV/amu). Analysis shows that 30 to 50% of Pair abundances are understood by the Hambury-Brown-Twiss effect, and the remainder seems to require other explanations

    Composition and energy spectra of cosmic ray nuclei above 500 GeV/nucleon from the JACEE emulsion chambers

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    The composition and energy spectra of charge groups (C - 0), (Ne - S), and (Z approximately 17) above 500 GeV/nucleon from the experiments of JACEE series balloonborne emulsion chambers are reported. Studies of cosmic ray elemental composition at higher energies provide information on propagation through interstellar space, acceleration mechanisms, and their sources. One of the present interests is the elemental composition at energies above 100 GeV/nucleon. Statistically sufficient data in this energy region can be decisive in judgment of propagation models from the ratios of SECONDARY/PRIMARY and source spectra (acceleration mechanism), as well as speculative contributions of different sources from the ratios of PRIMARY/PRIMARY. At much higher energies, i.e., around 10 to the 15th power eV, data from direct observation will give hints on the knee problem, as to whether they favor an escape effect possibly governed by magnetic rigidity above 10 to the 16th power eV

    International Space Station Environmental Control and Life Support System Status: 2011-2012

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    The International Space Station (ISS) Environmental Control and Life Support (ECLS) system includes regenerative and non-regenerative technologies that provide the basic life support functions to support the crew, while maintaining a safe and habitable shirtsleeve environment. This paper provides a summary of the U.S. ECLS system activities over the past year and the impacts of the international partners activities on them, covering the period of time between March 2011 and February 2012. The ISS continued permanent crew operations including the continuation of six crew members being on ISS. Work continues on the commercial cargo resupply vehicles, and work to try and extend ISS service life from 2015 to no later than 2028.

    International Space Station Environmental Control and Life Support System Status for the Prior Year: 2010-2011

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    The International Space Station (ISS) Environmental Control and Life Support (ECLS) system includes regenerative and non-regenerative technologies that provide the basic life support functions to support the crew, while maintaining a safe and habitable shirtsleeve environment. This paper provides a summary of the U.S. ECLS system activities over the prior year, covering the period of time between March 2010 and February 2011. The ISS continued permanent crew operations including the continuation of six crew members being on ISS. Work continues on the last of the Phase 3 pressurized elements, the commercial cargo resupply vehicles, and work to try and extend ISS service life from 2015 to no later than 2028

    A Numerical Simulation of the Mean Water Pathways in the Subtropical and Tropical Pacific Ocean

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    A reduced-gravity, primitive-equation, upper-ocean general circulation model is used to study the mean water pathways in the North Pacific subtropical and tropical ocean. The model features an explicit physical representation of the surface mixed layer, realistic basin geometry, observed wind and heat flux forcing, and a horizontal grid-stretching technique and a vertical sigma coordinate to obtain a realistic simulation of the subtropical/tropical circulation. Velocity fields, and isopycnal and trajectory analyses are used to understand the mean flow of mixed layer and thermocline waters between the subtropics and Tropics. Subtropical/tropical water pathways are not simply direct meridional routes; the existence of vigorous zonal current systems obviously complicates the picture. In the surface mixed layer, upwelled equatorial waters flow into the subtropical gyre mainly through the midlatitude western boundary current (the model Kuroshio). There is additionally an interior ocean pathway, through the Subtropical Countercurrent (an eastward flow across the middle of the subtropical gyre), that directly feeds subtropical subduction sites. Below the mixed layer, the water pathways in the subtropical thermocline essentially reflect the anticyclonic gyre circulation where we find that the model subtropical gyre separates into two circulation centers. The surface circulation also features a double-cell pattern, with the poleward cell centered at about 30°N and the equatorward component contained between 15° and 25°N. In addition, thermocline waters that can be traced to subtropical subduction sites move toward the Tropics almost zonally across the basin, succeeding in flowing toward the equator only along relatively narrow north–south conduits. The low-latitude western boundary currents serve as the main southward circuit for the subducted subtropical thermocline water. However, the model does find a direct flow of thermocline water into the Tropics through the ocean interior, confined to the far western Pacific (away from the low-latitude western boundary currents) across 10°N. This interior pathway is found just to the west of a recirculating gyre in and just below the mixed layer in the northeastern Tropics. This equatorward interior flow and a flow that can be traced directly to the western boundary are then swept eastward by the deeper branches of the North Equatorial Countercurrent, finally penetrating to the equator in the central and eastern Pacific. Most of these results are consistent with available observations and recently published theoretical and idealized numerical experiments, although the interior pathway of subtropical thermocline water into the Tropics found in this experiment is not apparent in other published numerical simulations. Potential vorticity dynamics are useful in explaining the pathways taken by subtropical thermocline water as it flows into the Tropics. In particular, a large-scale zonally oriented “island” of homogenous potential vorticity, whose signature is determined by thin isopycnal layers in the central tropical Pacific along about 10°N, is dynamically linked to a circulation that does not flow directly from the subtropics to the Tropics. This large-scale potential vorticity feature helps to explain the circuitous pathways of the subducted subtropical thermocline waters as they approach the equator. Consequently, waters must first flow westward to the western boundary north of these closed potential vorticity contours and then mostly move southward through the low-latitude western boundary currents, flow eastward with the North Equatorial Countercurrent, and finally equatorward to join the Equatorial Undercurrent in the thermocline

    Treatment of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats with Alogliptin: Effect on Vascular and Neural Complications

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    We sought to determine the effect of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) inhibition on streptozotocin diabetes-induced vascular and neural dysfunction. After 4 weeks of untreated diabetes, rats were treated for 12 weeks with Alogliptin (DPP-IV inhibitor). Diabetes caused a slowing of motor and sensory nerve conduction velocity, thermal hypoalgesia, reduction in intraepidermal nerve fiber density in the hindpaw, and impairment in vascular relaxation to acetylcholine and calcitonin gene-related peptide in epineurial arterioles. Treatment significantly improved motor nerve conduction velocity and thermal response latency. Sensory nerve conduction velocity was marginally improved with treatment of diabetic rats, and treatment did not improve the decrease in intraepidermal nerve fiber density. Vascular relaxation by epineurial arterioles to calcitonin gene-related peptide but not acetylcholine was significantly improved with treatment. These studies suggest that some but not all vascular and neural complications associated with type 1 diabetes can be improved with the inhibition of DPP-IV activity