4,367 research outputs found

    Inversión económica y gestión patrimonial particular entre los prebendados de la España moderna: Córdoba (1500-1800)

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    It is tried through this paper to present a somewhat neglected aspect by both social history and economic history, the income analysis of local ecclesiastical elites, a significant financial element in the family, urban and regional environment. It starts from the case of the andalusian city of Cordoba as object of study in the context of Early Modern Spain

    Cardinals in miniature: the image of power through the capitular clergy of Cordoba

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    The house and the chapel were suitable instruments for the transmission of an image of power and privilege to the rest of the castilian society in the Modern Age. The members of the capitular clergy played a key role in this sense within the strategies of promotion and emulation of their families, and that is what this article tries to show through the example of the Cathedral Chapter of Cordoba.La casa y la capilla fueron instrumentos idóneos para la transmisión de una imagen de poder y privilegio al resto de la sociedad castellana en época moderna. Los miembros del clero capitular jugaron un papel fundamental en este sentido dentro de las estrategias de ascenso y emulación de sus familias, y eso es lo que este artículo pretende mostrar a través del ejemplo del Cabildo de la Catedral de Córdoba

    SOLEDAD GÓMEZ NAVARRO, Mirando al cielo sin dejar el suelo: Los jerónimos cordobeses de Valparaíso en el Antiguo Régimen. Estudio preliminar y edición crítica del libro “Protocolo” de la comunidad

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    Review of the book: SOLEDAD GÓMEZ NAVARRO, Mirando al cielo sin dejar el suelo: Los jerónimos cordobeses de Valparaíso en el Antiguo Régimen. Estudio preliminar y edición crítica del libro “Protocolo” de la comunidad, Visión Libros-Colegio Notarial de Andalucía-Instituto Escurialense de Investigaciones Históricas y Artísticas, Colección de Historia Religiosa, Madrid, 2014, 824 pp.FCT Ref. SFRH/BPD/85917/2012. CIDEHUS Ref. UID/HIS/00057/2013 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007702), FCT/Portugal, COMPETE, FEDER, Portugal2020. R&D Project HAR2015-68577

    Dean don Juan de Córdoba's houses: luxury and client around a capitular of the Renaissance

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    A través de varias fuentes referentes a don Juan Fernández de Córdoba, deán y canónigo de la catedral de Córdoba, abad y señor de Rute, se pretende recrear un ejemplo de vida cotidiana de las élites y de la red de vínculos que conformaban la sociedad cordobesa del siglo XVI.Through different sources relating to don Juan Fernández de Córdoba, dean and canon of the cathedral of Cordova, abbot and lord of Rute, it tries to recreate an example of elite’s daily life and the mesh of links which formed the cordovan society of the 16th century

    El precio del nepotismo. Coadjutoría y resigna en las catedrales andaluzas (ss. XVI-XVIII)

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    It is tried through this article to reveal the mechanism by which so many local elite families in Andalusia managed to monopolize cathedral prebends, following relatives one another between the 16th and 18th centuries, specially by means of the analysis of different ways to obtain resignation "in favorem" or coadjutory papal bulls

    Nelson Novoa, James W., Being the Nação in the Eternal City. New Christian Lives in Sixteeenth-Century Rome

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    Review of the book: Nelson Novoa, James W., Being the Nação in the Eternal City. New Christian Lives in Sixteeenth-Century Rome. Portuguese Studies Review Monograph Series, vol. 2. Peterborough: Baywolf Press, 343 pp., 2014. ISBN: 9780921437529.FCT (Ref. SFRH/BPD/85917/2012). CIDEHUS UID/HIS/00057/2013 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007702), FCT/Portugal, COMPETE, FEDER, Portugal2020 and the R&D Project Ref. HAR2015-68577

    Biographical dictionary of the Cathedral of Cordoba (i): the members of the chapter in early modern age

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    Esta publicación recoge la primera parte del estudio biográfico de un conjunto representativo de los miembros del cabildo de una catedral española, la de Córdoba, entre finales del siglo XV y los primeros años del XIX. Para ello, he optado por el formato de entradas simplificadas con los datos básicos sobre el origen, la filiación, los estudios y la carrera de varios cientos de eclesiásticos.This paper presents the first part of the biographical study of a representative number of the members of a Spanish cathedral chapter, that of Cordoba, between the last fifteenth century and the first years of the nineteenth century. To do that, I chose a format of simplified entries with basic information on the origin, parentage, studies and career of several hundred churchmen