812 research outputs found

    The Rules of Appropriation from the Perspective of a Contemporary Artist

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    Co-located wave and offshore wind farms: A preliminary approach to the shadow effect

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    In recent years, with the consolidation of offshore wind technology and the progress carried out for wave energy technology, the option of combine both technologies has arisen. This combination rest mainly in two main reasons: in one hand, to increase the sustainability of both energies by means of a more rational harnessing of the natural resources; in the other hand, to reduce the costs of both technologies by sharing some of the most important costs of an offshore project. In addition to these two powerful reasons there are a number of technology synergies between wave and wind systems which makes their combination even more suitable. Co-located projects are one of the alternatives to combine wave-wind systems, and it is specially for these project were so-called shadow effect synergy becomes meaningful. In particular, this paper deals with the co-location of Wave Energy Conversion (WEC) technologies into a conventional offshore wind farm. More specifically, an overtopping type of WEC technology was considered in this work to study the effects of its co-location with a conventional offshore wind park. This study aims to give a preliminary approach to the shadow effect and its implications for both wave and offshore wind energies

    XASH-3, a novel Xenopus achaete-scute homolog, provides an early marker of planar neural induction and position along the mediolateral axis of the neural plate

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    We have isolated a novel Xenopus homolog of the Drosophila achaete-scute genes, called XASH-3. XASH-3 expression is neural specific and is detected as early as stage 11 1/2, making it one of the earliest markers of neural induction so far described. Moreover, XASH-3 expression within the neural plate is regionally restricted. Transverse bands of XASH-3 mRNA mark discrete positions along the anteroposterior axis, while longitudinal bands mark a discrete position along the mediolateral axis. This latter site of XASH-3 expression appears to demarcate the prospective sulcus limitans, a boundary zone that later separates the functionally distinct dorsal (alar) and ventral (basal) regions of the spinal cord. In sandwich explants lacking any underlying mesoderm, XASH-3 is expressed in longitudinal stripes located lateral to the midline. This provides the first indication that planar or midline-derived inductive signals are sufficient to establish at least some aspects of positional identity along the mediolateral axis of the neural plate. By contrast, the transverse stripes of XASH-3 expression are not detected, suggesting that this aspect of anteroposterior neural pattern is lost or delayed in the absence of vertically passed signals. The restricted mediolateral expression of XASH-3 suggests that mediolateral patterning of the neural plate is an early event, and that this regionalization can be achieved in the absence of inducing signals derived from underlying mesoderm


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    In recent years, with the consolidation of offshore wind technology and the progress carried out for wave energy technology, the option of co-locate both technologies at the same marine area has arisen. Co-located projects are a combined solution to tackle the shared challenge of reducing technology costs or a more sustainable use of the natural resources. In particular, this paper deals with the co-location of Wave Energy Conversion (WEC) technologies into a conventional offshore wind farm. More specifically, an overtopping type of WEC technology was considered in this work to study the effects of its co-location with a conventional offshore wind park


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    The MHS GENESIS electronic health record software purchased by the Defense Health Agency is not interoperable with the healthcare managed organizations network of care. Twenty percent of all specialty care health records are not returned to the medical treatment facility. This represents a significant loss of health records, a potential loss in medical readiness, as well as the ability to deploy. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate if the market-comparable electronic health record retrieved health records better than MHS GENESIS. The hypothesis H1: MyChart electronic health record is more interoperable, making it more accurate than the MHS GENESIS electronic health record. H2: Changes to the Defense Health Agency’s health record policy will make MHS GENESIS more interoperable. The research design was a mixed-method approach. The comparative analysis of interoperability between MyChart software and MHS GENESIS software used nominal, ordinal, and interval-based methods to calculate results. The research design used for the qualitative analysis section was based on the Qualtrics XM software’s word cloud. MHS GENESIS is capable of interoperating with HMO providers, but it is limited by DHA’s health record policy. The survey revealed beneficiaries are concerned with the accuracy and accessibility of a complete interoperable system. Due to limited technical knowledge of MyChart and MHS GENESIS, we recommend study of MHS GENESIS within the large MTF multi-market regions.Lieutenant, United States NavyLieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    A new family of non-local priors for chain event graph model selection

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    Chain Event Graphs (CEGs) are a rich and provenly useful class of graphical models. The class contains discrete Bayesian Networks as a special case and is able to depict directly the asymmetric context-specific statements in the model. But bespoke efficient algorithms now need to be developed to search the enormous CEG model space. In different contexts Bayes Factor scored search algorithm using non-local priors (NLPs) has recently proved very successful for searching other huge model spaces. Here we define and explore three different types of NLP that we customise to search CEG spaces. We demonstrate how one of these candidate NLPs provides a framework for search which is both robust and computationally efficient. It also avoids selecting an overfitting model as the standard conjugate methods sometimes do. We illustrate the efficacy of our methods with two examples. First we analyse a previously well-studied 5-year longitudinal study of childhood hospitalisation. The second much larger example selects between competing models of prisoners’ radicalisation in British prisons: because of its size an application beyond the scope of earlier Bayes Factor search algorithms

    Hybrid Wave and Offshore Wind Farms: a Comparative Case Study of Co-located Layouts

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    Marine energy is one of the most promising alternatives to fossil fuels due to the enormous energy resource available. However, it is often considered uneconomical and difficult. Co-located offshore wind turbines and wave energy converters have emerged as a solution to increase the competitiveness of marine energy. Among the benefits of colocated farms, this work focuses on the shadow effect, i.e. the reduction in wave height in the inner part of the farm, which can lead to significant savings in operation and maintenance (O&M) costs thanks to the augmented weather windows for accessing the wind turbines. The aim of this study is to quantify the wave height reduction achieved within a co-located wave-wind farm. Different locations and a large number of layouts are analysed in order to define the optimum disposition