13 research outputs found

    Effect of the velopharynx on intraluminal pressures in reconstructed pharynges derived from individuals with and without sleep apnea

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    The most collapsible part of the upper airway in the majority of individuals is the velopharynx which is the segment positioned behind the soft palate. As such it is an important morphological region for consideration in elucidating the pathogenesis of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This study compared steady flow properties during inspiration in the pharynges of nine male subjects with OSA and nine body-mass index (BMI)- and age-matched control male subjects without OSA. The k–ωωSST turbulence model was used to simulate the flow field in subject-specific pharyngeal geometric models reconstructed from anatomical optical coherence tomography (aOCT) data. While analysis of the geometry of reconstructed pharynges revealed narrowing at velopharyngeal level in subjects with OSA, it was not possible to clearly distinguish them from subjects without OSA on the basis of pharyngeal size and shape alone. By contrast, flow simulations demonstrated that pressure fields within the narrowed airway segments were sensitive to small differences in geometry and could lead to significantly different intraluminal pressure characteristics between subjects. The ratio between velopharyngeal and total pharyngeal pressure drops emerged as a relevant flow-based criterion by which subjects with OSA could be differentiated from those without

    Numerical simulation of the influence of the orifice aperture on the flow around a teeth-shaped obstacle

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    The sound generated during the production of the sibilant [s] results from the impact of a turbulent jet on the incisors. Several geometric characteristics of the oral tract can affect the properties of the flow-induced noise so that the characterization of the influence of different geometric parameters on the acoustic sources properties allows determining control factors of the noise production. In this study, a simplified vocal tract/teeth geometric model is used to numerically investigate the flow around a teeth-shaped obstacle placed in a channel and to analyze the influence of the aperture at the teeth on the spectral properties of the fluctuating pressure force exerted on the surface of the obstacle, which is at the origin of the dipole sound source. The results obtained for Re = 4000 suggest that the aperture of the constriction formed by the teeth modifies the characteristics of the turbulent jet downstream of the teeth. Thus, the variations of the flow due to the modification of the constriction aperture lead to variations of the spectral properties of the sound source even if the levels predicted are lower than during the production of real sibilant fricative

    Theoretical simulation and experimental validation of inverse quasi-one-dimensional steady and unsteady glottal flow models

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    In physical modeling of phonation, the pressure drop along the glottal constriction is classically assessed with the glottal geometry and the subglottal pressure as known input parameters. Application of physical modeling to study phonation abnormalities and pathologies requires input parameters related to in vivo measurable quantities commonly corresponding to the physical model output parameters. Therefore, the current research presents the inversion of some popular simplified flow models in order to estimate the subglottal pressure, the glottal constriction area, or the separation coefficient inherent to the simplified flow modeling for steady and unsteady flow conditions. The inverse models are firstly validated against direct simulations and secondly against in vitro measurements performed for different configurations of rigid vocal fold replicas mounted in a suitable experimental setup. The influence of the pressure corrections related to viscosity and flow unsteadiness on the flow modeling is quantified. The inversion of one-dimensional glottal flow models including the major viscous effects can predict the main flow quantities with respect to the in vitro measurements. However, the inverse model accuracy is strongly dependent on the pertinence of the direct flow modeling. The choice of the separation coefficient is preponderant to obtain pressure predictions relevant to the experimental data. © 2008 Acoustical Society of America

    The influence of geometrical and mechanical input parameters on theoretical models of phonation

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    The influence of initial aperture and mechanical properties on the onset pressure thresholds and oscillation frequencies is experimentally assessed on a deformable vocal fold replica in case of strong and weak acoustical coupling. The mechanical replica enables to vary the initial aperture while mechanical properties are maintained and therefore to mimic abduction and adduction gestures of human phonation. Depending on initial conditions (geometrical, mechanical and acoustical) one or two oscillation regions are experimentally found for which important differences are observed for both oscillation onset pressure thresholds and oscillation frequencies. Measured onset pressure thresholds are used to validate the outcome of a theoretical model of phonation using a reduced mechanical model. The applied coupling stiffness in the theoretical model is estimated from the measured frequency response instead of imposed by an 'ad-hoc' criterion. The variations in coupling stiffness result in a qualitative agreement between predicted and measured values for all assessed experimental conditions. In addition, the Young's modulus of the replica is qualitatively estimated to be within the range observed 'in-vivo'

    Validation of theoretical models of phonation threshold pressure with data from a vocal fold mechanical replica (L)

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    This paper analyzes the capability of a mucosal wave model of the vocal fold to predict values of phonation threshold lung pressure. Equations derived from the model are fitted to pressure data collected from a mechanical replica of the vocal folds. The results show that a recent extension of the model to include an arbitrary delay of the mucosal wave in its travel along the glottal channel provides a better approximation to the data than the original version of the model, which assumed a small delay. They also show that modeling the vocal tract as a simple inertive load, as has been proposed in recent analytical studies of phonation, fails to capture the effect of the vocal tract on the phonation threshold pressure with reasonable accuracy. © 2009 Acoustical Society of America

    A Three Dimensional Imaging-based Framework for Planning Maxillomandibular Advancement Surgery for the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

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    Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA), a sleeping disorder, is a serious health issue with significant public health implications. Due to the interrupted sleep, OSA patients suffer with excessive day-time sleepiness, fatigue and other health complexities that lead to on-road and work-related accidents and incur billions of dollars per year. Traditionally, treatment of OSA begins with nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). Alternatively, Mandibular Repositioning Appliances or surgical interventions can be used. Although Maxillomandibular Advancement (MMA) surgery is often advised as the last line of treatment due to the expense and significant changes in the facial appearance, it is the only permanent solution to OSA with a definitive outcome especially for the patients with significant facial deformation or anomalies. In this article, three dimensional (3D) image-guided predictive algorithms are proposed to improve the treatment planning and overall outcome of the MMA surgery. 3D analysis of the facial surface data and Computational Biomechanics-based 3D modelling of airway segmented from Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) data are proposed to predict the required physiological changes to ensure optimal air-flow through the airway. Moreover, 3D Computer Graphics-based techniques are proposed to visualise and demonstrate the expected facial outcomes to inform patients and surgeons prior to this non-reversible surgery

    Effect of the velopharynx on intraluminal pressures in reconstructed pharynges derived from individuals with and without sleep apnea

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    The most collapsible part of the upper airway in the majority of individuals is the velopharynx which is the segment positioned behind the soft palate. As such it is an important morphological region for consideration in elucidating the pathogenesis of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This study compared steady flow properties during inspiration in the pharynges of nine male subjects with OSA and nine body-mass index (BMI)- and age-matched control male subjects without OSA. The k– SST turbulence model was used to simulate the flow field in subject-specific pharyngeal geometric models reconstructed from anatomical optical coherence tomography (aOCT) data. While analysis of the geometry of reconstructed pharynges revealed narrowing at velopharyngeal level in subjects with OSA, it was not possible to clearly distinguish them from subjects without OSA on the basis of pharyngeal size and shape alone. By contrast, flow simulations demonstrated that pressure fields within the narrowed airway segments were sensitive to small differences in geometry and could lead to significantly different intraluminal pressure characteristics between subjects. The ratio between velopharyngeal and total pharyngeal pressure drops emerged as a relevant flow-based criterion by which subjects with OSA could be differentiated from those without

    Experimental validation of quasi-one-dimensional and two-dimensional steady glottal flow models

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    Physical modelling of phonation requires a mechanical description of the vocal fold coupled to a description of the flow within the glottis. In this study, an in-vitro set-up, allowing to reproduce flow conditions comparable to those of human glottal flow is used to systematically verify and discuss the relevance of the pressure and flow-rate predictions of several laminar flow models. The obtained results show that all the considered flow models underestimate the measured flow-rates and that flow-rates predicted with the one-dimensional model are most accurate. On the contrary, flow models based on boundary-layer theory and on the two-dimensional numerical resolution of Navier–Stokes equations yield most accurate pressure predictions. The influence of flow separation on the predictions is discussed since these two models can estimate relevant flow separation positions whereas this phenomenon is treated in a simplified ad-hoc way in the one-dimensional flow modelling. Laminar flow models appear to be unsuitable to describe the flow downstream of the glottal constriction. Therefore, the use of flow models taking into account three-dimensional effects as well as turbulence is motivated