96 research outputs found

    Industrija čelika u novim članicama EU u usporedbi s globalnim trendovima

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    Accession of the metallurgically significant countries of the Central and Eastern Europe to the EU in 2004 was conditioned by fulfilling the Restructuring Programs as the foundation for achievement of competitiveness and guarancy of viability. The Restructuring Programs, which fulfilling and regular monitoring had lasted 5 years, demonstrated the right of the significant position of the steel industry in the new EU members, especially in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and in Hungary. The objective of the article is to point to the key elements in context of steel industry global trends, regarding either production or especially utility values and total consumption. In this connection, privatization took an important role too.Prinos metalurgije glavnih zemalja Srednje i Istočne Europe u EU u 2004. je bilo ostvarenje restrukturiranja programa kao temelj za postizanje konkurentnosti i jamstvo opstanka. Restrukturiranje programa, provedba i redovito praćenj za 5 godina opravdalo je značajno mjesto u industriji čelika u novim zemljama EU, naročito u Poljskoj, Češkoj, Slovačkoj i Mađarskoj. Ovaj članak ima za cilj istaknuti ključne elemente u razvojnom konextu industrija čelika u svijetu, kako u pogledu proizvodnje, a posebice u odnosu na kvalitete i ukupnu potrošnju. Važan element u tom pogledu, nastavak privatizacije

    Evaluation of the performance of five diagnostic tests for Fasciola hepatica infection in naturally infected cattle using a Bayesian no gold standard approach

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    The clinical and economic importance of fasciolosis has been recognised for centuries, yet diagnostic tests available for cattle are far from perfect. Test evaluation has mainly been carried out using gold standard approaches or under experimental settings, the limitations of which are well known. In this study, a Bayesian no gold standard approach was used to estimate the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of five tests for fasciolosis in cattle. These included detailed liver necropsy including gall bladder egg count, faecal egg counting, a commercially available copro-antigen ELISA, an in-house serum excretory/secretory antibody ELISA and routine abattoir liver inspection. In total 619 cattle slaughtered at one of Scotland’s biggest abattoirs were sampled, during three sampling periods spanning summer 2013, winter 2014 and autumn 2014. Test sensitivities and specificities were estimated using an extension of the Hui Walter no gold standard model, where estimates were allowed to vary between seasons if tests were a priori believed to perform differently for any reason. The results of this analysis provide novel information on the performance of these tests in a naturally infected cattle population and at different times of the year where different levels of acute or chronic infection are expected. Accurate estimates of sensitivity and specificity will allow for routine abattoir liver inspection to be used as a tool for monitoring the epidemiology of F. hepatica as well as evaluating herd health planning. Furthermore, the results provide evidence to suggest that the copro-antigen ELISA does not cross-react with Calicophoron daubneyi rumen fluke parasites, while the serum antibody ELISA does

    Hydrogeological cartography of the Tatras and Podhale area-a historical outline.

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    Hydrogeological maps of the Polish Tatra Mts. and Podhale region are dated back to the sixties of the last century. In that time, within the frame of the Hydrogeological Map of Poland, 1 : 300 000, the Cieszyn sheet which covered the Tatras and the Podhale region was elaborated. A very important input in the hydrogeological cartography of this region was the Hydrogeological Map of the Podhale and the adjacent areas, 1 : 100 000 published in 1982. In the 1990s accomplishment of the Hydrogeological Map of Poland, 1 : 50 000 has been launched. The area under cartographic studies covers four sheets: Czarny Dunajec, Biały Dunajec, Tatry Zachodnie, and TatryWysokie. Some new Geographic Information System data regarding the Hydrogeological Map of Poland, 1 : 50 000, such as first aquifer, its occurrence and hydrodynamics, pollution vulnerability and quality of groundwater is presently continued and complimented

    The works of the Polish Geological Institute in recognizing and documenting thermal (geothermal) waters in Poland

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    The paper presents, in brief, the role of the Polish Geological Institute–National Research Institute (PGI–NRI) in recognizing and documenting thermal (geothermal) waters in Poland. The Polish Geological Institute–National Research Institute (PGI–NRI) has been among the forerunners of those activities in the country. Numerous research works and documentations were performed by the PGI–NRI independently or in cooperation with, among others the Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences (MEERI PAS) and the University of Science and Technology (AGH-UST). The results of those activities contain, among others, documentation for the assessment of available thermal waters exploitation resources and contribution to the atlases of geothermal energy and water resources. In the late 1950’s. Professor Stanislaw Sokołowski (employee of the PGI-NRI in Warsaw) and his team developed a deep well research project located in Antałówka in the Zakopane area. In the early 1960's, thermal water with a temperature at the outlet at 37°C was achieved, for the first time in the Podhale area, at that locality. The PGI–NRI has drilled many exploration wells in which thermal waters were found throughout the country, especially in the area of Polish Lowlands. Some of them, after proper adaptation, started to be exploited or could be developed for geothermal water exploitation purposes. In addition to the design and supervision of research in the geothermal deep wells, the PGI–NRI also complited hydrogeological maps. A contemporary, hydrogeological map is a cartographic representation of the conditions of presence, distribution, dynamics, physical and chemical properties, quality and quantity of the groundwater, including thermal waters

    “Hot raw materials” of the Podhale Trough (Poland and Slovakia) versus other peri-Tatric troughs

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    Obszar niecki podhalańskiej jest jednym z kilku najważniejszych obszarów geotermalnych w Polsce, charakteryzując się temperaturami w zakresie 20–86°C, mineralizacją do ok. 3 g/dm3 i dobrą odnawialnością wody. Jest to jednak transgraniczny system wodonośny i dlatego celowe jest rozważenie jego występowania w odniesieniu do parametrów połączonych z nim hydraulicznie niecek przytatrzańskich, położonych na obszarze Słowacji. Wody termalne Podhala są wykorzystywane głównie do rekreacji, w mniejszym stopniu do celów grzewczych, natomiast tylko w niewielkim stopniu do suszenia drewna, hodowli ryb i uprawy warzyw. Na obszarze Słowacji wody termalne są wykorzystywane jedynie do rekreacji. Największym zagrożeniem zasobów jest nadmierna eksploatacja, zwłaszcza na małym obszarze niecki podhalańskiej, a w szczególności jej północno-wschodniej części, gdzie duże wartości wieku wód świadczą o słabej odnawialności zasobów.The Podhale Basin is one of the most important geothermal regions in Poland, characterised by water temperatures from 20 to 86°C, total dissolved solids (TDS) about 3 g/L, and good water renewal. However, this is a cross-border aquifer system and it is advisable to consider its occurrence in relation to the parameters of the hydraulically connected peri-Tatric troughs in Slovakia. Thermal waters of Podhale are primarily used for recreation and, to lesser extent, for heating purposes, and only on a small scale for drying wood, fish farming and cultivation of vegetables. In Slovakia, thermal waters are used exclusively for recreational purposes. The greatest threat is the over-exploitation of the resources, especially in a small area of the Podhale Basin, and particularly in its northeastern part, where the ages of the thermal waters are very old, indicating a weak renewal of these waters