1,790 research outputs found

    Quantum chaos and the double-slit experiment

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    We report on the numerical simulation of the double-slit experiment, where the initial wave-packet is bounded inside a billiard domain with perfectly reflecting walls. If the shape of the billiard is such that the classical ray dynamics is regular, we obtain interference fringes whose visibility can be controlled by changing the parameters of the initial state. However, if we modify the shape of the billiard thus rendering classical (ray) dynamics fully chaotic, the interference fringes disappear and the intensity on the screen becomes the (classical) sum of intensities for the two corresponding one-slit experiments. Thus we show a clear and fundamental example in which transition to chaotic motion in a deterministic classical system, in absence of any external noise, leads to a profound modification in the quantum behaviour.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamical Localization: Hydrogen Atoms in Magnetic and Microwave fields

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    We show that dynamical localization for excited hydrogen atoms in magnetic and microwave fields takes place at quite low microwave frequency much lower than the Kepler frequency. The estimates of localization length are given for different parameter regimes, showing that the quantum delocalization border drops significantly as compared to the case of zero magnetic field. This opens up broad possibilities for laboratory investigations.Comment: revtex, 11 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. A, Feb (1997

    Asymmetric Wave Propagation in Nonlinear Systems

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    A mechanism for asymmetric (nonreciprocal) wave transmission is presented. As a reference system, we consider a layered nonlinear, non mirror-symmetric model described by the one-dimensional Discrete Nonlinear Schreodinger equation with spatially varying coefficients embedded in an otherwise linear lattice. We construct a class of exact extended solutions such that waves with the same frequency and incident amplitude impinging from left and right directions have very different transmission coefficients. This effect arises already for the simplest case of two nonlinear layers and is associated with the shift of nonlinear resonances. Increasing the number of layers considerably increases the complexity of the family of solutions. Finally, numerical simulations of asymmetric wavepacket transmission are presented which beautifully display the rectifying effect

    Directed deterministic classical transport: symmetry breaking and beyond

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    We consider transport properties of a double delta-kicked system, in a regime where all the symmetries (spatial and temporal) that could prevent directed transport are removed. We analytically investigate the (non trivial) behavior of the classical current and diffusion properties and show that the results are in good agreement with numerical computations. The role of dissipation for a meaningful classical ratchet behavior is also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 20 figure

    Quantum localization and cantori in chaotic billiards

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    We study the quantum behaviour of the stadium billiard. We discuss how the interplay between quantum localization and the rich structure of the classical phase space influences the quantum dynamics. The analysis of this model leads to new insight in the understanding of quantum properties of classically chaotic systems.Comment: 4 pages in RevTex with 4 eps figures include

    Entanglement between two subsystems, the Wigner semicircle and extreme value statistics

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    The entanglement between two arbitrary subsystems of random pure states is studied via properties of the density matrix's partial transpose, ρ12T2\rho_{12}^{T_2}. The density of states of ρ12T2\rho_{12}^{T_2} is close to the semicircle law when both subsystems have dimensions which are not too small and are of the same order. A simple random matrix model for the partial transpose is found to capture the entanglement properties well, including a transition across a critical dimension. Log-negativity is used to quantify entanglement between subsystems and analytic formulas for this are derived based on the simple model. The skewness of the eigenvalue density of ρ12T2\rho_{12}^{T_2} is derived analytically, using the average of the third moment over the ensemble of random pure states. The third moment after partial transpose is also shown to be related to a generalization of the Kempe invariant. The smallest eigenvalue after partial transpose is found to follow the extreme value statistics of random matrices, namely the Tracy-Widom distribution. This distribution, with relevant parameters obtained from the model, is found to be useful in calculating the fraction of entangled states at critical dimensions. These results are tested in a quantum dynamical system of three coupled standard maps, where one finds that if the parameters represent a strongly chaotic system, the results are close to those of random states, although there are some systematic deviations at critical dimensions.Comment: Substantially improved version (now 43 pages, 10 figures) that is accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The Sato Grassmannian and the CH hierarchy

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    We discuss how the Camassa-Holm hierarchy can be framed within the geometry of the Sato Grassmannian.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Quantum Poincare Recurrences for Hydrogen Atom in a Microwave Field

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    We study the time dependence of the ionization probability of Rydberg atoms driven by a microwave field, both in classical and in quantum mechanics. The quantum survival probability follows the classical one up to the Heisenberg time and then decays algebraically as P(t) ~ 1/t. This decay law derives from the exponentially long times required to escape from some region of the phase space, due to tunneling and localization effects. We also provide parameter values which should allow to observe such decay in laboratory experiments.Comment: revtex, 4 pages, 4 figure